
As He loved us


Jesus prayed that prayer that we might love one another as He loved us—as He loved us! And He loved us so much that He died for us. No one could love like that unless they—with the natural love, because it would not hold out. It won't express itself. It'll do as long as there's friendship connected with it. But when the friendships turn, then people begin to say, "Well, he did so-and-so. She did so-and-so. They backslid, they…" Real godly love goes after that backslider till it finds him. Godly love goes and stoops to the lowest of hell to pick up a man or a woman that's fallen.

That's what we're lacking today. We have a fine cultured church, educated, fine dressed, fine buildings, nice choirs, beautiful music, some of the best the world's ever had. But we are dying for some of that godly love.

Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming - 59-0403 - William Branham


What are you looking at this morning?

Would you like to be remembered in prayer before I pray, raise your hand for any request, that you might have need of. God bless you. He sees all your hands. If you're a sinner, raise up your eyes and look now. If you've been indifferent, if you've had little squabbles and little things, what difference does it make. You're going to die one of these days. What day? Maybe today. You don't know; an hour from now you may be in hell or you may be in heaven. But you've got to choose now. If there's anything in your life that isn't right, you choose, now. By faith… You say, "Well, if I can just get even with her; if I can get even with him…" No matter what they've done, choose life. Choose life, for Jesus said, "If from your heart, you don't forgive every person their transgressions, neither does your heavenly Father forgive you." So just get that close. If there's one ought in your heart against any person, sinner or saint, you're in danger of hell fire. Now, lift up your eyes. What do you see, your enemy or do you see your Saviour? What are you looking at this morning? If you're sick and your doctor says that you can't get well, lift up your eyes to the cross, where He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed. Don't look at what the doctor says; He's working in science. Faith works in the realm of spirit and God. Let us think of these things now, while you've raised your hands. God's seen them. Let us pray.
By Faith, Moses - 58-0720M - William Branham

Don't give up

It is in the midst of a time of great trouble that Jesus comes. And with His coming there is a resurrection. Many are to come forth out of the dust and rise with those who are alive but waiting for His return. And these will be given crowns. Why? Because they are Sons of God. They are kings with Him. They are reigning with Him. That is what the crown signifies—reigning and ruling with the Great King, Himself. That is the promise to all those who suffer with Him here on earth—all those who endured patiently knowing that God, the Just Judge would reward them. They who gave up all for Him and committed all to Him will sit down in His throne and share in His glorious kingdom. Oh, we have a word for us all at this time. It is hold fast— persevere. Don't give up. Put on the whole armour of God—use every weapon He has given us—use every gift at our disposal and look ahead with joy, because we are going to be crowned by Him Who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (Chapter 8 - The Philadelphian Church Age)


There's only one way in the world that you can be healed

Now, friends, there's only one way in the world that you can be healed, and that's only faith in God. Now, no matter how much that God will permit me, by my own faith, to take the spirit from you, unless you go forth and believe God, and serve God, and trust God, it'll come right back to you again. Did not Jesus say, "Go and sin no more, or a worse thing than this will come upon you?" Don't never come in a prayer line unless you expecting to serve God the rest of your days. That's right. Always, don't never live a sinful life, because you'll be worse, way worse. God has promised that you will be worse off than you was at the first time.
The Children Of Israel - 47-1123 - William Branham


