
That's God, 'cause he's speaking His Word

Listen, did you ever think what that offices of the church is? It's God's dress, inside dress, an apostle, a prophet, a seer. Foresee, before Satan ever gets to it, done told it. What is it? God dressed up in His church. These offices is God's dress-wear. When you see those offices, pastors, teachers, evangelists, what is that? That's God's dress-wear, God's Presence, God's Spirit and It's working through man. And if that office denies any of this Word, then it's not God-dressing. No, not that. That's that wolf in sheep's clothing. Watch that fellow. Beware of him. But when he just takes what the Word says, remember, that's God, 'cause He's speaking His Word. See? But if He says, "Well, it isn't..." Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my, get going, sheep; get going.

Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham


He had to become flesh

God could not suffer in Spirit. He had to become flesh to feel the pain of sickness, to feel the temptation of lust, to feel the temptation of want, to feel the temptation of hunger, to feel the power of death, that He might take it upon Hisself to stand in the Presence of the great Spirit Jehovah (the Spirit, not the man, the Spirit), to make intercessions to this life. And Jesus took that in order to make intercessions for us, for He knows how it feels. When you get sick, He knows how you feel. When you're tempted, He knows how you feel.

Hebrews Chapter Two #3 - 57-0828 - William Branham

It's yours, if you'll ask and believe it

Could you imagine, talking about exhausting God's love, and power, and beneficiaries for you. Could you imagine a little bitty fish, about that long, way out here in the middle of the ocean say, "Now, wait a minute. I better consider this thing. I better drink of this water sparingly, 'cause I might run out someday." A little fish, about that big, in the middle of this ocean out here... Well, that could easily be done, more easier than you could ask too much of God. He's the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. Whatever you have need of, ask Him and believe it. He provided it in the redemptive blessings when He died at Calvary and gave a promise to you for everything you have need of while you're in the journey. And it's yours, if you'll ask and believe it. That's right.

Where I Think Pentecost Failed - 55-1111 - William Branham


Let's remember we're brothers

All the Pharisees and the teachers of His day constantly tried to belittle Jesus. They... All the throw-off that they could give to Him, they done it. They watched Him constantly to find where they could find a fault, and they never spoke of His good things; they were always finding something that they could belittle Him about and say, "You see, looky here. If he was a man of God, he wouldn't do it this a-way," or, "If he was a man of God, he wouldn't do it that way." They were trying to cast a shadow upon Him to get the people to disbelieve Him. That's the work of the devil, and that old scheme has never ceased.

There's many times that a minister will make a mistake. And if he comes into a neighborhood, a precious brother who's trying to do what's right and to lead the people right, everything that the devil can point to the unbeliever or the so-called Christian in that neighborhood to throw off on that man, he'll do it. You know, the real Christian way is to hide everything you can from a brother. Don't tell his bad things; just tell his good things. Just tell what you know about him that's good. If anything's bad, let it alone. The poor fellow's got enough against him anyhow. Don't try to take a pole and shove a man further into the ditch. The Christian attitude is to pick him up and take him out of the ditch. See? Don't never try to shove him down; he's down already. Try to help him up. And... But too many of us today, too many people today, I might say, try to do that. If they could just get something another that they could say that was real bad.

Now, for instance, if--if one of you brethren would make a mistake and do something's wrong, which you're subject to do it; I am too, every one of us. But as we go along, let's remember we're brothers; we are brothers. And if we've got any fighting, let's fight with one another. Bring it together. Bring it before our brethren and settle it.

Taking Sides With Jesus - 62-0601 - William Branham


What is a spiritual sacrifice?

Our bodies are groaning, and we have an inheritance. And we're children now, heirs of the Kingdom (Oh, my.), kings and priests unto God offering spiritual sacrifices. What does a priest do? Make a sacrifice. What is a sac--a spiritual sacrifice? That's what these sons and daughters do, which are kings and priests, yet not in full possession, but they're making sacrifices, offering to God spiritual sacrifices: the fruits of our lips giving praise to Him (Amen.), fruits of our lips. You say, "Brother Branham, I just don't feel like praising Him." That's the time to make the sacrifice. Praise Him anyhow. Kings and priests, sons and daughters offering spiritual sacrifice, the fruits of our lips, giving praise unto His Name.

Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham


That's the only way He reveals Himself

Jesus brought God to human lives. God was made human. When Jesus was born, God became man, that He might become fellowship with man and in man, to (what?) achieve one purpose; that is, to bring to man what God is; not what a church is, but what God is. Jesus came that He might present God to man. And man didn't want it. The Holy Spirit comes today in like manner to present God to man; but man wants to go to church. It--it--it drowns his--his--his thinking. He cannot--he cannot fathom it. And we must learn that God is not known by intellectual conception. God is known by the new birth, by the Holy Ghost, not by any other way. Jesus, the Bible has plainly quoted us that, "No man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." And if you've never received the Holy Ghost, you don't know that He is the Christ, for that's the only way He reveals Himself.

The Unfailing Realities Of The Living God - 60-0626 - William Branham


Faith, designed to see what God wants

Faith is designed to see what God wills and wants. There is no knowledge that can do that. Faith alone is designed and give to the human race to find out what the will of God is. And you take your faith that you've got and it don't focus with the Word, then leave it alone, you got the wrong faith. But when your God given faith focus you with the Word of God, you're directly in line and zeroed. Oh, my. God help us this hour, great hour that we live in. Faith, designed to see what God wants. How do you see it? Through the camera of His Word, His promise. This is a full revelation of Jesus Christ.

Look - 63-0428 - William Branham


I'm looking for more of it, Lord

Now, Aaron as soon as the first manna fell, God told Aaron and Moses, "Go out there and pick up several omer's full of it and put it back in the holiest of holies, that when your children children, all that come into the priesthood, will get a taste of the original manna." Oh, what a privilege when a man become a priest... Now, remember outside of the holiest of holies, that was the only one that kept. It wouldn't keep twenty-four hours. It got worms in it. That's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church today. Amen. What's the matter? The experience you had a year ago has got wiggletails in it today; get rid of the thing, let's have one now. You know what them little termites or whatever it is wiggles around in them, broken cisterns, stagnated water... I know what I had yesterday. I know what I got today. Hallelujah. I'm looking for more of it. Lord, fill my soul every day. Yes, sir.

Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham


That's God's control tower

When God made a man, he gave him... He let... The devil took his head. God chose his heart. The devil through his imagination makes him imagine anything--gives him intellectual conceptions of the Scripture. But God gets in his heart and leads him by the Spirit; makes him believe things that his intellectual don't know nothing about. Amen! That makes me feel a little religious when I think of that, see. When God gets a hold of a man, he comes into his heart. That's God's control tower. And the reason people drink, smoke, gamble, lie, steal, and carry on the way they do, they're trying to satisfy that longing in their heart. God made them that way, so He could come in there and satisfy every longing that you have. But, how dare anybody to try to hush that precious thing with the things of the world?

Why? - 61-0128 - William Branham

This is the infallible Word of God

We all want to be led by the Spirit; just what the Spirit says do, then do it quickly.
And let's remember, while we're obeying the Spirit, one great lesson that we want to learn is never be hastily (See?), take your time, have faith. If we have asked God anything, remember, God answers prayer. He does it in His time, the way it's best, makes it work just right for us. And if that isn't so, then what are we doing here this morning? What--what are we claiming Christianity for? God... If this isn't the Word of God, then It isn't true, then we are found among people most miserable.
I'm so glad to join hearts with many here that know that This is the infallible Word of God. Then It... It is every Word the Truth, every Word of It, every phase of It.

Adoption #3 - 60-0522M - William Branham


God's seeing to that

Oh, what happened? Now, they were shut up. "No revival's going to happen here. Our denomination won't sponsor such. We'll not have that kind of nonsense among us. I forbid any of you to go to that meeting." Jericho, right in the line of the damned... But there must've been some tape boys slipped in somewhere, for the predestinated seed. They slipped over to her house and played some tapes. She made her--her own house a church to receive the messages. (They still got them, you know.) The message got to the predestinated seed anyhow. We don't know how it got there, but it got there, so that the just will not perish with the unjust. God's seeing to that today. Some way it slips in. They don't know how, though they won't sponsor it; but there is some seed out there that's predestinated.

Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


That's why He is God

Why God picked on little Bethlehem, and then did not choose these greater cities...?... They had greater names, and more of a spiritual background. But, you know, God has a way of doing things, just His Own way about things. I'm so glad He does. See? Sometimes He takes things that doesn't have a spiritual background, or doesn't have any background at all. And that's why He is God; He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it. And then that's what makes Him God. That's what makes us love Him. That's what makes us poor people appreciate Him, because that even though we, poor, with no background, yet God can do great things with us if He ever gets us under His control.

