
He knows everything that you do

No matter how little you do, He knows everything that you do. It's recorded in heaven, just as much for your account as it is Billy Graham's, or Oral Roberts', or any of the rest of them that has great meetings. It's not the big things sometimes we do; it's the little things we leave undone. Now, Jesus is no respect of groups. Jesus met in all kinds of groups, all sizes and all walks of life. One time we have a record of Him meeting with five hundred; sometime with thousands. One time we see him with twelve; sometime once with three, and even to one. No matter the size of group, the main thing is Jesus is there to meet with that group. No matter how small your church is, or how large it is, how many you preach to; the question is, are you so committed to God that Jesus meets in your company?

Hear Ye Him - 60-0313 - William Branham

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