
But I’m no good

91 I’m looking at a man now, setting in the back of the room here. I remember telling him that, on an old barn stall one day, by a manger.

And he said, “But I’m no good.”

92 I said, “I know you’re not.” And I said, “I’m not, either.” But I said, “You’re looking at what you are. And quit looking at what you are, and look what He is.”

He said, “If I could just get rid of these cigarettes, Brother Branham, I—I—I would be a Christian.”

93 I said, “Don’t get rid of them. You’re trying to get good and then come to Him. He never come to save good man; He come to save bad man that knowed they were bad.”

He said, “Well…”

I said, “Listen, you don’t want to go to hell, do you?”

He said, “No.”

94 I said, “Well, you don’t have to. He died that you might not have to go.”

He said, “What do I have to do?”

I said, “Nothing. It’s just that simple.”

He said, “But if I can ever…”

95 I said, “There you go, back to that cigarette again. Quit thinking about that cigarette. Just remember, think about Him, what He did, what He is; not what you are. You’re no good; and you never was, and never will be. But, what He is, He’s the One!” And I said, “Now, the only one thing you have to do; if He took your place down there, you just willingly accept what He did. Only thing you have to do is just accept it.”

“Why,” he said, “that’s simple. I’ll do that.”

96 I said, “Here is the creek.” See? I brought him up here and baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ.

64-0726E - "Broken Cisterns"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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