
Countdown's on!

In the natural achievement, they're taken off to the moon. In the spiritual achievement we're taking off towards Heaven. Amen! The natural astronaut is trying to find him a place on the moon. We done already got a place in Heaven all ready. "In My Father's House are many mansions. I'll go and prepare a place for you, and send an Astronaut back to get you." Countdown's on! Do you believe it? Amen. Countdown! "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero!" The fire begins to spread, the ministry's crowned in Glory. Hallelujah! And the old rocket begins to take off, not pointed towards the moon, but pointed towards Glory. Yonder She is, the fire of God spreading. The power of the Holy Ghost lifting her up and beyond the moon, stars, beyond anything that could ever be achieved by man. The Church will take her flight to the bosoms of God in Heaven, one of these mornings. Friends, the man has been able to achieve what they have by their natural things, and God (I proved it here) has typed it by the spiritual.
Countdown - 62-0909 - William Branham

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