
It's God's way of doing things

139. It seems like, the Christian life, if the fellow is not absolutely centered on Christ, the Christian life, seems like, holds so many disappointments. But those disappointments are-are God’s Divine will happening for us. Now, it don’t seem like it would be that, but it’s God’s way of doing things. He lets us hit the river, to see what we’ll do.

140. Moses led the children of Israel right in the path of duty, and Pharaoh’s army behind him, and the dust boiling from a_a half-amillion men in arms. And here was two million helpless Jews with nothing, standing there, men, women, children, and so forth. And the Red Sea had him cut off. The dead sea had him cut off. He...There’s no place to go. See? But Moses had a V-day when he prayed through. He went and begin to cry out to the Lord.

141. And the Lord said, “Why you crying to Me? I commissioned you to do it. Speak to the children, that they go on in the line of duty.” Amen. There you are. “Don’t cry out to Me. You’re commissioned to take these people over there. Just speak to them, that they go
forward, stay straight in the path of duty.” Amen.

142. What a courage that ought to be for the sick person! What a courage that ought to be for the backslider! Turn yourself around, and start back. Stay in the line of duty. It’s God’s business to open up Red Seas. It’s God’s business. You just speak and move forward. That’s all you have to do.

Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen indeed. this is the kinda stuff that makes you wanna jump and hit the sky =D