
Stay there

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He walked on the water. Explain that to me. Scientifically tell me how a man can walk on water: paradox. One day He took five biscuits and two fish and fed five thousand. What kind of a atom did He turn loose? Now, that wasn't even fish alive. When He broke that bread, broke it off of a piece of biscuit... When He handed it out, time He got his hand back again, there was another biscuit there, already raised, the wheat in the field, already cooked, all the grease in it (See?), seasoned. Here was a piece of fish, He broke it off, and another piece of cooked fish. Amen. Hallelujah. That element is given to us, if we'll just abide in the Word. Stay there. I believe we're on the verge of seeing it happen. Live true to the Word.

Paradox - 62-0128A - William Branham

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