Now, there's some things in the Bible that God wants us to challenge. God is an all powerful God, and He give His servants a commission to do great things. And we mustn't be afraid to ask God to do great things, because He's asked us to do the impossible without Him. So if He's asked us to do the impossible, we want to have the omnipotent God to do those impossibles. "Go ye into all the world; preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe," the impossible with man. And we mustn't be afraid to ask God to keep His Word.Sirs We Would See Jesus - 57-0226 - William Branham
We mustn't be afraid to ask God to keep His Word
He deserves it
That stern, old prophet, looked that woman in the face. He said, "Go, bake me a cake first." What a command, for a man to tell a widow woman, starving to death, to feed him first. What did he say? "For THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will never go empty, nor the cruse dry, until God sends rain on the earth." First, God. She went in and baked that little cake, and come give it to the prophet. Went right back and baked another one, and another one, and another, and another. And the barrel never went empty, or the cruse dry, until God sent rain on the earth. She put God before her children. She put God before anything else. She taken the Kingdom of God, first. God must have first place in your heart, first place in your life, first place in everything that you do or what you are. God must be first. He doesn't want the second place. He doesn't deserve the second place. He deserves the best, and the first, and all that we've got. He deserves it. Blessed be His holy Name!Hebrews Chapter Two #2 - 57-0825E - William Branham
Your works will prove what your character is
You see, a man's character is made known by his works. Whatever you are, your works prove what you are. No matter how much you testify, whatever you say, pro or con, that has nothing to do with it; your works tell what you are, tells what you are inside. Every job that you do manifests what you are. And you businessmen, if you just do a patched up job, see what I mean, just a halfway job, don't do that. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. That's right. When you come to Christ, if you can't absolutely sell out lock, stock, and barrel, and come to Christ, don't come at all. But when you really want to be a Christian, stand out, make it real. That's what God wants you to be. And that'll--that'll prove... Your works will prove what your character is. Your character is known by the works that you doTime Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham
Why not hide your life away with Christ
Of a morning, did you ever get up real early, get out real early and smell that fresh air, how it is and how refreshing everything is? The dew has fell. Oh, brother, sister, if the only thing you know is go to church, if the only thing you know that you joined or was baptized, or something like that, why not hide your life away with Christ. Get alone in the quietness, away from the world and all of its cares, and settle down and watch what a refreshing will come. You know, Isaiah spoke of it one time. He said, "Precept must be upon precept; and line upon line upon line; here a little and there a little. Hold fast to that what's good. With stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the sabbath (or the refreshing) that should come from the Presence of the Lord."A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham
They've got one thing to do
But in the midst of all of it, through every age and every prophet that had been or would be, there is going to be a certain amount of people that's predestinated to hear that Message, and they'll follow It. Those ignore the crowds. They ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. They--they have no argument with them. They've got one thing to do, that's believe and to get every bit of It they can, soak It in like Mary who set at the feet of Jesus. And Martha was fixing His dinner, and Jesus said to her, "But, Martha, you are so concerned about the things of life, but Mary has sought the better things," see, the things of Eternal Life.What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? - 65-0725E - William Branham
You're a part of God
Jesus claimed that He's done nothing until the Father showed Him. And the Father is the Holy Spirit, we realize that. It's just a office of God. If it isn't, then which one of them is the Father of Jesus Christ? Jesus said God was His Father, and the Bible said the Holy Ghost was His Father. Now, you can't make Him be an illegitimate child, so the Holy Ghost is God, so was Jesus God. So, God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is... It's the... That's three offices of one God. It's three attributes, the same God.You're a part of God, and I'm a part of God, see; but I'm not all of God, and neither are you all of God. See? See? It's attributes of God upon us, as sons adopted by Jesus Christ. Which, God Himself became flesh, to die for us.Souls That Are In Prison Now - 63-1110M - William Branham
They hear My Voice
Now, the Bible said, "In the last days, the antichrist would be so religious, and so much like the real thing, till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." But, it's not. That's right. And, "All." "He would deceive all, upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life." Since the last revival? That don't sound like the Bible, does it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] "From the foundation of the world." You ain't going to deceive them, 'cause they're laying right in that Word. When they see those things appearing, [Brother Branham snaps his fingers.] It's Life, they catch It right now. Others will walk around, say, "Ah, there's nothing to That. Huh!" See? They're not convinced. There's nothing there to convince them. Nothing in them, to believe with. Mother used to say, "How can you get blood from a turnip when there's no blood in it?" Right. "My sheep hear My Voice." They know the Word. What is His Voice? Here It is. These creeds they don't follow. "But, they hear My Voice, they follow It."Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0610E - William Branham
