
That's still His requirement

It's strange that He chose a bunch of unlearned people, and sent them up there with a commission at Pentecost--not to go to some seminary, but to wait until they was endued with power from on high. If that man Peter, and John and them, wanted to preach and they were ignorant and unlearned, look like He'd said, "Boys, there's a fine school right over here. You go till you learn your ABC's. Then after you do that, you'll take your grammar school. Get it all, that through. Then you'll take four years of high school, then four years of college, and then about four or five years of Bible School. Then you can go out." But He said, "Wait in the city of Jerusalem, for I'm going to send the promise of the Father upon you. And then you'll be witnesses of Me (Luke 24:49), witnesses of Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." That's still His requirement.

A Paradox - 62-0128A - William Branham


But He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will

God permitted Israel to take a law in Exodus the 19th chapter, when grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrificed lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted. It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us: "Thy will be done; Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It, believe It. Don't try to find a way around It, just take It the way It is. So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect Divine will. He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will, but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will.

Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? - 65-0418E - William Branham

Man was created in God's image

Man was created in God's image (God is a Spirit.), so he's a spirit man. Then when he become flesh man, animal flesh on the earth, He's--He's showing, portraying here the Bride. He never taken and made another being, but he took part of Adam, the original creation, took from him, a rib from his side; and took the feminish spirit out of Adam, left the masculine spirit in there, and placed it in the feminish part. Therefore, part of his spirit, part of his body: flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone, Word of His Word, Life of His Life, and that's the way the Bride is to Christ. That's why the rapture of the royal Seed has to come first. And the rest of the dead live not for a thousand years, then they were brought up at the white throne judgment. See, there is no judgment to the royal Seed, or the predestinated Seed of Abraham.

The Seed Shall Not Be Heir With The Stuck - 65-0429B - William Branham

We believe the Bible to be God's infallible Word

Now, we believe the Bible to be God's infallible Word. We believe that It is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ, revealing Himself in the Old Testament by the prophets; God making Hisself known through His Son Christ Jesus, and in Him dwelt the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was crucified for our sins, died, buried, rose the third day, ascended into heaven, and is back here again in the Name of the--in the form of the Holy Spirit, God dwelling one time, God above us in Christ, God with us; now God in us. It's God working His way back into man, to worship, be worshipped through man, God's agency. God does nothing outside of a man being His agent, His helper.

Perseverant - 64-0305 - William Branham


Who are we then?

Look at Jesus. Talk about us humbling ourselves, when God Himself became a Baby, instead of coming in a--a little crib somewhere in a decent home, was borned out there over a manure pile in a stable amongst bawling calves. They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes was off the neck of the yoke of an ox. The poorest of the poorest, and yet the Creator of the heavens and earth... One cold rainy night, they said, "Master, we'll go home with You." He said, "The foxes has holes, and the birds has nests, but I don't even have a place to lay My head." God, Jehovah humbled Himself and become a Man, represented in sinful flesh to redeem you and me. Who are we then? He was our Example. Who am I? Nothing.

Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? - 63-0630E - William Branham

That's really a good sign of Christianity

We ought to honor one another, respect one another as brother, sister. And love one another with undying love. You say, "Well, I just can't." Well, just stay here a little longer, and then you will like people too. You'll love those who doesn't love you. That's really a good sign of Christianity: when you can, from your heart, love those who does not love you. Love the unloveable. Jesus said, "If you just do favors for those that do favors for you, well, the publicans do the same thing." But, see, you must be kind to those who are unkind to you; Do good for those that would do evil to you. Always remember that. Keep that before you, that God's watching you. Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him. "While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you."

Influence - 61-1114 - William Branham


Things of value come of great price

I believe it was David said, "I'd rather be a doormat at the house of the Lord, than to dwell in tents with the wicked." You see? No matter what it is, "take my place." Sometimes you have to separate from everything that's dear on earth to you to take your position that God has called you to. I'm sure you can read between the lines, what I'm saying. See? Sometimes the very dearest person on earth, you have to shake hands with them to take your position in Christ to where God has called you. See? But what's God doing? Transforming you from what you was. Maybe a daughter or a son, or whatever it is, from a lovely family sometimes, He places you somewhere else. Because it's His way of doing it (See?), by the renewing of your mind to obey the Word of God, regardless of what the price is. See? These things don't come... It didn't call... Our redemption wasn't a cheap thing; it was the Son of God had to die for us. See? It isn't... Things of value come of great price.

