
We've got a big Brother

115. One time there was a boy, he had got in some trouble. He was a good boy, but he--he went to court. And the judge said, "I find you guilty. I must punish you to life in prison."
116. He said, "I want to try my own case." He said, "I want to go in upon my record."
117. He said, "You have no record. Your record is what's condemned you."
118. And that's the way it is today, the reason the church is not advanced like it should. It's the record. It's the lie. We must become more dedicated. We must believe every Word of God. We must seek until that Word is made real to us. See? See? The record is what keeps us from entering in.

119. But, one time, (to let you get out of this loop), in this same court, the boy had no money. He could not pay it off. The fine was way in the thousands of dollars. But he had a big brother that came and paid it off for him.
120. Now, we've got a big Brother, Jesus, the Son of God. And He come to pay it off for us, if we'll just believe it and be able to enter into the veil with Him. Like, He is our Moses. Jesus is our Moses of today. Moses, veil, was the living Word to the people. Today, Jesus, veiled, is the living Word to the people, that, Jesus in the Church. The Holy Ghost, the Son of God in the people, revealing the Word by the promise of this day, makes It just exactly. Same now.
121 And remember, Moses did this, and manifested this, not to all the world, but to the exodus people, just one class of people, that was those who come out of the exo-... in the exodus.
122. And today, the Holy Spirit, in the face of people who says, "Divine healing is not right." When I was consulting...

123. A doctor called me, other day, of a little lady, oh, there's been four or five cases there, laying just at the point of death, giving hours, and the Holy Spirit healed them. The doctor was questioning it. He said, "How can this be? Why," he said, "I--I... That's my patient."
124. I said, "It was. But now it was God's. It--it, it's His subject now." See?

The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us - 64-0629 - William Branham

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