
Let your children, let your family, let your loved ones, see It in you

361 It’s crying out, you see. The Blood of Jesus Christ cries out, but there is forgiveness in It if you’ll just accept It. Wish we could stay a little while on that, see, “Blood speaketh better thing.” 362 Believe, for safety. Then apply, see. Believe for…Here is what you want to believe for. See, you want your own safety. You believe for your safety, and then apply the Token for the whole family. See? You say, “How can I do that?” Claim It! If It worked on you, then you and the Word becomes one. Amen! Amen! See? See, It works for both of you. You and the Word are one, then apply It to your children, apply It to your loved ones. 363 Like Rahab did, she applied the token to her father, she applied it to her mother, she applied it to her brothers and sisters, and got them all in. 364 You apply It, say, “Lord, I’m going after my son. I’m going after my daughter. I claim her!” “Satan, you turn her loose! I’m coming after her. I apply my Token, the Holy Spirit.” “O Holy Spirit, that lives within me, catch my daughter there. I’m going to her now, with Your anointing upon me.” He’ll do it. Amen. 365 That’s what they did in Egypt. That’s what they did in Jericho. 366 You want to read another one, Acts 16:31. Paul told the centurion, “Believe on the Message of the hour. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou and thy house shall be saved.” That right? Believe for your house, bring them all under. “Now you’ve seen the God of Heaven perform a miracle. It’s before judgment. Do you believe it?” “Yes! What can I do?” 367 He said, “Rise and be baptized.” Paul took him out and baptized him, said, “Now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved.” 368 Believe what? Believe the Lord Jesus Christ, for your house, apply the Token to your house. 369 Then what do you do when you apply It to your house? Move all the trash out. Get all the short skirts, and the shorts, and the cards, and the cigarettes, and televisions, and whatever more, and kick them out the door, when you go apply the Token; won’t stand still for it. Yes, sir. Take it all out. All the dances, and parties, and rock-and-roll, and old vulgar newspapers, and the stuff that’s of the world, kick it out the door, say, “We’re cleaning out this place around here.” 370 Like Jacob did, he said, told his wife and all of them, said, “Wash your clothes and everything. Put away them gods.” Amen. Jo-… 371 You know what Joshua said before crossing over? He said, “Wash your clothes; come not at your wives, and so forth, and get ready, for within three days we’ll cross Jordan.” Amen. He was getting ready, was applying the token. Amen. That’s it. 372 Get ready. Apply It. Believe It. Clean up. Let your children, let your family, let your loved ones, see It in you. That’s right. It’ll take effect. Yes, sir!
63-0901M - "Token" Rev. William Marrion Branham

That's the greatest thing could ever happen

128 “A little while, and the world won’t see Me no more, yet you’ll see Me. I’ll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. I will not leave you comfortless. I’ll pray the Father; He’ll send you another Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the world cannot receive; yet, you can receive Him.” 129 Now notice. The “greater” works, was to have the Power in the Church, not only to heal the sick by prayer, cast out devils by prayer, but to impart Eternal Life to believers. The Holy Ghost was coming, and given into the hands of the Church, to impart Life. Oh! That’s what Calvary meant. It took stooped, degraded men and women, and lifted them into a place, to be sons and daughters of God, to heal the sick and to impart Eternal Life; by giving the Holy Ghost to obedient believers, men who were once unbelievers, be made believers, and impart spiritual, Eternal Life. 130 How much greater is it: To say, “This sick woman laying here, I can pray a prayer of faith and she’ll be healed,” that’s a great thing, that’s what He was doing then; “but,” said, “greater than this shall you do; I’m going to give you Power, not only to raise him up for a while, but to give him Eternal Life, which will be Eternal, forever.” 131 Poor, blind, wretched people, how do you miss that? Don’t you see what the “greater” thing is? That’s the greatest thing could ever happen, was to impart Eternal Life to people. What is Eternal Life? The Life that He lived, the Life that was in Him, impart That to others. Can a man do that? A son of God can.
60-0925 - "That Day On Calvary" Rev. William Marrion Branham