If you would ever know Who Jesus really is, then you can appreciate His great sacrifice so much more. You have to know Who He is, first. He wasn't just a righteous man, or a good man. He was the Son of God. No one, no Angel, no nothing else could have ever took the place but He. And He was willing to come down for us. And when He was born, He borned on the earth here, and come by the way of a stable, and went out the way of capital punishment. And yet, we complain sometimes because we have a few trials and troubles. Well, look what He... what happened to Him. You know why He was borned in a stable? Because He was a Lamb. Lambs are not born in houses; they're born in barns. And He was... Did you notice to the Calvary, they led Him away to the slaughter. That's the way they do lambs. They lead them away. He was God's Lamb, provided Lamb, provided for us, that we sinners might have access to God through Him.Believes Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham
No nothing else could have ever took the place
It's a finished work
Get that out of your minds the days of miracles is past. God's just the same tonight as He ever was. Get it out of your mind that these things that teachers teach you that there's no such thing as—as a baptism of the Holy Spirit. We got a lot of mockery. That's right. But we got a real Holy Spirit too. We got bogus dollars. They only make the real dollars good. Certainly. I know we got mockery of Divine healing. People say, "I got power to heal." That is a lie. Healing is a finished work; Christ did it at Calvary. And any true prophet of God will speak the truth; he will place it on Calvary where the all supreme sacrifice was made and there men was healed by His stripes at Calvary, not what somebody's got… You can't heal nobody; neither can you save anybody; no one else can, or never will. It's is a finished work. It's your faith in that finished work that spells it.Stand Still - 57-0518 - William Branham
It's getting up, to express itself
It's just like a lily. Where is… A lily, I think, is one of the most prettiest flowers that there is. I'm very fond of those great calla lilies and pond lily. I think there's nothing hardly as pretty as a great big pond lily, call it water lily. How it's radiance! Now, where does it come from? It's a little seed, down in the bottom of a muddy, mucky pond. And that little seed, yet, all the radiance that'll ever shine in it, is in it right then, when it's in that mud. But it has to strive, daily, knowing that there is something. It's black. It's dirty. It's mucky. It's slimy. In that slime that it's living in, yet it presses its way through the mud, the muck, and the waters, and the stagnant places, until it sticks its head above, in the light, and expresses what's been hid in it all the time. I think that's an overcomer, that, once in sin, once did things that was wrong, don't worry about it now. Once did things that was wrong, then, now why look back into the pond again? See? Look, you have… God, by His predestination, see, has brought this seed to life, and it's pressing itself, see, coming to light. And now, on top of all of that, it has overcome. See? It doesn't express itself down there. It's getting up, to express itself. Neither did you, in your—your sin, and adultery, and everything that you lived in. You didn't express nothing. But there was a seed in there, and it got a chance to press itself into Light. And now you're in the Presence of Jesus Christ, with the Son Light. It brought out what you really was in the beginning. You see what I mean? You saw the Light. You bloomed out. You laid your heart open, and now you're a lily.How Can I Overcome? - 63-0825M - William Branham
I know the Words that defeat Satan
Every one of you, repeat this prayer after me. Do you believe that—that I know our Lord? I know the Words that defeat Satan. I'll say this and you repeat it. [The congregation repeats each phrase—Ed.] Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, Giver of every good gift, send Your mercies upon me tonight. I believe truly, God the Father, Almighty, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the church, that in this church God has set some: prophets, teachers, evangelists. Almighty God, I now believe that I am in the Presence of that Church. And I now accept the message of Divine healing to myself. From this night hence I shall trust You. I am going to believe that You healed me now; for I accept my healing in Your finished work at Calvary. In the Name of Jesus Christ I receive it.Make The Valley Full Of Ditches - 52-0719 - William Branham
That's the Gospel in action
He never ordained us to build any church. He never ordained us to make a hospital, to make a school, or have a seminary. He never one time commissioned us to do that. All them things are good, but yet He did commission us to preach the Gospel to all the world. And we've built schools, and seminaries, and taught theology, and one third of the world is all that's heard about Jesus yet. But after all, passing tracts is not preaching the Gospel. "The Gospel came not in word only," said Paul, "but through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost." See, you're... Not just teach the Word, but preach, make manifest the Word. The Word has to be made alive. It's a dead letter until it's made manifest. And then it's quickened, and it's brought to pass, what God said about it. That's the Gospel in action, the New Testament Christianity.Why I'm Praying For The Sick - 54-0314 - William Branham
You live the life
God, before the foundation of the world, looked down through the stream of time and saw everything that would be. And therefore, He could call and elect those who He knew that He would put into His building. That's right. And if you've been called tonight by the Holy Ghost and given a chance to come into the Kingdom of God, happy ought you to be. Amen. If you're in the Kingdom of God, and you're a part of the body of Christ, thanks be to God. You live the life. You do the things that's right. And remember, this might sink just a little bit rough when it goes down, but let it digest awhile. If you're in the body of Christ, He does not have any amputations. No, His body's perfect, it don't need any amputations. Amen. Whew. That's the truth.The Infallible Word Of God - 56-0406 - William Branham
God is more than a good man
