
You renew your youth

75. And that's the reason God likened Himself to an eagle. He likes His children to eagles. And because they're the highest soaring bird, they can go higher than any other bird there is. His eye's so keen. It wouldn't do him no good to get up there unless he seen what was going on down here, see far off. He likened His prophet to eagles that can sail up like this, and look way off and see things coming, come back down and tell the people what's fixing to happen: the eagle.
And these old eagle, when he begins to get old, he finds... And he goes way up high into the cleft of the rocks, and he finds a certain rock. He gets up there. He's getting so old he can't hardly walk around. This crust is killing him, over his head.
And he takes his head and he starts beating against that rock, beating it against the rock until he knocks the crust off his head. Oh, it hurts him. You can see him up there flopping around. He will jump back (watching him through glasses), he will knock his head again. What's he trying to do? Knock that crust off. And he will bleed, and the blood will run all over him till he knocks that crust off.

76. And if he can't knock it off, he dies. But if he gets it knocked off, he will start rejoicing and screaming. You can hear him for miles, just a-screaming. Why? He knows that he's got all the crust off of him. He knows that his youth's going to be renewed because that he got the crust off. That's wonderful. I appreciate that for the eagle.
But brother, I know a Rock. Amen. I know a Rock that the weary sinner can beat his, not his head on there, but beat himself in prayer till all the crust of the world is took off of him, all the unbelief, the shackles are broke loose. And that man can beat himself in prayer there till every sin-shackle is broke away from him.
I know where prostitutes can beat till they become ladies. I know where drunkards and gamblers can beat till they become saints of God, men of God. I know a Rock. That Rock is Christ Jesus, our Refuge. And as soon as you get all the world beat off of you, you renew your youth.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0518 - William Branham

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