Power Of Transformation - 65-1031M - William Branham


When you believe it, that settles it forever

We have altar calls and bring people up around the altar. That's a--a good tradition of the church, but in the Bible time, "As many as believed on the Lord..." just accepted Him, wherever He was. "As many as believed, was saved. They had no altar calls. That first originated in the Methodist, around the early Methodist church is coming to the altar. It's a good thing. We should never let it go. Keep it up. I think it's a good thing. Come out there, pour your heart out before God. That's the way to do it. But really, that isn't what saves you. You could stay there at the altar, and pray all night long, cry, walk up-and-down the altar. You could do every penance you could. You could sell everything you got and give to the poor. You could go on a fast for forty days and get so--so wore out from fasting till you just couldn't walk, and never do you any good, until first, you accept... That's it. It's your part. God's did His part. Now, you do your part, just a simple thing of believing it. And when you believe it, that settles it forever. Now, you can believe it mentally, and you'll still guess at it. But when you believe from your heart once, that settles it forever.

lorified Jesus - 55-0225 - William Branham

You got to be an eagle

I love eagles, because God likens His children, His heritage, unto eagles. And God, Himself, calls Himself an eagle. He is Jehovah Eagle--papa eagle. We're His little eaglets. An eagle can fly higher than any other bird there is. If a hawk would try to follow him, he'd disintegrate in the air. So you try to impersonate Christianity, you just burst yourself open. That's all. Don't do you no good. Be a eagle. Be borned-again, nature changed; then you can walk up Jacob's ladder. Then you can climb to the highest spots to where all things are possible to them that believe. But you got to be an eagle, a believer. Don't try... The Hebrews when they crossed, as eagles, across the Red Sea, the assaying, following on, uncircumcised Egyptians tried to do so and lost their life. You cannot impersonate Christianity; you've got to be a Christian. That's right.

Show Us The Father - 61-0521 - William Branham


Doctrine is based on God's Word

Mix up yourselves together, and have union revivals; get preachers who stays with God's Word, and not scattered about here. Read the Word. Some of you don't read the Word once a week. You ought to read chapter after chapter every day. Meditate; if you'd get your head out of them old magazines and things you're reading, and out of this old, so many papers, and so-called religious literature that oughtn't to never be on the market... That's just as bad as reading some of the other magazines, stuff that's false doctrine, and all kinds of dogma, and basing it upon the--on truth. Why, doctrine can't be based upon some experience. Doctrine is based on God's Word, not on experience. People can have experiences of everything.

God Keeps His Word #1 - 57-0306 - William Branham


It'll accompany faith every time

In the twenty years of research of the Bible, and talking with the Angel of the Lord, and the many things, I find here is two things: that is love and faith. If you love God, just purely unadulterated love, you've got to have faith in Him, it'll accompany faith every time. And when love and faith gets married, you ask what you want to, and you'll have it. That's... When you know that your heavenly Father cannot tell you any lie, He's God. He can't lie. And then when you believe Him with all your heart, and you believe that what you ask for, you ask it with not for any selfish motive, but your right motive behind there is ask it for the glory of God, and believe without a shadow of doubt, that Your Father wouldn't lie to you, something's going to take place, when you get all the cockleburs out of the way, and just look right straight there to Calvary, and believe it with all your heart.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 53-0506 - William Branham


You're changed

Mary Magdalene, she'd knew His power. She knew there was something about Him was different from anyone else. She had seven devils cast out of her. Everybody that's ever been free from the devil by the power of Jesus Christ, knows where they're standing. No one can ever come in His great Divine Presence, and ever be the same person any more. You're--you're changed. There's something happens to you. Oh, you can stand off, and psychology, and imagine this, and accept this, a certain thing, and some theories, or something like that. But we don't believe in theology. We believe in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And when you come into His Presence, there's something that happens in your life, that changes you. And you're never the same any more, a man that's ever been in the Presence of Christ.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham

