
What He shows me, I say it

Now, I’m just your brother, by the grace of God. But when the Angel of the Lord moves down, it becomes, then, a Voice of God to you. Maybe it…

If I offended you by saying that, forgive me. But I felt that might been resented. But I am God’s Voice to you. See? I say that again. That time was under inspiration. See? And I—I felt bad about it the first time, but It repeated it.

Now see, I can say nothing in myself. But what He shows me, I say it. You believe it and watch what happens.
Minun Palvelustehtäväni - 51-0505 - William Branham


He seen the blood

That’s what we’re heading for now! We’ve rejected mercy, and there’s nothing left but judgment. When you spurn the love of God, there ain’t nothing left for you but judgment. That’s right, howling winds everywhere! “What’s all this about, perplex of time, distress between nations?” Judgment! Yeah, you can put a—a good character in every county, and you still couldn’t stop it. Man, they’re going to drink, women are going to smoke cigarettes, you’re going to go on to your shows, you can go on carrying on like you always did, just like a hog to its wallow and a dog to its vomit, no more respects for God than nothing in the world. And the people that’s trying to live right, you call them holy-rollers and fanatics, and everything else, not knowing that your own soul is weighed in the balance and waiting nothing but judgment. Yes, sir.

I can see the little fellow say, “Daddy, go out and take a look, and be sure that the blood’s there.”

I can see the little boy and girl hold hands, and go to the window, say, “Daddy, come here! Look here!” I look, coming across Egypt, two big black wings folding back and forth. What is it? Death. I see it swoop down like this, I hear a scream come up from the house. There was no blood there, death struck the family. Separation!

It’s passing over tonight, too, brother. Not physical; spiritual. As they led the natural, He’s leading the spiritual today. That was an example, a shadow.

I see that yonder, and hear the woman run out, screaming, and all the family like that. The elder son was dead.

I can hear the little daddy go, the little fellow go shake his daddy, saying. “Daddy, Daddy, go look again! Be sure!”

I can see the old father go back to the door, and say, “Yes, son, she’s there.”

“Are you sure we’re protected, Daddy?”

“Yes, sir!”

“How do you know?”

“God said, ‘When I see the blood, I’ll pass over you.’” That’s right, watching for the blood.

Here come the angels, moving again. I see it move up, swerves from place to place. I see it make a dive and go down over a house, then turn back up again, “I seen the blood.”

Here it comes to this home, I see it come, and the little fellow say, “Oh, Daddy, you sure?”

“We’re perfectly sure, son.”

And the angel slips down to the door, spreads its big wings to go in, it sees the blood and takes its flight away. Hallelujah! What’s the matter? He seen the blood.
Israel And The Church #3 - 53-0327 - William Branham

That's the place

And any religion today that hasn’t got the Blood Life of Jesus Christ behind it, the death angel is on it; right, death angel, separated from God. Yes, indeedy, Ichabod is wrote on every bit of it that hasn’t got the Blood.

You say, “Well, I’m glad, the Blood!”

If the Blood hasn’t taken effect, if it hasn’t taken effect and you see it in your life, as a consecrated child of God, with what Jesus said would take place, then be careful, you might have something else besides the Blood. You might have a little injection of theology in there, or something, a little inject of some sensation. You say, “I quivered. I shook. I danced. I’ve did this.” Be careful.

If the medicine ever strikes you, it’s good for every human being. It’ll save from sin. It’ll clean up, from a life of sin. It’ll make a different person out of you. It’ll take the doubt away, and it’ll make you a new creation in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Death struck Egypt. God separated a belief from unbelief, that day, by the—by the blood upon the door.

Moses, a faithful servant who followed every precept of God, when he come to a place he had to die. He was getting so old, a hundred and twenty years old, he had to die. He had no place to die. He didn’t want to die down there with them murmurs and everything like that. God provided him a rock. Amen. He started climbing, till he got above all the unbelief, and God had a rock laying there. And he died on that rock, looking to the promised land.

That’s the place. That Rock is Christ Jesus, that points you to the promised land. You get on Him one time, and you’ll see every promise of God is true. Absolutely. That’s right. “If—if ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then ask what you will and it’ll be done for you.” Cause, He is the Word. It just manifests Itself through you, when you abide in Him.
There Is Only One Way Provided By God For Anything - 63-0731 - William Branham