Then live like you are
Now, don't think that I'm a Universalist that believes that everybody's saved and will be; I do not, no, sir. I believe that all those--everybody was saved as far as God was concerned, for Jesus paid the full penalty for sin when He died. Now, it will never do you no good until you accept it. See? You have to accept it. And it's not how hard you cry, how much you beg, how much you persuade; it's a surrendered heart to God with faith believing He done it. Even our altar calls that we have, in bringing people up around the altar, they didn't do that in the Bible time; that's a tradition of our people, originated formally in the Methodist church. But look, it's a good thing. I don't like this dry-eyed repentance. I like to see somebody get up and really be sorry for what they done, and really mean it. But no matter how much that you pray, you'll never be forgiven until you believe you're forgiven, then you confess that you are, then live like you are.Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham
That's how we get well
We... Only thing we can do is accept and be grateful for what He has already done for us. Oh, that's so simple isn't it. And I'm positive that many times in people's thinking, that they try to make Divine healing and so forth, some great outreaching something, way away, "If I could only reach it." Could you imagine Jesus saying, "Now, let Me check My faith, and see if I've got enough faith to do this, see if I'll have to fast awhile to see if I'll have enough faith to do this." He was perfectly unconscious of the faith that He had. He just spoke it and knew that it would be so. Just like you come from your homes today, you probably want to return to your home, told your wife or your loved ones, "I'll be back sometime right after noon." How do you know you are? You don't try to wonder, "Have I got faith enough to go home? Have I got faith enough to drive my car? You just unconsciously turn your key on, drive on away and go home. See? It's a unconscious faith that does it. That's the way it is: in Christ we just unconsciously just say, "That's His word; that just settles it; there's no more to it." and go on. That's how we get well.Melchisedec The Great Prince - 55-0109M - William Branham
But it lays in our own individual faith in a finished work
Why do we baptize? Water won't save you, but it's the obeying an act. Taking the communion won't save you, but it's following the commandment. You're only... Beating on the altar won't heal you. Beating on the altar won't save you. You could beat on the altar until you just went out of breath and--and died there. You'll still be unsaved until you accept and believe that Jesus died in your stead, and you accept Him as your personal Saviour. Every minister in here could lay hands on every sick person in here and pray for now until day after tomorrow night. There'd never be one thing happen until you accept what Jesus did for you. So therefore it doesn't lay in ministers, in one another, but it lays in our own individual faith in a finished work that Christ did for us at Calvary.Be Not Afraid, It Is I - 61-0414 - William Branham
When God says so, that settles it forever
What we need in this hour is a man to challenge the promise of God before the people. God promised to pouring out of a Pentecostal blessing in the last days; I mean a real Pentecostal pour out. And it's time for it to come; another Kadesh-Barnea has arrived. Yes, sir. They said, "We can well do it. Sure we can do it." What was it? Those cowardly church members was looking to what they could see with their eyes, but Caleb and Joshua was looking to God's promise. I don't care how much opposition they had; how big the giants looked; how big the fences looked; they were looking to God's promise. Every man and woman tonight that wants to go on with God, don't pay any attention what the world says, whether we can or whether we can't; God promised it, and that settles it. God said so. I like that. When God says so, that settles it forever.At Kadesh Barnea - 56-0527 - William Branham
He still keeps His Word
I imagine when the people wanted a good laugh, they went up and stood before the ark door and laughed. "Why, you said it was going to rain a hundred years ago! Grandpa told me he heard you up here saying it was going to rain, and you're still beating around on this old piece of wood up here. Why don't you get next to yourself?" But it was God getting ready to confirm a promise and to fulfill a prophecy that His prophet had made. Very unusual! God fulfilling His promise to Noah, while others was laughing. God was also getting ready to make history to show to others, even to this day, that He keeps His Word! No matter how unreal it seems, and unreasonable, He still keeps His Word.What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? - 65-0725E - William Branham
Get that atmosphere around you
You're scared. People today is afraid. What you afraid of? Why, even death itself don't scare a Christian. "Death, where is thy sting?" The very thoughts of people is scared. "Oh, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I just can't get well." What are you scared of? There's an atonement laying for you yonder. Sure. "Well, Brother Branham, I've--I've done so much sins. I've..." What are you scared of? There's an atonement waiting for you. There's Someone Who loves you. Don't be scared. The constant Words of Jesus, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is alive again, and alive forevermore. Fear not." Get that atmosphere around you.A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham
For He took your place