Brother Baxter the other day in a discussion, gave the most beautiful illustration I ever heard on it. He said, "In a certain land there was a righteous king. And the king was going to execute a slave. And the—the laws of the land said that this king must kill this slave. And the slave standing before the king was trembling and nervous. And the king said, "Now, don't…" Said, "What do you require before I kill you, or have your life taken." He said, "A glass of water." And the king give him the glass of water. And he was standing. He could… was so nervous, he couldn't get it to his mouth. It was just spilling all out like that. He said, "Now, look. straighten up." Said, "I'm not going to take your life until you drink that water." And the slave looked up at him, throwed the water out. Now, the king had to let him go, for his word… He was a righteous king. He was a good man. And God is more than a good man; He's sovereign. And when He says so in His Word, "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray believe you receive them." That's whatsoever things you desire. See? "These things that I do, shall you also, for I go unto My Father." That's true. He can't take that back. It's true. God has made the promise. "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." That's true.Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham
In your innermost being there's something that loves Him
Oh, how I would like to see the whole Christian church just look up and "Hear ye Him." He's the One. God's looking and searching for men who will stand out, outstanding men, not because you can do this or do that, because in your heart, in your innermost being there's something that loves Him. No matter what the world calls for, it's death. God, grant the day that when Christians will be Christians. And if you're not a Christian, quit dodging behind your church, trying to make people believe you're a Christian. God knows you're not. 56 It wouldn't seem funny to see a hog rooting in a manure pile. That's his nature. I don't blame him. He's a hog. That's his nature. That's what he is. You see him eating on a dead, an old dead carcass, that's all right. He's a hog. But it would sure seem funny to see a lamb doing that. I don't condemn the sinner. If he drinks, let him drink. That's all the pleasure he knows. If he smokes, let him smoke. If he listens to rock-and-roll and all these other devil inspired things, let him listen. That's all he knows. But you who knows better and then turn to such things as that, you're not worthy to bear the name of Christianity. That's right. You're the one. You who know better ought to be putting an example to them and living an example. Now, that's right.Hear Ye Him - 57-0105 - William Branham
The Word Itself corrects the error
Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.His Unfailing Words Of Promise - 64-0120 - William Branham
Let's just serve our purpose well
See, the solar system controls botany life, the sun, s-u-n. And just as soon as that warm sun moves from around behind the earth, and gets back around here, there's a germ of life somewhere in there that no scientist can find, but that little flower lives again. It's served its purpose. It lives again, because it's life. Well, if God made a way for the solar system to raise up again a life that served Him, what about the S-o-n when He comes with Eternal Life? And we have Eternal Life. We're going to rise again some of these days. Let's just serve our purpose well. Whatever we are, let's serve it. Whatever place God's put you, let's serve it. For the S-o-n is going to rise one of these days with healing in His wings. I want to come forth then, in the brightness and the glory of His resurrection. I want to walk arm-in-arm with each one of you, up before His Presence.Life - 62-0719B - William Branham
We're to be a different person
God is so good." I believe that. I believe God is good. A teen-age boy said, not long ago, in our town, our city. He said, "You know what?" He said, "God is so good, Brother Branham." He said, "You know, God is so good, He just let's me do anything." He said, "He don't care. He don't mind, 'cause He's just so good to me." Nonsense. God is a good God. We hear so much about Him being a good God, and I believe He is a good God. That's right. He is a good God. But if He's a good God, He's got to be a just God. He can't give us a commandment to do something another, and we disobey it and expect to escape the Judgment. He's also a God of wrath, a God of judgment. That's what makes Him a good God, because He keeps His Word. He watches over It. So we can't expect to do wrong, these things that we do, and get by with it. No. We just... He's not too... He's not so. He is good. That is true. I don't want you to misunderstand me. But, God is a good God. That is exactly right. But, remember, the only way He can be good is to be just. And if He's just, He has to keep His own commandments. And if He keeps His commandments, it's wrong for Christians to intolerate with the world. It's wrong. We shouldn't do it. We're to be a different person.Presuming - 61-0117 - William Branham
Our soul's on His altar
Now, you people talking about getting the Holy Ghost and how you have to wait so long, here you are. Until God receives that sacrifice, until it's laid on His judgments there, until His judgment has actually killed your senses... You might say, "Well, I'm going to turn a new page." That ain't it. "Well, I know I used to smoke; I'm going to quit smoking." That still isn't it. Until God receives that sacrifice on His brass altar, His altar of judgment... What is His judgment? Death. That's the penalty. The soul that sinneth, that remains in that, shall die. I don't care what you done. Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and done that?'" He'd say, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." See? When that sacrifice is received by the fire, and it goes up like that, and the smoke goes up, you rise with your sacrifice into the Heavenlies, and you're sealed away from the things of the world then. Our soul's on His altar.You Must Be Born Again - 61-1231M - William Branham
Perfect love casts out all fear
There's only two faculties that govern a human, and one of them is--is faith, which brings results; and the other is fear, which has no value in it at all. Faith is of God. Fear is of the devil. Fear makes you weary; fear makes you wonder. And if I was going to die in the morning, what good would it do me to get all stewed up about it? What if I was going to be electrocuted in the morning, and my life had to end tomorrow morning, what good would that do me to worry about it? "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham
