
You follow me, as I follow Christ

Now, I'm not trying to usurp authority or something like that, but, you see, a man or anything with two heads to it, it--it doesn't know how to go. God never did have two heads to His Church, He never did, it's one head. He always dealt in every generation as we've studied through the Scriptures, there's always one individual that He deals with. Because you get two men, you got two opinions. It's got to come to one final absolute, and my absolute is the Word, the Bible. And as a pastor here of the church, my absolute is the Word, and I want... I know you are brothers, you kind of look to me to be your absolute to what... as long as I follow God as Paul said in the Scripture, "You follow me, as I follow Christ."

Church Order - 63-1226 - William Branham

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