The only thing we can do is pray for the sick. I can't heal anyone, because you're already healed. If anybody tells you that they can heal you, that's wrong. See? If anybody tells you they can save you, that's wrong. You're all saved anyhow. See? The only thing you have to do is just accept it. You accept what Jesus did for you. He was wounded for your transgressions. With His stripes you were healed. You were healed; it's already past tense. 16 The only thing you have to do is accept what He done for you. That's all. And you're under the Blood, every one of you, or God would destroy the whole thing. You're still under the Blood as long as there's a Bloody Sacrifice laying there for our sins. And then one day when you leave this world without accepting that sacrifice, then you stand for your own sins. And you're condemned already (You see?), so you can't stand. And your healing is just… God makes such a beautiful way. See, faith cometh by hearing. Preach Divine healing. Believe it; accept it. That… If that would be me, that's the way I'd do it. If you couldn't believe my word, all right. And you'd be the same way about anyone else, but not God. After He sends His Word, then He puts in the church different gifts and things, to—just to try to get it to the people the… He's so loving and full of kindness.Perseverance - 62-0608 - William Branham
The only thing you have to do is just accept it
You've got the promise
Luke 24:49 said, "Behold, I send the promise of the Father upon you: but wait up at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high." How long? One hour, two hours, ten days, four months, six months, didn't make any difference: until. How long's that? Just until. When you ask God for anything, stay right there until. Amen...?... Stay until. Until what? Till it happens. Claim it. Believe it. Hold on to it. Go in action. Testify about it. Yes. Testify. Don't be afraid. Get in action. They were in the upper room what? Praising and blessing God. What for? The promise; they knowed it had to come. There you are; get in action. Go to praising God till the promise is fulfilled. You've got the promise.The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham
You'll have real faith
Sell out. Get right with God. Either be what you are or don't be at all. God's Bible doesn't teach it, then get away from it. If It does teach it, stay with it. It reminds me of this, for instance, what if we were going to take a little trip in thirty days from now to another land? And in this land, the climate was so wonderful, till we'd never come back no more. And over there we would never have to die or get old, but we would just be there forever. Could I imagine seeing you going around to the ten cent store buying up a lot of junk to take with you? You'd be trying to get rid of what junk you had. And when you just flusterate yourself with joining one church and then the other, you accumulate more junk. But if you'll think of where you're going, you'll get rid of a lot of that doubt and nonsense. You'll have real faith.Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham
Come on, boys!
One time here a few years ago, down in Jeffersonville, the Pfau Oil Company caught afire. And we got a bunch of little fire engines down there, and they come around looking like a kid with a hose out in the yard. The fire chief was running around there, you know, saying, "Uh, sprinkle a little bit up [] here;" chewing on that cigar like a dehorned Texas steer. Going here, "Sprinkle a little bit over here." All the fireman run around pull the hose, "Yes, sir, your Honor, sir, [Brother Branham illustrates.—Ed.]" fire burning right on, burning right on down. After while they called Louisville. Across the bridge came the big fire engine. No more than they stopped, they had a folding ladder. Who was standing… Before the ladder started, the chief was on the front. When the ladder went up, the chief was at the top. When he got to the window, he didn't stand there, "Spurt a little water here, spurt a little water there." What did he do? He took the axe and throwed it through the window and said, "Come on, boys."…?… That's what our Chief done. Hallelujah. Led the way to death, hell, and the grave, and said, "Come on, boys." Not some kind of a creed. Oh, come on; He leads the way. Hallelujah. A few minutes the fire was out.Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham
We're ready for marching orders
My faith is stayed on that solid Rock. There's nothing can ever harm, when you're anchored to that place. The storms may shake and batter us, but my anchor holds within the veil. When a man or a woman has anchored against that rock. Hallelujah. There ain't nothing can ever shake you from it. Just as their time was for deliverance, and they failed to see it, so is the time for the deliverance of marching orders for the church. It's at hand. Look, my friend. They had what? First the Word, second a prophet, third an Angel to lead them, to guide them; everyone agreed with the other, the three of them. The Word agreed with the prophet, and the prophet agreed with the Word. The Angel agreed with all three of them, all of them. The Word, the prophet, an Angel, they were ready for the march. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord God. We're at the end time. The Word, the prophet, and the Angel, all three of them together, one great testimony... God always said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." And a true prophet will always agree with the Word, and any Angel will testify of truth. Amen. We're ready for marching orders.God Keeps His Word - 57-0407M - William Branham
That's what we're supposed to be
Except we are converted and become like these little children. You know what? You could hurt their little feelings. And papa and mama knows a lot of times, they get in trouble, give them a spanking. Why, in two minutes their little arms are right around you and forgot all about it. And that's the way we got to be. No matter what goes on, we got to be forgiving and kind to one another, and—and—and be like that, like little children, willing to—to forgive and forget, and—and like that. That's what we're—we're supposed to be. And then when we do like that, we're coming near to the Kingdom of God.Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham
You can't be something that you're not
God orders His man, and you can't take another one's place. If you do, you're only producing a carnal impersonation, and finally it's going to be smitten. See? You can't do it. God orders you to your place. Isaiah seen this, that he could not put his trust in any man. There was the greatest man there was on the earth at that time, a king that had the rest of the world paying tribute to him; but because he got out of his place, Isaiah seen then that he could not trust in a arm of flesh, and it drove the prophet to the temple to pray. Oh, God, if the church, if the people that calls themselves Christians, could only see this today, and would drive them to the altar somewhere to pray. You can't be something that you're not.Influence - 63-1130B - William Branham
God said so
Say, "Well, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I was dying. I got cancer." That may be so. The man's telling you all he knows how. But only thing he can do, he's got five senses to work with, two of them he can use. What is it? One sense is feeling, the next place is--is seeing. Seeing and feeling, he can feel something, or see something through an x-ray. That's all the man has to work with. That's all he knows, but he's doing the best he can do. But don't look at that, he's come to his end. Look up here what This promised. Say, "How can it be done?" God said so. That settles it when God said it. That settles; it's eternally settled forever in heaven: His Word is. And His Words was made flesh, and is flesh today in you, if you will let It come flesh. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then ask what you will and it will be done," St. John 15. See, we want just let them Words stay in here. Believe it; it's the truth. It's a seed. It will--it will bring to pass everything that He promised.Perseverance - 62-0218 - William Branham
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