
Then you can't mount to anything

There's little things that we do. And that's what we come to church for, is to find out where our faults is, and the things that we might better ourselves by. If we come to church for any other—any other objective than this, I'm afraid we won't get too much out of coming to church. We must come to find our weaknesses, find our bad places and our—how—see how little we are, and put our trust in Somebody that's strong. But when we have weaknesses… 44 There's so many of us likes to testify or likes to think that we're insufficient; and therefore, we make that an excuse, "I have no education; I have no ability; I'm unable to do this." And if you keep that up and do that in that way, keep going like that, then you can't 'mount to anything. But the very thing that we make excuses by our weaknesses, God uses that very thing to tackle the job with. See? He waits for us to get to that condition so that He can use us. We—we take the excuses and say, "Well, I—I—I—I'm can't do this, I'm insufficient. I—I can't do it." And God takes that very thing to do the job with. That's true.
Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham

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