
Our natures has to change

38. Now we want to speak a few minutes on this bird. A dove has always been one of my favorite birds. And thinking of a dove, a dove is really... and a pigeon is the same bird. A pigeon is a domestic dove. They're both the same family. I've looked it up and it is the same family. A pigeon and a dove, they're both of the same family. The habits of these birds are outstanding.

39. I preached here, some few years ago, in a tent meeting out here with Brother Moore, on: The Lamb And The Dove. I guess you all remember that; and how that the dove is the most cleanest bird that we have, and the lamb is the most meekest animal that we have. They're both sacrificial bird and beast.

40. How beautiful it's typed here as Jesus being the Lamb, and God being the Dove. And the dove would not have settled on a wolf, his nature's not right. It couldn't a-settled on a dog, his nature's not right. It had to be on a lamb; the two natures had to be the same. And that's the way we have to be, our natures has to change from the roaring sinner to the meekness of a lamb.

41. And did you notice the Dove led the Lamb? And notice, the Lamb forfeit everything He had to the Dove. And look where the Dove led Him: to crucifixion for the sins of us all.

On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove - 65-1128E - William Branham

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