
We're ready for marching orders

My faith is stayed on that solid Rock. There's nothing can ever harm, when you're anchored to that place. The storms may shake and batter us, but my anchor holds within the veil. When a man or a woman has anchored against that rock. Hallelujah. There ain't nothing can ever shake you from it. Just as their time was for deliverance, and they failed to see it, so is the time for the deliverance of marching orders for the church. It's at hand. Look, my friend. They had what? First the Word, second a prophet, third an Angel to lead them, to guide them; everyone agreed with the other, the three of them. The Word agreed with the prophet, and the prophet agreed with the Word. The Angel agreed with all three of them, all of them. The Word, the prophet, an Angel, they were ready for the march. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord God. We're at the end time. The Word, the prophet, and the Angel, all three of them together, one great testimony... God always said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." And a true prophet will always agree with the Word, and any Angel will testify of truth. Amen. We're ready for marching orders.
God Keeps His Word - 57-0407M - William Branham

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