
So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else

104 THUS SAITH THE LORD, it’ll take perfect love to put you in that place, for that’s all there was there. No matter what money, how much religious demonstrations, how many good deeds you done or whatever you done, that won’t count nothing on that day. It’ll take perfect love. So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else until you are just so filled with the love of God till you can love those who hate you.

105 I’m just, as I said this morning, I was made, my whole make-up is grace. A lot of people say, “Now, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Yeah, you do something for me and I’ll do something for you.” That’s not grace. Grace is, if your back is itching, I’ll scratch it anyhow, whether you scratch mine or not; you can slap me on the face, and say “my back needs itchi-…, or, needs scratching,” I’ll scratch it. See? That’s it, do something. I don’t believe in works. I believe that works is love. Works is—works is the manifestation that grace has taken place. I don’t live true to my wife because I believe she’d divorce me if I didn’t, I live true to her because I love her.

106 I don’t preach the Gospel because I think I’d go to hell if I didn’t, I preach the Gospel because I love Him. Certainly.
60-0522E - "Adoption #4" William Marrion Branham

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