Now, you don't go to hell because you're a sinner; you go to hell because you refuse to accept the way away from hell. There's a bypass; that's Christ. There's a bypass from your sickness, quick death, premature graves; that's through Christ. But now, you're--you're... you sinned in the beginning, and Christ died for your sins. Therefore, He saved you when He died. He saved you, and He healed you when He died, for He took your place. But now, all you have to do is to accept it by faith, and you'll receive it. See what I mean? Now, there's nothing more to be done, because your healing's already paid for. You can have it right this afternoon. You can have it right now, this very minute when you believe it. When your faith meets God's requirement, to believe that Christ died for your sickness, when He died for your sins (and He died for your sins at Calvary), and accept it upon that basis; at that moment, you are healed in the sight of God.Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham
Things change when man meets God
Things change when man meets God. A man can never meet God and ever be the same again. You will either be a better person or a worse person. You'll be better off, or worse off after you meet God. It depends on what you want to do about it. But a man can never meet God and ever be the same. Whatever your attitude is towards God, seals your eternal destination. You can walk across the line between grace, mercy, and judgment; and when you spurn grace so many times you can separate yourself from, ever, from the Presence of God, or you can accept Him and have Eternal Life, and never die, but be raised up again at the last day in the general resurrection.From That Time - 60-0302 - William Branham
You let go and God will let come
She dumped out so she could get filled up. She dumped all the oil she had and all oil she had, and all the meal she had to the preacher, to the Kingdom of God. And when she dumped it all in there, God come down and filled up the meal barrel and filled up the oil jug. She dumped it again in the preachers face and He come back, filled it up again. He dumped it... Every time she dumped, He filled. I'll say today if man will dump out all this nonsense of carrying on and impersonating Christianity and let the Holy Ghost take Its place, there'll be a revival will start on Eighth and Penn Street that'll sweep the whole country. Quit the nonsense. Get back to the Word of God. Dump out if you want to fill up. You let go and God will let come. You dump out; God will fill in. Oh, the petty things that you've got to do this, and you've got to do that, and you ought to do this, and you ought to do that. Forget it. Dump it out of your soul.Enticing Spirits - 55-0724 - William Branham
But they're promised grace
Jesus, in the spiritual, is the Lily of the valley. And when you get to such a place you can't stand yourself no more, and life means nothing to you, God's got a shot of opium for you from the Lily of the valley that eases all your troubles, all of them is gone away. You don't have to get drunk on whiskey to ease your trouble; they come right back again. But come and get a--a drink of opium from the Lily of the valley, and they're ended forever. Let come, let go, what may; if you live, if you die, if you're this, or that, or the other, nothing separates you from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus. Christians are not promised a flower bed of ease, but they're promised grace sufficient for every need they have. Amen.Law Or Grace - 54-1006 - William Branham
It's by His Word
And you're bound to be backsliding constantly, so it takes a constant prayer to God. Paul said, "I die daily." And if Paul had to die daily, how much more am I going--I'm going to have to stay there dead all the time, if--if Paul had to die daily to stay right with God. And so, we'll all have to do that, just die out to ourself. And that's getting God's way. Now, there's only two ways of anything: That's the right way and the wrong way. And them ways are your ways and God's way. And you can't be in your way and God's way at the same time. You've got to forget your own way to get in God's way. And you got to get out of your own way to get in God's way. For as long as you're in your own way, you're out of His way. So forsake your way, forsake your thoughts, forsake everything, and just rely one thing, on THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's all. Then you know you're right. Though you can't see it, none of the senses will say it's right, every one of them will say it's wrong; but you know it's right because God said so. That's what makes it right. Now, that's... His provided way has been His Word; it is His Word. God's provided way for the human to live is not by your senses; it's by His Word.God's Provided Way - 53-1201 - William Branham
His Word has the power and authority behind It
The Bible said, "The Gospel came to us not in word only, but through the power, manifestations of the Holy Ghost." In other words, "It's the Holy Ghost taking the Word of God and making It manifest." See? And, otherwise, the only way that the signs of Mark 16 can follow the believer is that the Holy Spirit Himself takes the Word of God and demonstrates It to the people. That's it. Now, faith makes that Word live. See? The Word is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And then Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, it'll be done for you." See? That's staying with Christ in the Word. Don't go right or left. Stay right with it. See? And then it's actually not your word, then. It's His Word, and His Word has the power and authority behind It.Confirmation Of The Commission - 62-0122 - William Branham
I know my Redeemer liveth
And I know today, being my birthday; I am getting to be an old man. I look at myself in the glass, and I see that that little boy that built this tabernacle is not that little boy any more. He's becoming an aged man, stooping shoulders, the beard turning gray, the hair going out. But nothing can defeat the purpose of God; nothing can. Therefore, I rest assured upon the promise, "Because I live, ye shall live also." I join with Job of old, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last day He will stand on the earth." It's a purpose that God has. I must serve this purpose. My whole life must be brought into His purpose and to His program. Each of us is that way.I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham
But you won't fail Him, will you?
