
Salt creates a thirst


It’s time for the Church today to be manifested. Instead of that we draw little lines like this, and we have these little campaigns, and these little doctrines, and these little denominations that separates us. How can God ever pour His Spirit on such as that, when He loves the Methodists the same as He does you Baptists, or you Pentecostals, or all of His children bought with the same Blood. See? But we draw lines.

And now, if the other fellow draws the line, you just live right along his line, and he will be so… You be the salt, God will make him thirsty, if you’ll be the salt. You are the salt of the earth. And salt, if it contacts, saves. And salt creates a thirst. And people will thirst when they see you living the life that you should live as a son and daughter of God.

Hear Ye Him - 56-0930 - William Branham


We still have the same God


That’s what the people are today. They try to say, “Oh, they make too much noise, and they do this and that. That’s the trouble of it.” Listen, it’s not the—the doctor; it’s the disease that causes the trouble. That’s right. It’s the disease; it’s the sin that cut off their blessing. That’s the sin that’s in… Not because you haven’t got good pastors, not because you haven’t got fine churches, not because you haven’t got this, that or the other, sure, you have. But it’s the sin that’s cutting you away from these—these things that you ought to have. It’s sin that’s keeping the church from that raptured condition all the time. It’s sin, not the building, not the church, but the sin that’s in the church.

45 So then He said, “Call them up on Mount Carmel here and we’ll find out who’s God. Let the God that answers by fire be God. Let’s prove and see who’s God.” Oh, I—I’m so happy to know that we still have the same God, that the God that is God still answers like God, talks like God, walks like God, heals like God, saves like God, and cleans up like God. Amen. Still the same God…

It’s proved; God is a visiting the people today. God is in His Church, trying to purge the thing, take out the leaven out of it. He’s sending messengers, signs, and wonders, and miracles, and everything, trying to prove that He loves them and He wants them to clean up.

Painted-Face Jezebel - 56-1003 - William Branham


That's His Love to you

And that’s the way it is. If God, when I was an alien from Him, so loved me till He stooped down to get me and pick me up, that gives me confidence that He wants to use me. He’s got a purpose in doing it. He seen something in me. He seen something in you. He had a reason to save you, look at the people that’s unsaved today. Look at the millions He could have took beside you, but He took you. Amen! No one can take your place. Amen! You’re in God’s economy. No one can do it. That’s His Love to you. Then, won’t your love reach right back to Him? And there’s a love affair. No matter what the situation is, its circumstances is governed by this Love that creates Faith: that God loves you and you love God, and you love one another, and—and that brings the Faith. All right. Then it can’t—it can’t keep from bringing out just exactly what God promised it would do.
Perfect Faith - 63-0825E - William Branham