I can see Abraham, say, "Honey? Do you know that your shoulders are straightening up, your hair is becoming black again!" Why, she say, "Abraham, my lord, I notice your shoulders are straightening up, your hands are becoming like a young man again." "Think so?" "Yes." 35 Look, they took a journey. Measure on the map where they was at, and they went down to Gerar, about three hundred miles. Quite a journey for an old couple, don't you think so? Walked down to Gerar. And not only that, when they got down there, there was a young king down there by the name of Abimelech. He was wanting a sweetheart, and here come this old great-great-great-great-grandmother down, with all those pretty girls around there, and he said, "That's the one who I've waited for." (Nonsense! She was a young, beautiful woman again. Like He'll do to every old grandma setting here tonight, that's in Christ Jesus: in the resurrection, she'll be a new woman again. Hallelujah! That's God's covenant with Abraham, and with His seed.) Here, this old grandma, with her shaking, with a little stick in her hand, like this, you know, walking around; and that young king, Abimelech over there, said, "There's the one I've waited for, she's my sweetheart, I want to marry her." Yes, that's what he did, he fell in love with her, and was going to marry her. Abraham said, "You're a fair woman to look upon." A hundred years old. Don't use some of this here manicure you put on your lips, or whatever it is. You don't need that, no, no, you don't need that: you need Jesus Christ. He'll put it there permanently, one of these days. Hallelujah! That's right. Don't fashion after Hollywood out here, fashion after Heaven. That's what you want to do.The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With The People - 54-0814 - William Branham
That's what you want to do
The invitation's to whosoever will
Now, if Mr. Eisenhower knew that you didn't have clothes fit to wear, then, of course, he would make arrangements for that. And that's exactly what God did. He made arrangements that you should be dressed in a certain way, because, you remember, He said, "Call the good and the bad. Call all of them together." Don't make any difference what your past life has been. When you got an invitation to come, you're ready to come. If you've been bad, if you've been a streetwalker, if you've been a gambler, if you've been a drunkard, if you've been a murderer, no matter what you've been, if God gives you the invitation, knocking at your heart, He will take care of the rest of it. Don't weary, say, "Well, I just been a lukewarm church member," He will still take care of it, if you'll just take heed to that invitation. And you say, "What is the invitation?" "Whosoever will, let him come and drink from the Waters of a Life freely." The invitation's to whosoever will.God's Provided Way - 59-0415A - William Branham
God will never condemn you no more
No matter what you've done, sinner friend. When God looks, sees you're confess your sins as being wrong, and God looks through the Blood of the Lord Jesus, He sees you snow white. No matter what you've done, He's looking through you through Christ's Blood. You're redeemed, precious thing. God will never condemn you no more. He can't condemn you.Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham
God has promised that
And sometimes, when we think we have a few hard trials, just think of that blessed hope that waits for us just outside there. That when we will return back again, that flower come to it's—it's pinnacle, to it's very heights of beauty, and then it begins to fade, goes back. A seed drops out of it, reproduces life again. And a man or a woman when they're born, they raise up to a young man, young woman about the age of twenty, twenty-five; and their strong and healthy, and their hair is black, and the lady's beautiful. And the first thing you know, the wrinkles begin to slip under the eyes; the hair begins to turn gray. Death has set it, and it's going to take you. But God has completed His picture, just what you will be in the resurrection. And what you was at about twenty-five, if you were normal, and healthy, and strong, that's what you'll be in the resurrection. God has promised that, give a—a confirmation of the promise right there.God Providing Healing For This Generation - 54-0719 - William Branham
Every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him
A animal doesn't have a soul. But a man has a soul. And therefore, that soul is a part of God. And even in its fallen state, yet it's the most greatest specie of all the species of the earth, is the man. And then get him in connection with his Maker, he becomes a superman almost, because he's a son of God. He becomes acquainted with his Maker, with the Creator of all things. And then when that man there, acquainted with his Maker, becomes a part of his Maker, becomes back into fellowship with his Maker, every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him, and he believes it. No wonder people can't believe Divine healing today. They haven't got nothing to believe with. Until God comes into the human heart, a man is not much better than a brute. His reason, he will think it all out, "How can this be?" And explain it all away. But when God ever takes His position in the human heart all the reasonings fade away, and God becomes first. Amen.Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham
You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ
The devil knows how to get his program in. He taught all you holiness people, "Well, you shouldn't go to picture shows." You taught your children out here not long ago, but the devil put one over on you. He just brought the picture show in your house. That's right. That's right. Said, "Oh, that's all right." See he has... You know they used to say that the devil went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. That's right. He's still in business, and he's just so much shrewder now than he used to be; in the ways that people get shrewd he does too; and he just slips in right in. See? Brother, I tell you if you ever slip for cover, you do it now, and that's right. You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in its condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. That's where the pace is set for all the modern world, is out of Hollywood.Has The Lord Spoken Only To Moses - 53-1130 - William Branham
