
Think right; do right; you've got to come out right

22. Now, friends, there's many things that people do and say, perhaps maybe... I--I'm not the judge of people. But I think any ministry or any demonstration of the Spirit of God that can't be backed up in this Bible, I'd leave it alone. If anything that anyone says that isn't backed up by the Scripture, then I--I couldn't go with it; although I wouldn't say it wasn't God till I seen the fruits of it. Then I wouldn't say nothing about it; I'd just let it go like that.
I don't believe in talking about people. I don't believe that. I believe in rebuking sin and so forth; but talking about, "Well, this church is not right, and they are nothing but hypocrites, and this pastor's nothing." That's wrong. The Bible... God...

23. One man one time by the name of David, who could've killed his enemy; God led him right up to the enemy, and the man that was searching for his life, and his--even his general said, "God has delivered him into your hands; take his life." And he cut the piece off of his coat, went back up, he said, "God forbid that I touch His anointed." That's right.
So don't--don't say nothing evil about Christians. Don't try to harm Christians, 'cause you'll reap what you sow every time. "Touch not My anointed; do My prophets no harm. For it was far better for you that your--that you'd have millstone tied at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea, than to offend My anointed." Is that right?
So don't say nothing about Christians. Maybe some of them don't live just right, or do just right, but that--that's God's child. Let--let the Father take care of His own kiddies. You know? If we go to fighting one another, God give us both a whipping, maybe. So let's--let's just leave the other fellow alone and pray for him. Try to love him and correct him and maybe God will help him.

24. And so God prepares and sends voices of warning. And He's always made a preparation. Just before He sent Elijah up on the Mount Carmel, there to prove that He was God and--and the nation had gone wrong, well, He sent Elijah out to give a warning and to make preparation for these things. And He always does that: God provides a way every time for the people. And then if the people reject His mercy, there's only one thing left to do and that is for His judgment.
It's just like if you're going right, and that's right, and this is wrong going left, you can't expect to be going wrong and come out right. You've got to come out wrong. You may think you're going right, but you find out after awhile, it'll be wrong. And you can't go right and wrong at the same time. So just keep right all the time, and you're bound to come out. You think sometimes you're going wrong when you're going this way, but as long as you're going right, you'll come out right. You've got to.
So think right. That's your obligation to yourself. Do right; that's your obligation to God. And you'll be right just as certain as I'm standing in this platform tonight. Think right; do right; you've got to come out right.

God's Preparation - 54-0401 - William Branham

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