If there's any of you that's backslid and gone away from God, and don't know--don't know, you've lost that fellowship, like that little lady last night. Oh, darkness gathers when you get away from God. You're on a muddy road. You're bound to lose. And if you don't have that victory that you ought to have, won't you come, too? This is a complete victory. This could be a V-day for you, for all the things of the world. You say, "I've had so many trials, Brother Branham. I've just been drug from pillar to post." Haven't I just told you that that's God, because He trusted you? You won't fail Him, will you? You might have fell. You might have made a mistake. But you won't fail Him, will you? You'll rise up again, like a real soldier, grip the Sword, and come forward again. We'd be glad to do that. Sure.Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham
You are God's expressed thought
Now, if you have Eternal Life today, you are in God. By God's being in you, you are God's expressed thought. Whew! Then don't listen to any reasonings, lest your crown be taken and give to another. Don't take any reasonings at all. Just believe what God said is the Truth and stay with It. Reasonings through wisdom tries to make the Word say something It doesn't say.Wisdom Versus Faith - 62-0401 - William Branham
The best thing you can do is answer, always
I wish I could stand where he did. Wished I could stand in that place where he was standing. You know what I'd do? Oh, I wouldn't be interested in so much church affairs; I'd fall on my face and say, "Dear Lord Jesus, the Master of Life, give to me Your pardoning grace," if I had the opportunity to stand before Him. I believe that's about the feeling of everybody here tonight. We'd do the same thing. I... But today it's just like it was then. We're so taken up with so many things in the church we got to do, so much the church requires us, and so much places to go, till really, we fail many times to receive the opportunity. And maybe, some night we got to go practice for song service. We got to do something else. Something, maybe, religious nature, but when the Holy Spirit is speaking at your heart, the best thing you can do is answer, always, no matter what it is, what time of night, or what kind of an errand you're on, 'cause He might not speak no more for a long time, and maybe never.The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham
But He will speak in some way to you
Sometimes we go off on a tantrum somewhere and not think about God, not pray over it, ask the Lord whether we should do it or not, and we find out that our supply of blessings is cut off. Then we wonder sometime, "Well, wonder why I can't have no more blessings." You don't watch, you let down in your prayer life. You say, "Well, I'm a Christian." Well, that's the more sign you should pray, more than ever. Read the Bible every day. Pray every day. Don't make any decisions too harshly or too quickly, without first considering God about them. Ask Him, "Shall I do this, Father?" Ask Him, "Is it Your will for me to do this?" Then see what the Holy Spirit will speak to you. He might not give you a vision, but He will speak in some way to you, to let you know, if you'll be sincere and ask Him.The Prophet Elisha - 54-0723 - William Branham
No law but love
But in every church, we have doctrine. Many times, in organizations, denominations, they have a creed. And they stay on that creed, "This is our creed." No matter what the minister thinks, he's got to preach the creed, because he's in the denomination. And in here, we don't have no creed but Christ, that's the creed; and no law but love; no book but the Bible. And Christ is the Head; and the Bible is our Textbook; the world is my parish. So I like--I like to just preach the way that I feel led to preach, and just the way that I see it.The Mark Of The Beast - 54-0513 - William Branham
Then you have faith, genuine faith
Now, when we're going to be prayed for for our sickness, I wonder if we have done everything that God requires us to do. Have we followed every iota of the Scripture? Have we give Him our hearts and lives to service? What's the reason you want to be healed? That's the reason you can't get faith enough (See?), because you haven't maybe made this thing to God sincerely from your heart. Like Hezekiah did, give God the reason, he wanted to set his--his kingdom in order. And God sent His prophet back and told him, and he'd be healed. See? But you have to have those things made right first. So then as soon as you get to these places and know that it's been revealed to you by the Word of God, by the revelation, by the Word that God requires you to do, then you have faith, genuine faith.I Have Heard But Now I See - 65-1127E - William Branham
