
Have Faith in God

I wish to take that for a text tonight: "Have faith in God." And the subject would be this, that, "Tested Faith Produces Goods." And now, you say, "Brother Branham, for a meeting, and here where several hundred people have gathered, do you not think that you read too small a text for the size of this audience tonight, just four words, 'Have Faith in God.'" No, that's plenty. That's enough. If we'll just believe what we have read and act upon the same, it's enough to convert the whole world. It's enough to heal every sick person that's sick in the whole world tonight. "Have Faith in God." It's a pardon to all those who want to be pardoned. But if it must be a pardon, it must be received as a pardon.
Tested Faith Produces Goods - 58-0518 - William Branham

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