I see that old six-point star of David, the oldest flag in the world, hanging yonder. Why can't the nation see it? And to think that our own beloved nation is going to hook up with the Arabs, look like. They'll be cursed just as sure. They've spurned the--the mercy of God. Now they must stand judgment. See that old flag hanging yonder? See the desert coming forth like a rose blossoming? See those Jews coming back from way down in Iran, been there for twenty-five hundred years. The Bible said, "They'd be carried back to Jerusalem on eagle's wings." You see those great United Airlines bringing them back on the wings of an eagle, as it was. Them getting off the ships and looking and saying, "Where is the Messiah?" You said, "When the fig tree puts forth her buds, know summer's nigh." We see she's budding.Then Jesus Came - 57-0407E - William Branham
We see she's budding
The Word Itself corrects the error
Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.His Unfailing Words Of Promise - 64-0120 - William Branham
That's the way it ought to be with us
Just like a love affair. If you was going with a girl because you knew it was a duty, or you going with a boy, when you were young... "Mama wants me to go with this guy, but I just can't stand him." You don't get nothing of him coming to see you. Or, if it's the same way about the girl to the boy, or boy to the girl. You go with her, she bores you; mama wants you to go with her because she's the type of girl that mama likes. See, it bores you; there's no love affair. But you don't care; you don't want to clean up; you don't want to go see her. And it's a... Why, it's a horrible thing. And when he's coming to see you, my, you just wish he'd hurry on, go home. That's the same way it is when you, "Why does he preach so long? What about all this stuff, and everything?" See, you're not in love. But when you really hang onto every Word, as the Spirit gave you warning this morning (See?), "Hanging onto every Word..." That might be what He has been talking to you about, holding on. It's Eternal Life, every Word of God. It's a joy to go to church, under any circumstance. Whether it's hot, cold, indifferent, whether the people are fussing, growling, whatever they're doing, it's still a joy to hear the Word of the Lord. Then you're in love then with Christ (See?); you love to go to church. "Well, honey, here it's Sunday morning again; I guess we have to wash up the young ones and get down there. My, it's boresome." See, you're not in love. But if you're really in love, you just can't wait till Sunday morning comes; you've just got to get down there with them. And we get, and to leave... The people of God, they don't bore you. Why, they're--they're brothers and sisters. As I used to say, "You get as thick as Sorghum molasses on a cold morning." It--it don't run; it just stays together, you know, clings tight. Now, that's a rude expression, but it's--it--it's trying to let you know what I mean. You see? You stick together. And the colder it gets, the tighter they stick. And that's the way it ought to be with us.The Ever Present Water From The Rock - 61-0723M - William Branham
We're to be a different person
God is so good." I believe that. I believe God is good. A teen-age boy said, not long ago, in our town, our city. He said, "You know what?" He said, "God is so good, Brother Branham." He said, "You know, God is so good, He just let's me do anything." He said, "He don't care. He don't mind, 'cause He's just so good to me." Nonsense. God is a good God. We hear so much about Him being a good God, and I believe He is a good God. That's right. He is a good God. But if He's a good God, He's got to be a just God. He can't give us a commandment to do something another, and we disobey it and expect to escape the Judgment. He's also a God of wrath, a God of judgment. That's what makes Him a good God, because He keeps His Word. He watches over It. So we can't expect to do wrong, these things that we do, and get by with it. No. We just... He's not too... He's not so. He is good. That is true. I don't want you to misunderstand me. But, God is a good God. That is exactly right. But, remember, the only way He can be good is to be just. And if He's just, He has to keep His own commandments. And if He keeps His commandments, it's wrong for Christians to intolerate with the world. It's wrong. We shouldn't do it. We're to be a different person.Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham
You rise with your sacrifice into the Heavenlies
Now, you people talking about getting the Holy Ghost and how you have to wait so long, here you are. Until God receives that sacrifice, until it's laid on His judgments there, until His judgment has actually killed your senses... You might say, "Well, I'm going to turn a new page." That ain't it. "Well, I know I used to smoke; I'm going to quit smoking." That still isn't it. Until God receives that sacrifice on His brass altar, His altar of judgment... What is His judgment? Death. That's the penalty. The soul that sinneth, that remains in that, shall die. I don't care what you done. Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and done that?'" He'd say, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." See? When that sacrifice is received by the fire, and it goes up like that, and the smoke goes up, you rise with your sacrifice into the Heavenlies, and you're sealed away from the things of the world then. Our soul's on His altar.You Must Be Born Again - 61-1231M - William Branham
That settles It
God will speak, and there's nothing can take God's Word away. God's Word holds forever. When God speaks It, It's confirmed in Heaven forever. It's right there ready, just the same as done, when God speaks It. Oh, that we mortals might be able to say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD; it's settled," taking God at His Word and stand there no matter what comes, how many ways push sideways. We stay right with God's Word. "God said so. I believe It. That settles It." Amen.Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham
Perfect love casts out all fear
There's only two faculties that govern a human, and one of them is--is faith, which brings results; and the other is fear, which has no value in it at all. Faith is of God. Fear is of the devil. Fear makes you weary; fear makes you wonder. And if I was going to die in the morning, what good would it do me to get all stewed up about it? What if I was going to be electrocuted in the morning, and my life had to end tomorrow morning, what good would that do me to worry about it? "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham
He'll make everything right
Now, we are all going to make mistakes. Just remember. And when you're looking at one another, don't look at the other person's mistake. See, don't do that, because, remember, you make mistakes too. But look to Christ Who is guiding this person. And if they need some help, then you pray for them. That's--that's the way we get along (See?), pray. And remember, when you are praying for somebody else in that kind of a fix, God will honor and heal you when you're praying for somebody else. That's right. That's what Christianity is based upon, to help one another, do for one another, be kind to one another, understanding to one another. Now, if you see your neighbor's mistake, you see where they've went wrong, don't go wrong with them, but just pray for them. Just keep praying, and God will understand that. He'll make everything right.Questions And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham
That's the kind of a Father we have
God don't want you to be frowning. God wants you to be happy. The human heart was made to be happy. Worry will cause cancer. Temper will cause cancer. Don't never be upset. Just walk in His love. Amen. Knowing that you're walking in Him, and nothing can harm you. There's nothing can harm you. There's neither powers, things present, things future, nothing can separate us from Him. We're in Him. And we never come in by our own will. He, by choice, elected us and brought us in to Him. Amen. So it's His business to take care of what He's took Hisself. "No man can pluck them from My Father's hands, 'cause He's the greatest of all of them." Amen. It's the Father Who takes care of it. Who's got any more power than God? So what kind of a power have you got over you to take care of you? The whole powers that created the universes. Amen. That took the solar system and [Brother Branham makes a blowing sound--Ed.] blew like that and every star went to its place. Sure. And He watches over you. Amen. That's the kind of a Father we have.The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham
God will make a way through it
They were on their road marching then, come out, there was a Pillar of Fire before them, and they marched on to the Red Sea. And when they got there, right in the line of duty laid an obstacle. And first thing you know, fear struck them, and they didn't know what to do. That's the way people does today. When fear strikes them when they're right in the path of duty... Listen, brother, let me say this: If you're walking in the light, having fellowship with God, with His people, and the Holy Spirit is upon you, and you meet an obstacle right in the path of duty, don't stop, just keep pressing on. God will make a way through it. That's one of the greatest experiences of my life, is to see God. When I can't get over it, get under it, get around it, or anyway, God opens up a way and I go through it. Somehow or another His grace is sufficient to carry us through it.Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water - 60-0723 - William Branham
God will take care of it
You don't want to be crude, and rude, and bulldozing, and over-driving (See?), with a truth that you found. That's where you Oneness brethren made the mistake. Now, we're going back to the road. We're going back to cure. And you Assembly brothers that separated yourselves, each one of you, that's where you made your mistake. When a truth is added, just go on. Let it alone. God will take care of it. No man can come to Him unless He calls him anyhow. Right.The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham
Then God will bless you
And now you've got tapes on that. You've got tapes on what we believe. You've got tapes on discipline in the church, how we behave ourself in the church of God, how we got to come here together and sit together in Heavenly places. Don't stay home. If God is in your heart, you can't hardly wait for them doors to open out yonder, to get in here to fellowship with your brothers. If you don't, don't feel that way, then I tell you, it's time you got to praying. 85 Cause, we're in the last days, where the Bible exalted... or exhorted us to--to, "Much more as we see that day approaching," to love one another with Christian love and Divine love, "to assemble ourselves together in Heavenly places and--and--and Christ Jesus," and love one another. "This will all man know you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." That's right. Stay right together. If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll--it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that. You just wax that much closer together. Draw up the... Take the buckle, as the brother testified, a minister here the other night, about having a buckle, seeing it in a vision. Just... That buckles on the whole armor of God. Just pull her on, tighten up, move right up close to one another. Love one another, anyhow. Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed - 63-0728 - William Branham
God steps right in and takes over
