We know by nature that it's darkest just before day. And many times when we see disastrous things happening like that, especially to believers, we must bear this in our mind, that it's Satan trying to block the blessing that's on its road. That was very much so in this case. Satan was trying to tempt them to feel that they had done wrong, and was trying to block the on coming visitation that God was going to give to Abraham and Sarah. And we're taught in the Scriptures, that all things work together for good to them that love God. And no matter how bad it seems, remember, it has to be working for your good. I'm so glad of that. Satan's been after me all day. So I just believe that there's a blessing in store here in this city, somewhere. And I know, when he tempts and tries to block out, what's he trying to do? Get you to disbelieve. And if you—the worst thing that you can do is disbelieve God. And as soon as you get a little scared, "Well, maybe I haven't done this and I haven't done that," right then, Satan's got that blessing conquered for you. You can't get to it as long as Satan makes you think that. And perhaps, if we would listen to such things of temptations like that, and would pay attention to them, then it would be that we would miss the blessing.Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord? - 60-0328 - William Marrion Branham
It has to be working for your good
Watch what a refreshing will come
And that's the way you'll be, or every believer that throws hisself, the outside, the—out of the outer courts, into the veil where Christ is, and hides your life away, you'll be refreshed, budded, blossomed, and bear fruits of the Spirit. Amen. You'll be a worker in your community. You'll be a soul winner for Jesus. You'll be a new person. Old things will pass away. Tradition of men will fail, but your heart will be burning with the love of God. Inside this place where they took this old rod and laid it there in the Presence of God… God living in the glory over the Cherubims, that rod all happened at once. And brother, sister, to a life that's consecrated and lays before God, it'll change them as certain as I'm standing at this platform tonight. It'll take all the fight out of you; it'll take all the difference out of you; it'll take all the—the isms out of you. It'll make you a real Christian if you'll just get into His Presence. Watch what taken place, a freshing, to be refreshed. Notice, the dew falls at nighttime. The world settles down. They active of nature through the day… the toils and the jumps, and the toils… But when everything quietens down, then what happens? The dew falls. Of a morning, did you ever get up real early, get out real early and smell that fresh air, how it is and how refreshing everything is? The dew has fell. Oh, brother, sister, if the only thing you know is go to church, if the only thing you know that you joined or was baptized, or something like that, why not hide your life away with Christ. Get alone in the quietness, away from the world and all of its cares, and settle down and watch what a refreshing will come.A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham
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