
The most powerful weapon there is in the world is love

But evil spirits are not cast out by cruel, indifferent living. The most powerful weapon there is in the world is love. I stood by a little lady the other night, where her husband was fixing to leave her, and marry another woman; very fine, known couple. I looked at her. She said, “Well, I’m going to leave, Brother Branham.” I said, “Don’t do it, sister.”

Told me, said, “Oh, my husband, his ministry will be ruined. Now what can I do? I’m going to New York and I’m going to get me a job.” I said, “Don’t do it. Don’t do it, sister.” “What can I do, Brother Branham?” I said, “Go up to him.” Said, “Oh, I found the lady’s picture, and I broke it up, and I done so-and-so.”

I said, “That, I—I see that. But,” I said, “go to him and put your arms around him, say, ‘Sweetheart, no matter what you done, I still love you.’ That’ll do it.” That’s right. A young fellow come to me, not long ago. He was a Pentecostal. He had seen too many of these meetings. And he goes in…His wife was a staunch Lutheran. She said, “Oh, I guess you all went down and shouted last night.” Said, “I guess you was all speaking in tongues and doing all this last night.” He got down on the floor, said, “God, cast…I cast the devil out of her! I cast the devil out of her!” Almost a divorce case.

The man, a fine man; he come to me, and said, “Brother Branham, we’re going to have a divorce, I guess.” Said, “I just can’t get that devil to move out of her.” I said, “Brother, you’re going at it the wrong way.” I said, “When she starts like that, say, ‘All right, dear. Bless your heart, honey,’ and be real kind to her. Just see how much you can do for her.” Said, “Brother Branham, well, how will I ever get the devil out?” I said, “You do as I say, and just keep praying in your heart, see.” I said, “God will take care of the rest of it.”

He called me up, about two or three weeks later, he said, “My home is revolutionized.” He said, “My wife is a different person.” I said, “Which is the most powerful, screaming and kicking and stomping; or putting your arms around her, in love?” God is love. If…God so loved the world!

Ever since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. (That’s right.)
Why Are People So Tossed About? - 56-0101 - William Branham

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