The hour is at hand
If the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and those others, are come seeking for the Holy Ghost, you'd better get your lamp trimmed. Trimmed, trimmed, yes, it needs trimming. Pentecost, better be trimming some lamps. Amen. Get a lot of this world cut away from you. You done got corroded over. The wicks got in bad shape. You know that wick is a great thing. I used to watch. What a real wick of God is a--a believer, is a wick. Look, he's got a fire on one end, up here, and the other end's dipped into oil, drawing oil and making fire. What a--what a Church, what a power. What a place to be. Hallelujah. Shining that same Gospel light that shines in the east, is shining in the west. It shall be light in the evening time. Rise, trim your lamp, Pentecost. Trim off the world; trim off the fashions of the world; trim off the things of the world. Get ready; the hour is at hand.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
It don't need any amputations
God, before the foundation of the world, looked down through the stream of time and saw everything that would be. And therefore, He could call and elect those who He knew that He would put into His building. That's right. And if you've been called tonight by the Holy Ghost and given a chance to come into the Kingdom of God, happy ought you to be. Amen. If you're in the Kingdom of God, and you're a part of the body of Christ, thanks be to God. You live the life. You do the things that's right. And remember, this might sink just a little bit rough when it goes down, but let it digest awhile. If you're in the body of Christ, He does not have any amputations. No, His body's perfect, it don't need any amputations. Amen.The Infallible Word Of God - 56-0406 - William Branham
I love that
A man said not long ago, said, "I--I don't want to bother God. You know I--I know He is awful busy." Nonsense. "I--I don't want to..." Well, you can't exhaust His a bountiful blessings. Could you imagine a little fish about a half inch long, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean say, "I better drink of this water sparingly, 'cause I might run out." Could you imagine a little mouse about so big under the great garners of Egypt saying, "I'd better eat, ration myself this winter to just two grains a day. I might run out before the new harvest." That's ridiculous. Well, it's twice that ridiculous, a thousand times more, to think you can exhaust the mercies of a merciful God. Why, He's trying to force His way into you. "Ask abundantly that your joys might be full." No way to exhaust Him. Like a pump, more you pump, the fresher the water gets. Oh, and I like that. Just keep pumping, living at the spout where the glory's coming out. I love that.Conference - 60-1125 - William Branham
Don't have one above another
And today, that's the thing today when we see people, and people are so subject in this day to jumping at little flowery thing, till it makes you kind of wonder sometimes. Don't never think above... one man above another. No, sir, no matter who he is, if he's just a little old fellow out here giving tracts out on the street, and if he's a--a Billy Graham. No matter who he is, if he's God's servant, respect them all the same, every one. Don't have one above another and favorites. We don't have that. Don't do that. And don't respect one person above another. Be... Let--let everybody be on the level. And brother and sister, in Jesus' precious Name, please think of your humble brother as the lowest of those brothers. You see? Just as... I don't say that to be humble. I say that from my heart, because I mean it. It's Jesus Christ that I'm trying to represent to you (See?), Jesus Christ the Son of God.Being Led Of The Holy Spirit - 56-0219 - William Branham
That's the Gospel in action
He never ordained us to build any church. He never ordained us to make a hospital, to make a school, or have a seminary. He never one time commissioned us to do that. All them things are good, but yet He did commission us to preach the Gospel to all the world. And we've built schools, and seminaries, and taught theology, and one third of the world is all that's heard about Jesus yet. But after all, passing tracts is not preaching the Gospel. "The Gospel came not in word only," said Paul, "but through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost." See, you're... Not just teach the Word, but preach, make manifest the Word. The Word has to be made alive. It's a dead letter until it's made manifest. And then it's quickened, and it's brought to pass, what God said about it. That's the Gospel in action, the New Testament Christianity.Why I'm Praying For The Sick - 54-0314 - William Branham
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