
Its all in His hands

God alone, in the beginning, He was only God... He wasn't even God at the beginning. Did you know that? He couldn't. God's an object of worship, the English word. See? As He was Elohim, the self-existing One; He wasn't even God. But in Him was attributes, such as your thought. See? Your thought... I have to see something, and then I think of it, and then, speaking; and a word is a thought expressed. So, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was expressed," (See?), brought forth. And now all is the same. Same as we are, born again, we got Eternal Life. If we have Eternal Life, there's only one form of Eternal Life; that's God. And we're attributes of Him. Now, I can talk amongst Christians this way. We are attributes. And Jesus came as a Redeemer. How many believes that? Redeem, is not create something new. Redeem is to bring back that which has already been. See? So what are you scared about? See? It's all--it's all in His hands; the clock is not ticking wrong. Everything has to be this way, and it brings us to this spot now.

Who Is Jesus? - 64-0620B - William Branham

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