If you want to be a blessing

If you want to be a blessing, and get a blessing, when a man has done you wrong, and he has absolutely justly, he… I mean he has done you wrong and you know that he's done you wrong; he's done you evil. Don't mention that; you take him to prayer before God. And don't take it in a way of just a selfish and say, "Well, I'm supposed to do this." But stand with your shoulder to his shoulder, and stand in the Presence of God our Father, way a prayer should be made in the Presence of God, say, "Father, here's my brother, and he—he is justly; he deserves punishment because he has—he's done me evil. And I don't see why he did it." Then let God go to talking to you. And you'll see maybe, what that man's been through. The devil has twisted him up somewhere and caused him to do that. Though he's absolutely wrong, before you leave the throne of God you'll be feeling sorry for that man. You'll be sympathizing with that brother. And when you get back down to where—earth again, you'll go over to that brother and shake his hand, 'cause you know what he's been through. You can't stand with a mortal in the Presence of God and condemn anybody, I don't believe, no, sir, even if he is a rank sinner. And what about a brother that has made a mistake? Though I say he's wrong. Sometimes he's accused wrong when he's not wrong. But if he is wrong, well, if we will take him to the throne of God, stand there shoulder-to-shoulder with our brother, knowing he's a mortal, and maybe his destination rests upon our attitude towards him, when we come back from the throne of God, we'll realize that we're every one guilty, and we all need help one from the other. And the best way to do is pray.
The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham

What did God do?

And there had been a hundred and twenty temples that God had created, was ready for dedication, that had got all their unbelief beat out of them. And they gathered in the upper room, and waited for ten days, for dedicational service. Then when completely surrendered, God came down again in the Shekinah glory, and filled all the house where they were setting. What did God do? Like the ark dropping into its proper sockets for the message of that day, God dropped back into His proper channel; not into a denomination or into a building made with hands, but into the heart of men. He dropped in His place, for the last day, which said the prophet Joel. "It shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Shekinah upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Your young men shall dream dreams. The old men shall see visions." God came to His resting place, where He finds rest. Not in a building, but in the heart of His people, He finds rest.
Dedication - 62-1111M - William Branham

We got to come to one of those ends

When old Daddy Hay, the one he laughed at, when he got ready to die, about eight-five, ninety years old, he went to sleep. And all the children gathered in. His grown great-great-grandchildren gathered around the bed. He raised up. He had white whiskers, you know, a little rim of white hair around his head. What… Top of his head, bald. He wiggled his whisker, said, "Dear, bless my soul." Said, "You all thought old Daddy Hay was dead, didn't you?" He said, "Well, I can't die." Said, "I died years ago." Said, "I'm just going to meet the Lord Jesus." He said, "Oh, it's so great!" Said, "All you, my children, gather around the bed." He took, from the oldest to the youngest, by the hand, and blessed them. Then he said to his two oldest boys, said, "Raise me up." And they raised him up in bed. He couldn't hold his hand up. He was too feeble. He said to his other boy, said, "Raise my hand up." He raised his hands up, like that. He said, "Happy day, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away. He taught me how to watch and pray, and live rejoicing every day." Bowed his head and was gone. Well, we got to come to one of those ends.
Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham


God wants a surrender


You know, I—I—I'd like to have a church like that once. I'd like to have the privilege of telling them what I think about them, and what the Word says about them. Yeah. Why, if it took all day, just keep on preaching. See? God wants a complete surrender. Do you believe that? God wants a surrender. How can God show you realities before you surrender yourself to Him? You've got to surrender.

Listen. When you surrender all… You sing that song, "I surrender, I surrender all." What about them cigarettes? What about that dressing? What about that temper? What about them other things that goes with it? What about that little character you got? What about that little snoopy idea? What about that rebuking anybody that baptizes in the Name of Jesus?

The Unfailing Realities Of The Living God - 60-0626 - William Branham

God is a God of reality


God is a God of reality. Don't just take a creed. Don't just take a sensation. Take a reality. Take a real God, something that God is, a God of reality that gives you assurance. It gives you hope. It gives you faith. It gives you the Spirit. It gives you signs. It gives you wonders. It does in you just like it did in Christ. Because that was His purpose of coming: to bring God to man, and made God and man one.

The Unfailing Realities Of The Living God - 60-0626 - William Branham


He has for you Eternal Life

And there's no one else could knock at your door with such a gift that He has for you, for He has for you Eternal Life. He has for you healing for your body. He has joy for your sorrow. He has peace for your troubled mind. He has hope for your doubts, faith for your fears, incorruption for your corruption, Life for your death; and still we turn Him away.
The Door To The Heart - 58-0112E - William Branham