
That's what faith does

Faith doesn't see this here. Faith looks to see what God wants, and works accordingly. That's what faith does. It sees what God wants, and what God wants done, and faith operates through that. Faith is a long range vision. It don't lower its sights. It holds to the target. Amen. Any good shooter knows that (See?), that it's long range; it's a--it's a telescope; it's a binocular that you don't look around here; you don't use binoculars to look to see what time it is. See? You don't use that, but you use binoculars to look away off, and faith does that. Faith picks up God's Binoculars, both of them, both sides, the New and Old Testament and sees every promise that He made, and faith sees it out yonder. And faith chooses that, regardless of what the present tense says here. He looks at the end. He don't drop his sights down to look this way; he looks out yonder. He keeps the crosshair dead center on the Word. That's what faith does.

Why Cry? Speak! - 63-0714M - William Branham

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