Though it may seem wrong, to you, go on to the front. Do as he told you. Hallelujah! We got a five-star General, spelled J-e-s-u-s, placing five stars on us, f-a-i-t-h. He's never lost a battle. Hallelujah! He conquered death, hell, and the grave. Get the devils out of the way. He's the great Chief Captain. So, the Devil isn't even in the picture. The greatest battle was ever raged, is setting right ready now. Certainly, it is. Oh! Hallelujah! When I think of it! When I stood and watch Him do things, see Him reveal things, open up things, say, "It'll be this way and that way," there it is! Oh, look back here, and say, "Who is this great Captain?" Oh, I don't look back and see if it's Doctor So-and-so. I see what the Captain said. "He's the Captain of our salvation." Hallelujah! What is salvation? Deliverance! Glory! "He's the Captain of our deliverance." The great hour of charge is at hand. Hallelujah! Soldier, with armors gleaming, colors streaming! Faith and doubt is setting yourself in array, in this tabernacle, this morning; doubt on one side, faith on the other. Soldiers, stand at your post of duty. Hallelujah! Our Captain, the Morning Star, leads on. He never goes back. He (never) don't know the word retreat. He don't have to retreat. Amen. Certainly. The greatest battle ever fought, she is going on right in here now, yes, sir, between life and death, between sickness and health, between faith and doubt, oh, my, between liberty and bondage. The battle is on! Shine your spears, soldiers. Polish up the armor. God is getting His soldiers ready. Amen. God anoints His army.The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham
He's never lost a battle
I doubt my doubts
God will heal you right in this atmosphere of the Holy Ghost, where He sent you. God will give it to you. Just believe it. Amen. Open up them flues of the soul and body, senses, and conscience, and just let God's Words penetrate first, take that mind. There is the battleground. Not say, "Well, if I could feel it, if I'd feel the glory of God falling! Oh!" That has nothing to do with it; not a thing. Open up that mind. That's the battleground. There is where the battle sets in array, right here in the front line, your mind. Open it up, and say, "I... Every doubt, I doubt my doubts." Amen. "I'm doubting my doubts now. I'm believing God's Word. Here I come, Satan." Something is going to take place. Sure, it will. Yes, sir.The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham
Something in us tells us that we come from somewhere
Just like a little dewdrop. If I understand, it's... I don't know too much about chemistry. But, it must be that it's the--the congealing of humidity or atmosphere. And when the night gets cold and dark, it falls from the heavens and drops upon the ground. It's fell from somewhere. But the next morning before the sun comes up, it's laying there, the little fellow, shivering. But just let the sun come up, watch it go to shining. It's happy. Why? The sun is going to call it right back to where it come from. And that's the way with a Christian. Hallelujah! We know when we walk into the Presence of God, something in us tells us that we come from somewhere, and we're going back again by that Power that's a pulling us. The little dewdrop, he glistens and shines and shouts, because he knows he come from up there, and that sun is going to draw him right back up again. And a man that's an attribute of God, born of God, knows, hallelujah, when he come in contact with the Son of God, he is going to be drawed up from here someday. "For if I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me." Amen!Who Is This Melchisedec? - 65-0221 - William Branham
We're headed towards the setting of the sun
Don't forget, this tabernacle will lose its strength. Remember that this is the target where Satan has got every gun in hell trained on it. He'll cause one person to do something that's contrary to what the other one thinks. He is doing that. He is up to it. That's his business, if he can get somebody to say something, somebody to talk about another, say, "Well, listen, did you know So-and-so did?" Don't you listen to it. Don't you listen to it, at all. That's the devil. See, it's Satan. Don't you believe it. If there is anything that somebody has done wrong, pray for them. And don't pray in a selfish way, say, "I know it's my duty, I've got to pray for that brother." You take it to your heart, really down, for that sister. And just talk and be real sweet, and the first thing you know, you find them right back in the service again. See? Cause, after all, we're headed towards the setting of the sun.Humble Thyself - 63-0714E - William Branham
We got it now
Now, I'm going to shock you a little bit. You don't mind, do you? All right. For instance, the meat's a frying, and all at once the grease pops out on your hand. Now, if you'll just shake it off and go on frying meat, it wouldn't bother you. Now, I know you didn't get that just right. Look. The first thing, "Oh, where the Unguentine?" Something... You see, grabbed your hand. See, see? It scares you to death. That's what does it. It's fear. Peter walking on the water. He was walking all right, till he seen the waves contrary and he got scared. Jesus said, "Why'd you fear?" That's what's the matter with the Holy Ghost people today. They've got a lot afraid... The devil's just trying to scare you out of something. He's trying to put something off somewhere else, say, "Some of these days you'll be this." You are now. Now, we're sons of God. Now, we're seated together in heavenly places. Now, we have all powers in heavens and the earth. See? Now, we have it. Not in the millennium, we won't need it then. We got it now. We're... Right now we are the sons of God.Jairus And Divine Healing - 54-0216 - William Branham
It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works
Brother, sister, I say this humbly and for not to be a pulling or trying to get sympathy. The clothes that I have is clothes people give me. The suit I got on, Brother Moore was with me, and I got it four years ago in Sweden. Pair of shoes, my wife bought it for me. I got another suit over there was give to me in Florida. Another one I got in Finland; two I got in Germany, or not Germany, but Africa. That's where the clothes comes from. It's what people give me. Some of them's hand me down. That's true. I got a suit from California about five years ago and been wearing it ever since. And it--it's about six, seven years old when I got it. But what is it? It's good enough. He didn't even have but one garment and borrowed somebody's grave to be laid in. I could've been pretty well off if I'd took all the money people had offered me, but I want to be just as poor as those who come to be prayed for. We're fellow citizens of the kingdom of God. I'm not saying that just to be saying. I'm saying it because I want you to know, friends, that the kingdom of God does not consist of riches in this earth, fine clothes. It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works.Thy Faith Has Saved Thee - 54-0411 - William Branham
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