We've got to find out what's wrong

The church is moving too slow for the hour we're living in. There's something radically wrong. And it behooves us in this day, at the near coming of the Lord, to sit down and study this and see what's wrong, find the cause. You can never find the cure till you find the cause. If a doctor, if you go into his office and you say, "I'm having headaches, and sick at my stomach," and he gives you a little aspirin or something and sends you away, he's just trying to get rid of you. A real, genuine doctor will diagnose that case until he finds what organ's out of order, then work from that organ. That's the way it is with the Kingdom of God. We've got to find out what's wrong, then work from that.

Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar - 59-0823 - William Branham


Don't never get nothing among you

Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else, but stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the throne. Live humble; live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let... And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongued fellow might come along and try to take you away from it. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God where he'd stood there and seen it? No, sir. No, we don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination; we don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice; we don't want no strife. We want God; and He is the Word.

Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God - 65-0718M - William Branham


God's obligated to him

33. We know we make mistakes, but you mustn't look at that. It's not your mistakes, because you're always going to have them. But, you see, it's following His Rules, following what He said do. Stumble and falling doesn't have one thing to do with It. A real true servant, if he'll stumble, he'll get up again. If he wobbles, God pulls him right back in the path, as long as he's in the path of duty. But if he's off of the path of duty, God's not obligated to him. But as long as he's in the path of duty, God's obligated to him, knowing that he's just a man or a woman. He's obligated to that person as long as they're in the path of duty.

Oneness - 62-0211 - William Branham

We should always be trying to build up

Even if we can disagree with a person, if we can't yet do it in a brotherly way, and then... See, if Christ is in the heart, then no matter how much you disagree with the man, you still got love for him and respect. I disagree with many men, many times. But still, I've never seen one yet I disagreed with that I ever thought of anymore that "put my arm around him and call him 'my brother,' try to help him the best I could." I disagree with him because that I think maybe that upon disagreeing that he... What he believes, that I might not believe just like him, but... and so forth, but now I might try to project my way to him as he projects his to me, and get them together and comb out and see what we got, but disagreement like that. Just far as it comes to... we should never get angry or want to hurt, or destroy or anything. We should always be trying to build up.

God's Gifts Always Find Their Places - 63-1222 - William Branham

And that's God there alone

54. That's the reason Jesus said... And I believe if you got somebody... You can love anybody that loves you, but can you love those who do not love you? That's the Spirit of Christ. See? When those will mistreat you and say evil against you and from your heart you still love them, then you know you're getting close to the Kingdom then. See? So He said, "If we love those who love us only, what reward have we?"
So I looked at the old eagle and I noticed those great big gray eyes as he was batting. And I thought, "Well, what's--what could I see godly about that fellow? He's part of the creation. Well, what could I see godly about him?" I noticed he wasn't afraid. And that's God there alone.

55. God doesn't have no use for a coward. If you're afraid to trust Him, don't even make an effort. Until you're satisfied that He keeps His Word and He keeps His promise, then there's nothing going to stop you. That's right. But be sure you know where you're standing, because you'll only make yourself worse.
Then I noticed him... I thought, "Aren't you afraid of me?" I had my rifle setting against a tree. I said, "I can grab my rifle and shoot you." And he just set there. And I noticed, "What... why you so--why is he not afraid?" And I noticed that he had his wings. He kept feeling them, see if the feathers was all in running order.
I thought, "That's it. God has given him two wings. He's got confidence in them. He knows that he could be in that timber before I get my hand on that gun. And he's got perfect confidence in his God-given way of escape." And if a eagle in God's universe can have enough confidence in a God-given gift of his wings, how much more ought we, the children of God, to have confidence in the Holy Spirit, even though the doctor says you're going to die with a cancer, just as long as you can feel that power of God there, let everything be a lie and God's Word be truth.

