
He's got something in him that wars

A hybrid plant, you have to baby it, and spray it, and keep the bugs and beetles off of it, but not a genuine healthy plant. He's sturdy, strong. Don't no bugs come on him. He's got enough in him to throw the bug off. So is a genuine Christian. You don't have to baby him, and pat him, and tell him this, that, or the other. He's got something in him (the baptism of the Holy Ghost) that throws all the rest of it off. You don't have to beg him around, because he's a genuine plant of God. He's got something in him that wars. A Christian fights for every inch of ground he stands on. He must do that if he ever expects to exist. And by doing it, there's something in him that takes care of him. Eve tried to hybrid the Word. In the beginning God told her, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." She tried to breed it in with knowledge that Satan give her. And when she did, she lost the whole human race right there to the devil, when she tried to mix God's unadulterated Word with knowledge. It doesn't come from the knowledge of the world. It comes by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206E - William Branham

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