He'll do it
Believe, for safety. Then apply, see. Believe for… Here is what you want to believe for. See, you want your own safety. You believe for your safety, and then apply the Token for the whole family. See? You say, "How can I do that?" Claim It! If It worked on you, then you and the Word becomes one. Amen! Amen! See? See, It works for both of you. You and the Word are one, then apply It to your children, apply It to your loved ones. Like Rahab did, she applied the token to her father, she applied it to her mother, she applied it to her brothers and sisters, and got them all in. You apply It, say, "Lord, I'm going after my son. I'm going after my daughter. I claim her! 'Satan, you turn her loose!' I'm coming after her. I apply my Token, the Holy Spirit. O Holy Spirit, that lives within me, catch my daughter there. I'm going to her now, with Your anointing upon me." He'll do it. Amen.The Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
There'll be a time when you really want Him
So, one day, his little girl got sick. You know, God has got a way of making you believe, sometime, if you don't want to. Yes, sir, He can… He—He does… He works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. So this little girl, she got sick. So, perhaps the first thing he did, as it would be, any other time, he called the doctor. And the doctor said, "Well, perhaps I can pull through her… pull her through," (Pardon me.) "pull her through in a day or two." So, he begin to give her all her remedies, but she got worse and worse all the time. After while, the great midnight hour come. The doctor calls Jairus outside the door, and says, "Jairus, Reverend, sir, I'm sorry to inform you, but your child has but just a few moments to live. She's dying." Oh, I can imagine the feeling of that poor, little fellow. What do you think jumped in his mind, the first place? Jesus, then. That's right. You know, you just don't want Him bad enough. There'll be a time when you really want Him. I hope you find Him before you die, but if not, when you're on your deathbed, you'll sure know that this old-fashion religion is the thing that carried you through them hours of darkness. You might think it's fanaticism now, and the people a little crazy at their head, but wait till the Death Angel knocks on the door. [Brother Branham knocked on the pulpit—Ed.] I tell you, all that bashfulness, and backwardness, and coldness will be shook away from you then, or, you'll want it to go, anyhow. Amen.Jairus - 54-0803 - William Branham
See how God does that?
You know, one time it was told; I don't know whether this is authentic or not, where the missionary told me in--in Palestine. However, he said he seen a--a shepherd coming with the sheep. And said, "One sheep, he had to pack it, and he had a splint on its leg. And he said, "Did the sheep fall, sir, and hurt its leg?" He said, "No." Said, "What happened to its leg?" Said, "I broke it." Said, "You broke it?" Said, "You must be a very cruel shepherd to do that." He said, "No." He said, "See, this sheep wouldn't mind me, kept going astray, and I knowed it was going to get killed. So I had to break its leg in order to bring it up close to me, and give it just a little special treatment, feed it out of my hand. And it would make it love me more." So maybe God, sometimes, just has to let a little something happen to you, that He can just bring you just a little closer to Him, love you a little extra, and then give you a little special treatment, a healing, and you'll say, "Yes, Lord, I believe you are." See? That's it. See how God does that? Isn't He wonderful? We just believe Him.God's Servant Job - 55-0223 - William Branham
Christ paid your healing and your salvation
And the only thing that kept me from being saved when I was twelve years old, because a spirit hung over me, a devil, saying, "Wait a little while longer." That's the reason you wasn't saved when you become the age of accountability. A spirit, you got with a crowd, and that hovered over you and kept hanging over you. You wanted to do right. There's not a man that's got his right mind but what wants to do right, but there's something won't let you do right. Is that right? That's the devil. Hallelujah. Christ paid your healing and your salvation. Now, here it is. You get ready. He commissioned His Church to cast them devils out. There you are. "In My Name they shall cast out devils. You ain't going to heal nobody, but you're going to cast the devil away from them so they can accept the healing I've already done." That's right.Believing God - 52-0224 - William Branham
He's looking where he's going
Now, Christian don't do that. A Christian don't try to be what he used to be; he's not looking where he's been; he's looking where he's going. See, see? Don't pay no attention to what you was then; you've done lived that out. You'll never return to it; that's in the past. And any man that drives life's road looking through a rear-view mirror will go to wreck; and so will you on this Christian road. Don't look back what you was; look what you're going to be. Paul said, "Forgetting those things which are in the past, I press towards the mark of the high calling."Questions And Answers #2 - 64-0823E - William Branham
If there's no battle, then there's no victory
If you--if there's no battle, then there's no victory. But you've got to have a battle to have victory. If it was just given to you, it wouldn't be--wouldn't be no--wouldn't be a victory. But he that overcometh is the one who has the victory. So Jesus came to the earth; He had a battle; He won the victory. And tonight we have a battle, and with Christ, we can have the victory.Whatever He Says To You Do It - 53-0601 - William Branham
Let this church be free