56. I watched him. I thought, "There You are God. I see You now, because he's not afraid." God hates a coward. Love casts out fear. So if you've got love, you don't have any fear. There's nothing... Fear don't have one bit of value about it. There's not one thing... It'll hinder you.
You say, "Well, what if you are going to be shot in the morning? Wouldn't you be scared?" No, sir. Fear couldn't help me. Fear could only make me worse. Well, what could faith do for you if they're already assigned that you're going to die in the morning? Faith can sign my pardon. Amen.

57. So let me take faith. If the doctor says you're going to die with a cancer, that's all he knows about. Have faith, and it will change the situation for you. If he says you'll never walk again, the man's telling the truth; that's all he knows. That's what he can look at, what he can... He can only go by his senses: feel, smell, taste, hear.
But you see, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you don't feel, taste, smell, or hear. It's faith. You believe it. It's a sixth sense beyond the five senses.

58. Then I looked at that fellow, I thought, "Oh, I admire you." I said, "God, I see You in that eagle." And he looked at me a little while and he found out that I was his friend, so I wasn't going to hurt him. And after while, he kept looking over to that pine squirrel. And I noticed that pine squirrel was--was the one was cursing him so bad.
And he got enough of it. So he just stooped down and made a big flop with his wings, in about two
flops he went beyond the timber. And I noticed what he did. I shall never forget it.

59 Listen, you trappers, hunters, he knowed how to set his wings. And there as the breeze come up the mountain. Every time the breeze would come, he'd just ride up on it. Another breeze would come, he'd ride a little higher. Then another breeze would come, he'd go a little higher. He never moved a feather. He just knowed how to set his wings.
And I stood and watched him until he went plumb out of sight. I stood there and the tears running down my cheeks. I said, "That's it, God. That's the idea. It's not..."
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... and flew on away. O God! That's it. Just know how to put your trust in His Word and say it's truth. God in His universe... You believe He's in His universe? He's in His flowers. Can you see Him now, what I mean, in the sunset, the sunrise, in the holding of the earth, the turning of the solar system, all that He is? I could take a hours and hours, just on that one subject: God in His universe.

Show Us The Father - 61-0521 - William Branham


Let no evil come in your mind

Oh, take this solemnly! We should love one another. Oh, my! We should be so in love! Don't never speak evil against one another. If somebody makes a mistake, pray for him right quick. We are together in this, with God. We are brothers and sisters. Oh, live godly. Live, live like daughters of God, live like sons of God. Live sweet, kind, humble.

Let no evil come in your mind, in your thinking. Just, just dismiss it. If it knocks on the door, take it away. Just say, just show your Token, just keep walking, "I am under the Blood!"

Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


Love and grace is sisters

Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.

The Message Of Grace - 61-0827 - William Branham

Don't take from it

This was Moses speaking to Israel after he had been a-vindicated by God by a Pillar of Fire and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to it or take one word from it, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you." So say I in the Name of Jesus Christ. Don't you add one thing. Don't take--put your own ideas in. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It. He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today in a challenge, has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God.

Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God - 65-0718M - William Branham


Then it's time for me to go to the altar

What makes them peculiar? You are a holy nation. What have you done? Entered out of that land. You're over in another land. How did you get over there? That's the promised land. What kind of a promise? "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh." By one Spirit we are all baptized into this one promised land. Amen. Brothers and sisters (Hallelujah.) with the purity of heart, no jealousy, no enmity, nothing... I don't care if a brother goes astray, no matter what he does, you'll go after him.

I went after a brother not long ago, had went astray. A young fellow said to me, said, "Let that rascal go. Let him alone."
I said, "If I ever get to a place that my heart don't go with my brother, then it's time for me to go to the altar, because I've fallen from grace." I said, "I'll go as long as he's got breath in his body, and I'll catch him somewhere along the line." Yes, sir. And I caught him (Hallelujah.), brought him back. Yes, sir. He's back in the fold safely now. Yes, sir. He'd have went astray as sure as the world.

Adoption #2 - 60-0518 - William Branham


What we worried about then?

