
What God has determined is going to happen

There he was, no fellowship, not one thing in that forty years was spoke that God did for him, or any way, any supernatural. He was out of fellowship. And when the Church gets out of fellowship with God, miracles cease, signs and wonders cease, revivals cease; God just moves right out when you get out of fellowship.
The thing to do, is keep (that what I was trying to say a while a go) the love of God in your heart. Keep fellowship with Him, and He will add these other things, just as we mature. Don't you think so?
And so, Moses, out of fellowship, no fellowship--out there in a strange country, amongst strangers, not his own people... She was his peop--the people there were Ethiopians, and he was a Jew. And there, completely out of reach of God, seemingly, and God all the time knowing, that no matter how much of a mess that God--that man makes out of the program of God, God's going to straighten it out. That's right.

So, just know, that there's going to be a Church appear before God, without spot, without blemish, without a wrinkle. God's going to do it. And if I fail to preach the truth, and Brother Joseph fails to preach the truth, and you brethren out there fail to preach the truth, "God's able of these stones to rise children unto Abraham." He... Somebody's going to preach and contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Somebody's going to pull the Church on. That's right.
So no matter how much the picture was marred, it'd taken God forty years to rectify what Moses done in about three days, just get that picture straightened out again. He just took Moses and set him out here, and give him a high-tempered wife to kindly get him straightened out, and God went on down here fixing the picture around again, till He got it straightened out. But He was determined that He was going to do it, and He ordained Moses to do so. Oh, I just love that.

What He's... What God has determined is going to happen. Oh, don't it give you a wonderful feeling? What God has determined, it has to be. That's right. He's going to do it anyhow.

This Great Servant Moses - 55-0122 - William Branham

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