
"Let me rise and try again."

2. But I was told one time that over at the Ballard and Ballards, there was a fellow went over to get him a job. And they asked him to sign his name to the paper. And when he went to sign his name, he did not have any... an eraser on the end of the pencil. And the man told him, said, "You have no eraser?"
He said, "Well, I don't make any mistakes."
And Mr. Ballard said, "Then I can't use you; you ain't going to do nothing." So that's about... I think that's about right. If we don't make mistakes, we not be doing anything.
But what I like about a person is that, when you make a mistake, a real soldier is ready to rise and try again.
There used to be a little song we sing, "If I falled," or "If I fail," something or other, "let me rise and try again. Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time." I've prayed that so much to God, that I'm ashamed of myself almost. "Let me rise and try again." Constantly falling, and each time, why, I... He's been merciful to help me to come back again.

What Went Ye Out To See - 59-1001 - William Branham

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