God's Word holds forever
God will speak, and there's nothing can take God's Word away. God's Word holds forever. When God speaks It, It's confirmed in Heaven forever. It's right there ready, just the same as done, when God speaks It. Oh, that we mortals might be able to say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD; it's settled," taking God at His Word and stand there no matter what comes, how many ways push sideways. We stay right with God's Word. "God said so. I believe It. That settles It." Amen.Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham
It brings the truth
And that's the only animal that the dove could settle on. What if that lamb would've snorted like a wolf? The gentle, little dove would've took her flight. And you wonder what's the matter with the prayer meetings? When you got saved, you was a lamb. But when you started snorting like the wolf, and hating your neighbor, and fussing and fighting, the dove just took her flight and went away from you. And now you wonder what's the matter. That's what's the matter. If a dove won't stay on a—a goat, it won't stay on a wolf. Fussing, fighting, stewing, ups-and-downs, and arguing, and denominational barriers, the Holy Spirit just took Her flight. You say, "Brother Branham, how do we get It back?" Just come back to a lamb. She's just setting up there on the roost somewhere. She'll come right back when you take the nature of a lamb. But that's what's wrong. That's the reason the Holy Spirit, going to God, has to take such word. What do you think the tutor felt when he went to the father, and said, "Oh, how is my son progressing?" "Well, he's just a little, snoopy fellow. I just have to tell you the truth." Now, God tells the truth. The Holy Spirit don't pull no strings or punches for anybody. It brings the truth.Hear Ye Him - 57-0105 - William Branham
But you be salty
What kind of people would—should—should we be then? We should be sober, ready, always looking and waiting for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Christians is the salt of the earth. And salt will save if it contacts. You have a barrel of meat here and a barrel of salt here; it'll never save. The salt will never save the meat till it contacts it. And we've got to be salty and then contact the world. That's the savour. And salty makes… Salt creates thirst. And when the Christian people, who call themselves Christians, will be so salty that the world will desire to be like you, you're making a contact then. Have you seen Christians… You'd say, "Oh, I'd just love to be like that woman. I'd just love to be like that man. If there ever was a Christian, there he is." That's salty. You just be the salt; God will create the thirst. But you be salty.Hear Ye Him - 57-0105 - William Branham
Then God can use us
And then, the other side, we get these feelings and we think then that we're insufficient, and we don't want to do it; but then if we just listen to the call of God, that's the very thing that God wants us to get into, that kind of a shape so He can. When we are insufficient ourselves, then we are subjects to yield to God's Spirit. As long as we think that we can do it, then we can't do it. But when we get to a place where we know we can't do it, then we yield ourself to God and He does it. So then if it's us trying to do it we'll fail, but if we'll just yield ourself to God then God can't fail. There's only one thing that God cannot do, and that's fail. He can do anything else but fail. But He cannot fail. So as long as we're trying in ourselves and depending on our own abilities, and so forth, why, we'll do nothing. But when we get to a place where we know we're nothing, then God can use us.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
Then God can achieve His purpose
Now, if I get critical, forgive me. See? But I—I've… You've got to drive the thing down. See? You've got to make it hit the nail. And what good did it do? Nothing. And it'll never be until every person that professes to be a Christian will forget his own ability and yield hisself to God. Then God can achieve His purpose by sending, not a revival, but, brother, what He needs to do first is send a killing (That's right.) so we can revive. You have to die before you can be born again, and you have to… He needs a killing of ourselves. This Tabernacle needs a killing, and me with it. All of us, we need a killing so that we can be revived in a new life, a new hold, a new hope, a new experience. We need first a day of mourning.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
If you want to get somewhere with God
And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don't let no malice come in. No matter what anybody does, if they are wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God is in you, you love the other person when he's in wrong. See, just pray for them, and love one another. Above everything, love God and love one another.Humble Thyself - 63-0714E - William Branham
Then you can't mount to anything
There's little things that we do. And that's what we come to church for, is to find out where our faults is, and the things that we might better ourselves by. If we come to church for any other—any other objective than this, I'm afraid we won't get too much out of coming to church. We must come to find our weaknesses, find our bad places and our—how—see how little we are, and put our trust in Somebody that's strong. But when we have weaknesses… 44 There's so many of us likes to testify or likes to think that we're insufficient; and therefore, we make that an excuse, "I have no education; I have no ability; I'm unable to do this." And if you keep that up and do that in that way, keep going like that, then you can't 'mount to anything. But the very thing that we make excuses by our weaknesses, God uses that very thing to tackle the job with. See? He waits for us to get to that condition so that He can use us. We—we take the excuses and say, "Well, I—I—I—I'm can't do this, I'm insufficient. I—I can't do it." And God takes that very thing to do the job with. That's true.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
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