The cloudy skies and storms of life are no signs of God's disapproval. Neither are bright skies and still waters signs of His love and approval. His approval of any of us is only IN THE BELOVED. His love is elective which He had for us before the foundation of the world. Does He love us? Ah yes. But how shall we know? We shall know because He SAID SO, and manifested that He did love us for He brought us to Himself and gave us of His Spirit, placing us as sons. And how shall I prove my love to Him? By believing what He said, and by conducting myself with joy amidst the trials that He in His wisdom allows to come to pass.An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (Chapter 4 - Smyrnaean Church Age) - William Branham
How shall we know?
Remember this
Remember this, and never forget it. The right mental attitude towards any promise of God will bring it to pass, the right mental attitude towards any promise of God. It doesn't take gifts of healing to heal sick people, any person in here has a right to meet Satan anywhere, if you're a Christian, and defeat him on any grounds that he could stand on.Expectation - 50-0405 - William Branham
He knows the sun's a shining somewhere
One night, holding a meeting here in the Milltown Baptist church, when I was the pastor down there, I was coming home with an old friend of mine to stay all night. And I used to notice, when I'd pass by, there'd be a nightingale setting in a cedar bush there. All night long he would sing to the top of his voice, just as loud as he could sing. How well I could understand why the birds sing when it's daylight. I can imagine the sunlight bathing on them, makes them sing. But what makes that nightingale sing? So I got me a book and begin to read up on the nightingale. I come to find out, that the nightingale, what makes him sing, that he watches the skies. And every time that he can look to see the clouds begin to move back, and see one star, one ray of light, he begins to scream and sing to the top of his voice. Why? Because he knows the sun's a shining somewhere. He's speaking back to the earth that the sun's a shining somewhere. And, brother, sister, as long as down in my heart, through the black clouds of torment, and trials, and troubles, if I can feel the Holy Spirit press through once in a while and give me a blessing, I know the power of God still lives and reigns somewhere. That's right. If I could ask that morning star, "What makes you shine up there? Why are you shining? " He'd say, "It's not me that's shining, Brother Branham," if the star could speak. "It's only the sun shining on me, that's making me shine." And that's the way it is with every man that's a believer in Jesus Christ, that's hid in Him. It's not you shining; it's the Holy Spirit shining on you, that gives you this hope and this joy of the resurrection.Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham
He hasn't gone very far
I want to ask you a question while we have our head bowed. Who's going to stand for you? Has the joy of the Holy Spirit left you, you don't feeled Him any more. Why, He isn't very far away. He just flew away from you, because you got angry, and because you told that person off, and because you did these things and those things. He hasn't gone very far. He loves you, yet. He's just waiting for you to change your nature, become a lamb.God Making His Promise - 56-1209A - William Branham
He knows how the rhythm goes
Many people asked, "Why?" They asked. They asked, sometime they ask me, "Why? Why must these things happen? What, why, why did this happen to me? Why did I start and this happen, and I—I had this trouble here, and this upset me here, and I lost this here?" Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why (when I was just a young minister, first started out) did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting. He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must… when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See? See? That's where men are beat out. Men are beat out, in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Symphony with, of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on. God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows. He knows how it goes, I don't. But I look at it here, and I say, "Well, it's just coming." "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth them out of them all." See? God has moved through history with the rhythm of the promise of His Word, in each age, in the same rhythm, making His Word. That's how God moved down through history, from all the way from Genesis to Revelation, He has moved through history with His Word. That's right, with the rhythm of—of the power of the Holy Spirit vindicating His Word to the Elected. Remember, He's never been able to touch the outside church. It's only the Elected.64-0112 - Shalom - William Branham
Stand shoulders with him
See, every lie has got a lot of truth in it. That's right. Now, if it's a real lie, just a right, what we call the black lie, or the little white lie... The little white lie is the real lie. You can see the big black lie, but it's that little white one that has got a whole... Like the one that the devil told Eve... See? Just one little thing off the cater, that's what the--our churches are listening to today. They're saying, "Oh, you're right in your principle of baptism; you're right in this; and you're right in that." But he fails to let you know you got to have love for that brother out there. Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him, the Kingdom of God, in the Presence of God."The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham
See if it don't make things a little different
There's thousands times thousands and thousands of thousands of people, who's going to be the first in the prayer line, people that you can't even talk to? But then when the Holy Spirit begin to reveal to them, and begin to tell them, I'd see who--what there was, spell their name out, I couldn't even pronounce it. The place... Then I could feel coming in by the Holy Spirit, that it was--they was thinking it was a telepathy. So I thought, "Lord, If You'll just give grace." About three or four had passed, a leper passed, had no arm, and--and I took him in my arms and begin to love him. He just wept when he seen that somebody cared for him. The world's dying for love, brothers. Now, you take your brother in your arms, see if it don't make things a little different. See? That same love that worked on a leper will work on your brother that you think is wrong. That's right, now.The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham
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