...in the garden of Eden. When man realized he had sinned, he tried to make hisself a religion, a covering. The word "religion" means "covering." And Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together and made themself a religion. And since then it's been a strain of man down through the age, trying to do something to save hisself. But you are saved by grace, election: God's foreknowledge, predestination, foreordination. Paul tells the church at Ephesus, that God predestinated us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Think of it: Predestinated us in Christ before the foundation of the world. What we worried about then? Get away from the worry, we're just the happiest creatures you could ever see. My, how can you believe that and keep from being happy?

Israel And The Church #3 - 53-0327 - William Branham


Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him

See, every lie has got a lot of truth in it. That's right. Now, if it's a real lie, just a right, what we call the black lie, or the little white lie... The little white lie is the real lie. You can see the big black lie, but it's that little white one that has got a whole... Like the one that the devil told Eve... See? Just one little thing off the cater, that's what the--our churches are listening to today. They're saying, "Oh, you're right in your principle of baptism; you're right in this; and you're right in that." But he fails to let you know you got to have love for that brother out there. Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him, the Kingdom of God, in the Presence of God.

The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham

Then she will be received up

Jesus would not permit His disciples to preach the Gospel until they received the Holy Ghost, yet they had been honored to walk with Him three and a half years. Though they were holy men, accepted in His sight, but He would not let them go preach until they waited up there and got all the differences out of them, and then the Holy Spirit came.
What the world needs today is that same filling. When the dumping-out comes, it needs a filling. What does that filling do when it comes in? Where you have doubts, it brings faith; where you have indifference, it brings love; where you had hatred it brings fellowship; and then when the church of the living God, someday will be united under one great Head, and that will be the--the Head of God. God, into the unity of the Body of Christ will be the Governor and the King and the Lord over the entire church under His control. Then she will be received up.

Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham


But yet that isn't it yet

Cain and Abel, both of those boys, realized that they were mortal, they were dying, and burning down like a candle, and someday must return back to the dust and to the Maker that brought them forth. And they wanted to find favor with God. So they both come to worship. Here's a little point we might drop in right now, so that you'll truly understand... Now, I think that every person ought to belong to church somewhere. That's a duty for you; you should belong to church. But just belonging to church won't do the job. See? I think everybody ought to worship, ought to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in the singleness of heart, purity of heart, but that just isn't enough. I believe every man ought to have faith in God, predominating faith in God. But yet, that isn't it yet. See? If going to church, belonging to church, paying tithes, worshipping God, and all these things that we do today called religion, God would be unjust to condemn Cain, 'cause he done every bit of it.

Glorified Jesus - 55-0225 - William Branham

It's only as strong as its weakest link

A man will go down here to a--at this--to eat. And if you'd find a spider in your bowl of soup, you'd want to sue that company or that restaurant. Why, you wouldn't eat that soup; it'd be poisoned. You--you--you--you wouldn't take it at all, a big roach or something boiled up in a bowl of soup. Why, you wouldn't have it at all. It would make you sick to think about it. But yet, you'll let some bunch of theologians push something down your throat that'll send you a million miles from God, and gulp over it, when man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. It's a chain that your soul is hanging over hell with. And as I've said before, "A chain is its best at its weakest point." One link to break... that's all you have to do is break one of them; that's all. The rest of them lets loose with it. It's only as strong as its weakest link.

Who Do You Say This Is? - 64-1227 - William Branham


You've got to have a battle

You've got to have a battle. If everything comes lazy, why, you're... What are you overcoming? They overcome by the Word of God and their testimony, the Blood of Christ. You've got to overcome something, and you've got to have some obstacles. And people that different, and fuss with you, and tell you you're holy-rollers, and things, you--that's put before you, it's a trial. If you haven't got that, then you're not even in the battle. What did you join the church... What did you join the Army and get training for? To lay around, strut up and down the streets and show off? That's the way some Christians act, that we want to be looked up to. You ain't going to be looked up to. You're going to be looked down on. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions." Pick up the Sword, cut everything free from you, and keep going on.

Presuming - 62-0408 - William Branham