
It's always a one-man message

Now, remember, these people enjoyed them blessings. They enjoyed the preaching of this prophet, this anointed one. They believed him. They followed him. But there arose up in the wilderness, one by the name of--of Dathan and one by the name of Korah. And they said, "This has got to be a one-man affair. Moses thinks he's the only one God's called." That one-man message, they didn't want it. No, they didn't want It. And God never did deal but with one person at a time. It's always a one-man message. When did ever He deal with the people, outside of just one person? It's an individual. It ain't a group. You're responsible to God, each one of you. You say, "Oh, I believe it." You just... What you do, you just entertain it. You entertain a thought.

Who Do You Say This Is? - 64-1227 - William Branham

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