The inside is where God gets in to control you. And He--as He presses Hisself forward in you, don't let any root of bitterness, hatred, malice, strife... That'll--that'll run Him right back again. Just get all the meanness, and the superstitions, and all the--the unbelief out of you. And every time you move out a little unbelief, God steps right in and takes over. Move out unbelief...The Messiah - 61-0117 - William Branham
That's the little Light
And yet, the man, somewhere down in him, somewhere in him, if he could only let that little... As I illustrated it, like a button. When a man's saved, that much of him is God. That's the little Light that comes in to make you quit doing what's wrong. Now, if you can take all the malice, and envy, and strife, and unbelief out, that little button-like of the Light and power of God will keep growing, growing, growing, growing, crowding out unbelief. And you don't do it by exhortations of--of bodily exercise. You do it by a sanctified, consecrated Life, that the Holy Spirit moves through you.e Uncertain Sound - 60-1218 - William Branham
God will bless us
Now, surely, after all these years on the field and around the world, and seeing different people, I ought to know a little bit about the gate to enter in at. And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don't let no malice come in. No matter what anybody does, if they are wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God is in you, you love the other person when he's in wrong. See, just pray for them, and love one another. Above everything, love God and love one another. And be humble with God and around one another, and God will bless us, and it's hard telling what He will do. Usually when a church begins to get in numbers and get to getting a little bigger, or something like that, then they get away from that real thing, the real thing.Humble Thyself - 63-0714E - William Branham
What it needs today is some fire in the boiler
What it needs today is some fire in the boiler. What it needs today is some steam. What it needs today in the church to boil to the hottest boiling thing there is to boil sin out of your life is love. And if you can't love one another, how you going to love God who you haven't seen? Love hides a multitude of sin. Get in love with God. Then you'll love one another. Then you'll love the church. You'll love the cause. You'll love everything that's godly and you'll keep away from the things of the world.Enticing Spirits - 55-0724 - William Branham
That way you keep all the bitterness out of your heart
Try to do something good and just keep being good; hold no malice, no grudges, don't let any bitterness. No matter how bad the person is and how bad they talk about you, don't you never think evil in your heart against them; 'cause right there the Devil will set right in, work up something right there. Just keep it all covered up with godly love, confession, and making right, and do good to those who do evil to you. "If you only do good to those who do good to you, why," Jesus said, "don't the publicans the same?" See? The sinners, anybody can be good to those that's good to them. But be good to those who are not good to you, do something for those that would not do nothing for you. Speak a good word for the man that would speak evil against you, and that way you keep all the bitterness out of your heart; and you're always in love with everybody then, as long as you stay in love.The Pergamean Church Age - 60-1207 - William Branham
Our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world
There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. So if we have Eternal Life, we were with God right then, a part of God. We were His attribute. We are now His attribute. And because "In the beginning was the Word." And a word is a thought expressed. So we were His thoughts, then expressed into word and become what we are. That's the reason our names, maybe not what we have now, but our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. See? And if it wasn't there then, it'll never be there. See? And Jesus come to redeem all those, that's whose names were on that Book.The Harvest Time - 64-1212 - William Branham
He only goes in the Name of the Lord
And when the Word of the Lord comes to a true servant, he must go; regardless of circumstances or regardless of difficulties, he must go anyhow. Whether he's prepared, whether he feels like it, whether he wants to, whether whatevermore; he must go anyhow. It's God speaking, and he must carry this message, because it's... He never goes for foolishness; he never goes for money; he never goes for popularity; he only goes in the Name of the Lord, for one thing: he's got a--a mission, and he's sent of the Lord. And he is the Word of God, because he's carrying the Word of the Lord.The Way Of A True Prophet Of God - 62-0513M - William Branham
You must pray over the church that you are fellowshipping in
Now, you must pray over the church that you are fellowshipping in. Remember, churches carry a spirit. Now, I don't want to be critical. But I realize that I'm an old man, and I got to leave here, one of these days. I've got to answer at the Day of the Judgment for what I say tonight or any other time. And I, therefore, I got to be dead earnest and truly convicted. But, you go into a church, and if you'll watch the behavior of that church, you just watch the pastor awhile, and you'll usually find that the church acts like the pastor. Sometimes, I wonder if we just don't get one another's spirit in the stead of the Holy Spirit.The Choosing Of A Bride - 65-0429E - William Branham
He was big enough to do that and came little enough to save me
