
You have to be a submitted person

When a man is converted, his eyes are set towards Calvary. If he's just a little bit nervous, if you don't watch him, he will go over on the fanatic side. If he's just a little scholarly, he will go over on the starchy side. But right in the middle of the road is the sane, sensible, borned again, Spirit led, endowed Church of the living God, going straight down the road to Christ. That's the real coming from both the sides. One went one way, and one went the other, shows fanaticism or either scholarly and too stiff to bow. They know more about the Word then they know about the Author. To know the Word's not Life, but to know Him is Life: to know Him. You don't have to be a scholar; you have to be a submitted person.

We Would See Jesus - 57-0516 - William Branham

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