God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225


Don't you let nothing stand in your way

The people are not perseverant. If the Holy Spirit, if Jesus Christ, proves that He's here among us, then press till you get to Him. Like the little woman with the blood issue, and all of the different things that taken place, and all the adversaries in her way, she just pressed right on through till she touched Him. If this church tonight would do the same thing, would press through every scale of unbelief, would lock swords with the devil and his unbelief, and press through to know that you're a child of God and a heir to these things, and Jesus Christ standing present to show you that He's with you to keep His Word... Be perseverant; don't you let nothing stand in your way. I'm just wondering. If faith really anchors, could anything stand in your way? You don't get it. If you really got it, that would settle it. That's all.

Perseverant - 63-0802 - William Branham


Same yesterday, today, and forever

Now, when He was here on earth, He said, "I came from God, and I go back to God." Now, when He led the children of Israel, He was a Pillar of Fire, and He was made flesh, then He returned back to that same Pillar of Fire. And when He met Paul on the road to Damascus, He was that Pillar of Fire, that Light (See?), a great Light, and Paul said, "Who is It that I persecute?" And He said, "I'm Jesus, Who you persecute. (The Light.)" Oh, isn't He wonderful? And here He is tonight right here with us: had His picture taken right there, the same thing. See? Pillar of Fire, Light, just the same as He was: same yesterday, today, and forever...

Hebrews Chapter One - 57-0821 - William Branham


Our natures has to change

38. Now we want to speak a few minutes on this bird. A dove has always been one of my favorite birds. And thinking of a dove, a dove is really... and a pigeon is the same bird. A pigeon is a domestic dove. They're both the same family. I've looked it up and it is the same family. A pigeon and a dove, they're both of the same family. The habits of these birds are outstanding.

39. I preached here, some few years ago, in a tent meeting out here with Brother Moore, on: The Lamb And The Dove. I guess you all remember that; and how that the dove is the most cleanest bird that we have, and the lamb is the most meekest animal that we have. They're both sacrificial bird and beast.

40. How beautiful it's typed here as Jesus being the Lamb, and God being the Dove. And the dove would not have settled on a wolf, his nature's not right. It couldn't a-settled on a dog, his nature's not right. It had to be on a lamb; the two natures had to be the same. And that's the way we have to be, our natures has to change from the roaring sinner to the meekness of a lamb.

41. And did you notice the Dove led the Lamb? And notice, the Lamb forfeit everything He had to the Dove. And look where the Dove led Him: to crucifixion for the sins of us all.

On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove - 65-1128E - William Branham

What is the living God?

We are living images of a living God. Then dead to self, raised with Him (Now, listen, listen to this.), His Word made flesh again in us. (O Brother Neville...) Look. What is it? Not the mythical, imaginary god setting out there, but the living God... What is the living God? The Word in you making Itself real. Whew. Glory to God. Oh, I know you think I'm a holy-roller. Maybe I am. But, oh, brother, do you see it? Triumph over every denomination, triumph over all paganism, a living God made manifest in a living temple. And the Word of God, which is God, is made flesh in you. Why? You're seated in heavenly places, triumphed over all things in Christ Jesus.

Christianity Versus Idolatry - 61-1217 - William Branham


He's defeated

When you said, "Mountain, be moved," and it still stands there, you say, "Well, it didn't happen?" Oh, it did happen. When you said, "Mountain, move," maybe one little significant grain of sand turned loose out of the hundreds of billions and billions of tons. One little grain moved, but it's begin to take place. Hold that faith and watch that mountain disappear. Certainly. Thou shall say in thy heart, "Disease, move from my child. Disease, move from my body in the Name of the Lord Jesus," and don't doubt. Right there the good germs take on a new armor and a new weapon, and the enemy begins to back up. He's defeated because Christ, in the drinking of His myrrh at Calvary, defeated the devil and every one of his powers.

The Great Shining Light - 57-1222 - William Branham


He's got something in him that wars

A hybrid plant, you have to baby it, and spray it, and keep the bugs and beetles off of it, but not a genuine healthy plant. He's sturdy, strong. Don't no bugs come on him. He's got enough in him to throw the bug off. So is a genuine Christian. You don't have to baby him, and pat him, and tell him this, that, or the other. He's got something in him (the baptism of the Holy Ghost) that throws all the rest of it off. You don't have to beg him around, because he's a genuine plant of God. He's got something in him that wars. A Christian fights for every inch of ground he stands on. He must do that if he ever expects to exist. And by doing it, there's something in him that takes care of him. Eve tried to hybrid the Word. In the beginning God told her, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." She tried to breed it in with knowledge that Satan give her. And when she did, she lost the whole human race right there to the devil, when she tried to mix God's unadulterated Word with knowledge. It doesn't come from the knowledge of the world. It comes by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206E - William Branham


