
You didn't mean to do that

56. You once come in the house like, oh, my, angry and kick over something, and oh, my, how you carry on. Like the old man that got converted one time, they said he got saved. I ain't saying this for a joke; I'm just saying it so you... I don't believe in joking, but you might see what I mean. He come up the road, and he was singing; he used to curse, and carry on, and hoop, and holler. He went to a little old meeting and got really saved; he come back up the road singing, "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross."
When he got close to the door, said, one the old hounds looked over there and said to the old cat near the corner, said, "Listen at that, would you." He always kicked them off the porch and everything said, "I'll bet he hasn't got it." Said the cat, "You lay here, and I'll lay here; we'll see if he's got it or not."
When he got so close, they couldn't stand it any more. So under the house went the dog and around the house went the old cat. He went back out and went out to the barn. He'd always knock the chickens around, beat everything up: mean, just the devil in him. So the old rooster said, "He used to get so mad at me when I crowed to get him up in the morning, I will try him out."
So he let out a great big crowing, and then flew; he couldn't stand it no more. The old cow said, "Now, I'm in a awful fix, he's got me with a halter on me, tied me around a post, and I have to stand it." All the fowls and things gathered around said, "Try him out." Said, "The only thing you have to do is switch him in the tail--with your tail right across his face and watch what happens." Said, "We will see if he's got religion or not."
Old cow thought it was hard to do. But he as he standing, singing, "Jesus keep me near the cross," just a milking away. The old cow took her tail like this, and she swatted him in the face like that. He patted her on the back and said, "Bossy dear, your old soul." He said, " Bless the Lord, you didn't mean to do that ."
They all said, "He's really got it." Now, that's right.

57. That's what the evidence is, brother; you've passed from death unto Life. And all the things that you once done, passed away, because the Life of Jesus Christ has put the Holy Spirit into, controlling you a new creature. And once purged has no more desire of sin as long as you live on earth.
So if you're constantly weak and falling up-and-down, remember, you might have a mental acceptation of it, but never an experience of being borned again, when meekness, gentleness and patience takes the place of this mental theology... Oh, you say, "Listen here, Mr. Branham, I--I study the Bible. Our pastor and so forth, I--I took Bible lessons."
Yes, the devil has too. He knows--he knows more about it than you'll ever know. That's right. But there's one thing: he can't get the Holy Ghost. You can. That's right. So as long as--as he--as he can't get to you... For you are dead, your life is hid in God and sealed by the Holy Ghost. Umm. How could he ever get you? The first thing, you're dead. Did you ever hear a dead man tell a lie? Did you ever hear a dead man fuss back at you? Stand at the casket and fuss at him all night, he will never say a word. Why? He's dead.

58. And you reckon yourself dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost. The only way the devil could ever get you, he'd have come through the same washings that you came through, and receive the same Spirit you did, and then he'd be your brother. See? So he can't get you.

The Law Having A Shadow - 56-0621 - William Branham

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