
It has to happen

There's where my faith is built on, nothing less then the eternal Word of the eternal God. And God is no better than His Word; I'm no better than my word; and you're no better than your word. If I can't take your word, then I... There's no need of me saying I have confidence in you, because I could not. And if you can't take my word, there's no need of you telling me you have confidence, because you can't. Then if we can't take God's Word, we can't have confidence. But when God has said it, and you believe it with all your heart, that it's applied to you, it has to happen. And may I go on record just now saying this: That I believe that the right mental attitude toward any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass.

Sirs We Would See Jesus - 60-0109 - William Branham

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