32 Now, He cannot heal you, or cannot save you, or do one thing for you, until first you accept it, and believe it, and confess it. That's right. You've got to confess it. Not, you got to feel it, you got to confess it. He's not the high Priest of your feelings; He's the high Priest of your confession (That's right.), what you confess.
Now, if you'll get prayed for, or set in this building this afternoon, the Holy Spirit would move in here and you'd feel His blessed Presence, and hear His Word going forth, saying, that He healed all and so forth like that, and seeing the power of God. Here it go forth, and knowing it's for everyone, and you'd walk out, say, "Well, I feel just as bad as I did we I went in." He couldn't do a thing for you.
And you say, "Well, I'm... I--I accept it now." And then in the morning you get up and say, "Well, I still got that headache; I still feel as bad I did." Then you've dropped right down. You'll never live above your confession. Let the saintliest person in this building right now, just make up in your mind that you're not a Christian any more, that's when you become not a Christian. See?
When you go out, and say, "Are you a Christian?"
"No, I used to be, but I--I'm not no more." You're fallen from grace right then. See? It's faith. See? It's either faith or unbelief. You're possessed with those two powers, either faith or unbelief. If you've got faith, you're saved because you are a believer. If you haven't got faith, it--you're a sinner.
At Thy Word Lord - 54-0221 - William Branham
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