27. "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.
Wished I had time to tell you the experiences with wild life, of what I've seen conquered by faith, by love. I told you the other night about the old opossum being sent up. I seen a vicious bull one day, was going to kill me. This is on record; I was a game warden at the time. I was going over the hill to pray for a sick man. And we're supposed to pack a gun, but you wouldn't go to pray for a sick man with a gun on your hand. So I took the gun and laid it in the little old truck, and crossed over through the field. And I was way out in the field and I knew... I had a--ought to of thought that this killer bull was out there, he'd just killed a colored man on a farm, Mr. Burks, just about three months before that, and they sold him up there to the people that had these Durham cattle.
28. And then when I started across the field, right out in a big open field, and not over about thirty yards from me, this big fellow raised up, and threw his horns down, and let out a big bellow, if you know what I'm talking about. And there he was, horns about like this. And here he come.
At first it scared me. I--I looked for a tree, and there wasn't any tree. And I know he could out run me to the fence. So I thought, "Well, this is it." So then, something happened. O God, if that would only stay there instead of going away. Something happened. I--I wish God would let it happen to everybody here tonight just long enough to get healed. See?
29. Something happened that I wasn't scared of the bull. I felt sorry, because I disturbed him; I was in his field. He was laying out there not bothering me. I come along and woke him up. And so I felt sorry for him. Now, you can't bluff it; it has to be there. That's the way faith is; you can't bluff; you got to really have it. The Devil will know it.
And this fellow started towards me with his head down, just as hard as he could. I wasn't no more afraid of that bull then I would be of any of my dear brothers and sisters standing on this platform. And he run within about five feet of me, and he stopped, he looked at me so depleted; he looked right and left. I said, "Fellow, I'm sorry I disturbed you." I said, "Now, you're God's creature, and I'm God's servant. Now, the Creator that made you made me, and I am His servant. I'm on my journey across the hill to pray for one of His sick children. If I knowed you been laying there, I wouldn't have come by and disturbed you. So now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Creator, go back and lay down."
30. At the judgment bar you'll see it brought into light. That bull looked at me a few minutes, turned around, walked over, and laid down. And I--I stood there, the tears running down my cheeks. I walked within five foot of that bull, and he never even turned his head and looked at me. Why? Instead of hating him, I loved him. Love will conquer anything. Right.
That's what conquered my heart when I knowed that God so loved me that He gave His only begotten Son, that I wouldn't have to perish. Knowed that I was born in this world a sinner, and was perishing, and God loved me that He gave His Son to--for my life to be redeemed. And then I--I couldn't hate no more; I had to love. That's what brings these results that you see. It's love.
Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham
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