Here some time ago I stood Mount Wilson out there where you could see through this big observatory, big glass, see a hundred and twenty million years of light space. Why, how many nines would that take to break it down in miles? A hundred and twenty million years of light space, and beyond that was still moons and stars and on and on, the great solar system. And I stood there amazed. I said, "Think of it. My Heavenly Father just, "Whew." Blowed them off His hand like that, put them into a place, and they obey Him. He was big enough to do that and came little enough to save me. He became me that I could become Him. Christ became a sinner, that through His poverty we might receive His riches and to be sons and daughters of God. Amen.Faith - 56-0427 - William Branham
You're a Christian because God has ordained that you must be a Christian
Now, God's sovereign. Of course, He--He knows, "He is not willing that any should perish but all might come to repentance." But in order to be God, He has to know, and He does know before the thing ever come to pass, who would be saved and who would not be saved. That's right. So there is some people that will not, and God knew it in the beginning they would not. And He even raised up Pharaoh and hardened his heart for that very cause, that He might show His power. And Esau and Jacob, to show the election of God might stand sure... Before either child was--when they were born, 'fore they were born, God said, "I love Jacob and hate Esau." That's right. Before... See, you're a Christian because God has ordained that you must be a Christian. Now, you can turn it aside. Some... God will set somebody in your place. But your place is setting there. If God calls you, go take it and stay with it.Earnestly Contending For The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints - 53-0614A - William Branham
Really come to Christ, with all your heart
Oh, my dear brother, my dear sister, to Him that's able to keep you from falling, to Him that's able to hold your heart in grace, may He shed His blessings upon you. May you never forget that we're living in the last days of the last church age, where it's predicted to be a lukewarm church age, just halfhearted about It. And stop being halfhearted. Really come to Christ, with all your heart. I ain't telling you what church to join. That don't have... God will never ask you that in the judgment. No, sir. He don't care what church you belong. He wants you; it's an individual. And you must be borned again and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or you're gone. See? You're just playing church; you're just impersonating until you actually have an experience of being borned again.The Seven Church Ages - 54-0512 - William Branham
But believe it now
Jesus had all the fine qualities of God in Him. Do you believe it? He had powers upon powers. But when He met Satan, He never used His power. He give an example for the weakest of Christians. When He met Satan, He said, "It is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." The weakest Christian can take that stand. Hold it. Sure, God's in His Word. Every time when He would meet the enemy, He said, "It is written." I believe He had power to do it. But He met Satan on the same grounds with the same Word that you can meet him with, every one, "It's written." You believe it? Why, it's written. "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them." Watch the order of the Word. Believe now (present tense) you receive it, and you shall have it. It'll be given to you later, but believe it now.Show Us The Father And It Suffices - 50-0819 - William Branham
Watch what God is vindicating and proving
You can cross that line. Like the children of Israel did in their journey, coming through the wilderness, Israel did the same. After they heard Moses' message and seen it vindicated; listened to a false prophet that said, "Oh, now look, children, we're all the same. We should marry one among another, and we should do this." And Moses had told them different, and seen God vindicate it. Because, Balaam seemed to be a more instructive man than Moses was, see. He had come from a great nation where there was great people, and was all organized together, the land of Moab, great armies, and great things that the people in them days would have feared. And here come a prophet down, a prophet, anointed one, false anointed one, see, come down to a anointed one (look how close), and taught the people, and many of them went after that. Don't you never forget that. See, went after the thing that wasn't the Word, the vindicated proven Word! Don't let someone come in here and tell you something different. Watch what God is vindicating and proving.Power Of Transformation - 65-1031M - William Branham
Then we become a dwelling place for God
Now, holy God could not condone sin. So nothing could touch the mountain where God was. Then God was made flesh and dwelt among us in the form of Jesus Christ His Son, His creation. Then that Son gave His life, and the Blood cell of God was broken that the Life might come out of the Blood to us. Through that Blood we are cleansed. And now our blood, our life, which came by living through sexual desire brought our life in the world; the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us, changes our nature by sending upon us the Holy Spirit; then we become into the Divine nature of God; then we become a dwelling place for God.The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham
That's what takes real love
When you're a young couple and you find favor with one another, it makes you join yourselves together for a lifetime journey: Love, and that's phileo love; that's human love. What will Agapao love do, when you can really get into a place that you can show God that you love Him and you got confidence in Him? How you'll join yourself to Him, not only for a life's journey, but for eternity. How you're willing to take His Word, just at what He says, and say, "That's right, Lord. I question it not," and move right on. That's what takes real love.It Is I - 60-0720 - William Branham
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