Now, a man is made up as a triune being: soul, body, spirit. Now, the outside is the body. There's five gates to that body, and that's the five senses, of course: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, like the seed that's planted... The inside of that is the pulp-like of the seed, which is the soul. There's five gates to that you enter into: conscience, and memory, and so forth. But then inside of that little compartment is the third compartment, which is the spirit. And that's what controls the rest of it. There's only one avenue through that, and that's self will. You can accept or turn away and that's the only avenue to that. If you accept the will of God through that spirit, God's Spirit takes His place in your heart and controls the rest of you. And if you do not accept that, then the enemy takes that spot and controls the rest of you.
An Ensign - 62-0119 - William Branham