There's only one way in the world that you can be healed

Now, friends, there's only one way in the world that you can be healed, and that's only faith in God. Now, no matter how much that God will permit me, by my own faith, to take the spirit from you, unless you go forth and believe God, and serve God, and trust God, it'll come right back to you again. Did not Jesus say, "Go and sin no more, or a worse thing than this will come upon you?" Don't never come in a prayer line unless you expecting to serve God the rest of your days. That's right. Always, don't never live a sinful life, because you'll be worse, way worse. God has promised that you will be worse off than you was at the first time.

The Children Of Israel - 47-1123 - William Branham


How many has prayed for your loved ones?

14. Oh how we could go into the land of it, the laws of inheritance, like Naomi and Ruth, Boaz, bring all that back. How a brother in Israel, how that he must--anything that he had lost must be redeemed by a kinsman. Oh, how beautiful. It would take weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks; we'd never leave this chapter to go through it. We could tie the entire Bible right into here, right into this one chapter.
And, oh, I just love to study It. We used to take It, and take it for a year and a half, and never leave a Book, just stay right with It.

16. Now, but, it was such a great thing that the inheritance, how it was that an inheritance in the land thatno one else but a close kinsman could redeem that inheritance. Now, let me just drop on a little token here that I touched on theother night to you mothers. How many has prayed for your loved ones, lost? All right. There you are again (See?), "Your inheritance." See?
Paul told the Roman, said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved." If you got faith enough for your ownself to be saved, have faith enough, no matter how wayward that boy is, or that girl is, they'll be saved anyhow. God somehow, if He has to lay them on their back, laying there in a hospital, dying, they'll be saved. God promised it. The inheritance... Oh. "And they shall be there," said Isaiah, "and all their offsprings with them. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord."


They'll know it

God always deals with one individual. Two men's got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up. He's got to get one man completely surrendered and use that person. He searches for that person, but there will be one sometime, somebody who will listen to Him word by word. I don't care what anybody else says, they'll never move from it. That's right. They'll wait on, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and then--they won't move until then. He will be properly a-vindicated. You'll... Now, the outside world will hate it, but the elected seed, the predestinated seed, like there was in the days of Jesus, when that Light flashes, that seed will come to Life like that. They'll know it. It'll understand it. You won't have to say a word about it.

The Fourth Seal - 63-0321 - William Branham

That's what makes Him great to me

So few of professed Christians today in our land knows so little about God. Oh, they know all their religions, but to know God. Humbled Himself, and that's what makes Him great to me. That's what makes Him real to me is to think that He was willing to come down here and not be some great somebody, take some great name, or something like that. He made Himself humble and become a servant to all of them. That's my Lord Jesus. That's the One I love; that's the One, I'm--want to give my life entirely to serve Him, and to work for Him, and do everything I can to get people to look at Him, and believe Him, and love Him. He's lovely. He's precious. Becoming a footwasher, taking the towel and girded Himself and washed the disciples' feet, said, "Let him that's great among you be the servant of all." That was His example.

The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham


Listen to His still small voice

God has a new birth for you. But listen to His still small voice. Every one of you people who profess to be Christians, get yourself quiet before Him. Don't let the washing hinder. Don't let the work hinder. Don't let nothing hinder. Don't let nobody know what you're doing. Just go before Him. Get up in the woods somewhere. Get out on the side of the road. Go into the secret closet and close the door, when the kids gets at school. There get down on your knees. You've heard all kinds of voices everywhere. But just get down and stay there until those voices are silenced and you begin to lift up. It'll change you. It'll make you different like it did this little Samuel. It'll do something to you if you'll just do it. Now, it'll make you what you should be. It'll make you the kind of Christian that you ought to be.

Hear His Voice - 58-1005M - William Branham


He and his message is the same

We find out that when a man comes, sent from God, ordained of God with the true THUS SAITH THE LORD, the message and the messenger are one and the same. Because he is sent to represent THUS SAITH THE LORD, Word by Word, so he and his message is the same. A denominational man under denominational auspices, he and the church is the "one." A theologian under theology made by some denomination, he and his message are one: church of theology, a theologian. It's correctly. Then when a man comes with THIS SAITH THE LORD, he and the Message is one. And when Elijah come with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and his message became one. Just as Jesus, when He come, He was the Word, Saint John 1. So the Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing all the time.

Spiritual Food In Due Season - 65-0718E - William Branham


It's a unconscious faith

I'm positive that many times in people's thinking, that they try to make Divine healing and so forth, some great outreaching something, way away, "If I could only reach it." Could you imagine Jesus saying, "Now, let Me check My faith, and see if I've got enough faith to do this, see if I'll have to fast awhile to see if I'll have enough faith to do this." He was perfectly unconscious of the faith that He had. He just spoke it and knew that it would be so. Just like you come from your homes today, you probably want to return to your home, told your wife or your loved ones, "I'll be back sometime right after noon." How do you know you are? You don't try to wonder, "Have I got faith enough to go home? Have I got faith enough to drive my car? You just unconsciously turn your key on, drive on away and go home. See? It's a unconscious faith that does it. It's a unconscious faith that does it. That's the way it is: in Christ we just unconsciously just say, "That's His word; that just settles it; there's no more to it." and go on.

Melchisedec, The Great Prince And King - 55-0109M - William Branham


Stay in your own calling

And God has His program, and He will set you and place you in Christ, just where He thinks you'll work best for Him, if you'll just stay in your calling. Don't try to get somebody else's calling. Stay in your own calling. If you're a housewife, remain a housewife. Whatever God's called you to do, just remain there. He knows where to put His hand on you and use you. He had a little, old woman named Hannah, one time, little housewife. He knowed where to place her, what He was going to do with her. He had one named Mary, one time. Oh, my, He will just do with you whatever He wants to do, if you'll just let Him do it. Just be h-umble, submit yourself to Him, and walk on.

Water From The Rock - 55-0224 - William Branham

He only recognizes the Token

He won't recognize nothing but that covenant of the Holy Spirit. And you cannot receive that covenant, unless you are saved, sanctified, and then baptized into the Body. He will not... You might have an impersonation; you might feel good; and jump up-and-down, and speak in tongues, and dance in the Spirit. That don't have one thing to do with it. Hear it, in the Name of the Lord. God don't recognize that. Heathens do that. Witches do that. You say, "I'm a scholar. I do this, that, or the other." He don't care how much scholar you are. The devil is too. See? He only recognizes the--the Token. That's the message of the hour. That's the message of this day. That's the message of this time. In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive it.

Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


It's always a one-man message

Now, remember, these people enjoyed them blessings. They enjoyed the preaching of this prophet, this anointed one. They believed him. They followed him. But there arose up in the wilderness, one by the name of--of Dathan and one by the name of Korah. And they said, "This has got to be a one-man affair. Moses thinks he's the only one God's called." That one-man message, they didn't want it. No, they didn't want It. And God never did deal but with one person at a time. It's always a one-man message. When did ever He deal with the people, outside of just one person? It's an individual. It ain't a group. You're responsible to God, each one of you. You say, "Oh, I believe it." You just... What you do, you just entertain it. You entertain a thought.

Who Do You Say This Is? - 64-1227 - William Branham


How can you lose?

God's working all things together for the good to them that love Him, and how can you lose? You just can't lose; there's no way of losing. The Church could just really find that out. If you could positionally find your place in Christ, then all these other things would just fade away like a shadow. Every one that cometh to God, that's true, must have the shadows, and temptations, and fears, and so forth, but just don't get all tore up about it. What's a little suffering for a little while, knowing that the glory of God will be revealed in the last days when Jesus comes, when we'll be made like unto Him? He's just working everything together. Did you know, maybe if you were sick, or something happened to you, that God might've had to do that just to bring you a little closer to Him?

Job - 55-0223 - William Branham

'Cause he hasn't got any gall any more

Sheep love sheep food. And scavengers love scavenger's food. Buzzards eat buzzards food. And if you love the things of the world, that shows the love of God is not even in you. And the biggest hypocrite there is in the world is a crow. A dove and a crow, they set on the same pole, perhaps, in the ark. Now, the dove can only eat one kind of food, because a dove is one bird who does not have a gall. It can't digest rotten things. And a real borned again saint of God doesn't have anything to do with the things of the world, 'cause he hasn't got any gall any more. He doesn't go around fussing with a chip on his shoulder, wanting to debate and argue about something. But an old crow can set on an old dead carcass and eat for two hours and fly right out in the field and eat wheat with the dove. But a dove can't eat wheat and then eat the carcass. See the hypocrite? That's where the church has got. It's exactly right. What the Father must think...

Hear Ye Him - 58-0328 - William Branham