Lord, some of them that's been sinners, raised up their hands. They're waiting for the countdown, when there will come a change in their heart, that'll take all the old vile corruption out. There's many smokes cigarettes, that's ready to lay them down. Many that's done things that they ought not have done, and they're ready to lay it down, because we ask God Almighty in the Name of Jesus Christ to take away everything that's hindering the Church this morning, from sickness to sin, and let this church be free. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the power and the Power of the great Gospel, the Holy Ghost Fire begin to scatter, and the great astronauts of God take off to the desire of their heart today. Grant it, Almighty God. They are Yours. And may they receive their healing, their salvation, and whatever they have need of. I commend them to You, and commit them to You with my prayer, on the altar where the Blood of Jesus Christ lays fresh this morning. In the Name of Jesus Christ may they receive what they've asked for.Countdown - 62-0909M - William Branham
It's the same Holy Spirit today
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight, that the undergrowth is coming up. The fig tree is putting forth buds again. O God, send the rain, former and latter rain together that the trees might grow, O Lord, coming up in this blistered sin-cursed, damnable world, may it be done to fulfill which was spoken by the prophet Joel. I believe that You'll do it. God, I pray tonight that you'll bless in a marvelous way this people. May the Word of God sink deep in somebody's heart, someone who had an old mother, dad, who knew You. But today, how sad, that mother's religion's laughed at and made fun of. They say it was for old time people. God, It's the same Holy Spirit today. Yeah, they went out and blistered the bark off their churches and trees and took all the life out of it; all the heartfelt religion; all the shouts; all the praises; all the joy; all the healing powers; all that the Bible speaks of, just like a lodge. Go there, return, do the same things of the rest of the world. God bring the undergrowth, quickly Lord; send the rain. Send convictions to hearts tonight, who's needy here; may they find Christ as their Saviour. For we ask it in His Name. And while you have your heads bowed, I wonder tonight, sitting here; if you can remember an old mother, dad, years ago that you said, "Mother, I'll meet you on the other side." You remember when God taken the baby out of the home, you said, "Lord, I'll—I'll serve You." But you failed to do that. Are you here and want to receive Christ as Saviour and wants to be remembered in a word of prayer, would you raise up your hands, right quickly. God bless you, mister. God bless you, sir. God bless you. God bless you and you. Somebody to my right would say, "Brother Branham, remember me in prayer. I—I need Christ as my Saviour. I believe in old-time, heartfelt religion. I believe that the thing…" God bless you, way back there sir, I see. Someone else, would say, "Remember me, Brother Branham," here in the middle aisles? Would you say, "Remember me"? God bless you, sir. God bless you, lady, I see you. Someone else say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, I need Christ as my personal Saviour." Raise up your hands, say, "I want to now accept Christ."Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar - 53-0612 - William Branham
Character is a Victory
Unless we suffer with Him we cannot reign with Him. You have to suffer to reign. The reason for this is that character simply is never made without suffering. Character is a VICTORY, not a gift. A man without character can't reign because power apart from character is Satanic. But power with character is fit to rule. And since He wants us to share even His throne on the same basis that He overcame and is set down in His Father's throne, then we have to overcome to sit with Him. And the little temporary suffering we go through now is not worthy to be compared to the tremendous glory that will be revealed in us when He comes. Oh, what treasures are laid up for those who are willing to enter into His Kingdom through much tribulation.An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (Chapter 4 - Smyrnaean Church Age) - William Branham
Then God will raise you up
Now, we have a law, the law of the Life in us. We don't… Only thing you have to do… You are made, and born, and placed here in the Body of Christ, as sons and daughters of God. You don't have to knuck' down to the Devil. We've got a law. That's the law of the Holy Spirit. The only thing you know, have to do, is know how to let go and let God. You keep fighting at it, see, and it won't never work. When, you let go and let God, that's all. See? If the fish said, "Wait, I'll catch my breath real good. I'll breathe up a little oxygen in me, and I'll see if I can go down." No. He does that, he'll burst open. See? The bird says, "I'll see how fast I can run down here, and maybe I'll take off." No. He won't do it. He'll fall down. See? He's got to know how to control, how that law can control him. And the same way it is with us. It isn't what we fight, and pull, and—and hurry, and—and, "Oh, if I don't get this, if I don't get that." That's not it. Is to know that the law of Life is in you, and you just let go and let God. Then He takes you to your healing, takes you to the baptism of the Spirit, or anything that He's promised. Any claim that He's given is yours, and by letting go and letting God. Now, if you're… If the officer was going to—going to take the fellow that stole your property, was going to take him to court, and you keep pulling him back, "Well, I don't know just whether he should do this or not," he'll never get him there. Just let him go. That's the way you do. Let Satan just get away, all the doubts and everything flee from your mind, then God will raise you up. Good.The Restoration Of The Bride Tree - 62-0422 - William Branham
You shall be filled
Yes, there is a fountain filled with Blood for every sinner, drawn from Immanuel's veins. You who thirst and long to be righteous, there is a fountain open today for you. The hounds of hell might've wounded you. They might've cut you this way or cut you that way. They might've bursted, and drunk your blood, and sent you to these places and pleasure crazy. If you really want to get over it, there's a water brook open today. That's the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Spirit flowing free as the Holy Spirit. "Whosoever will let him come and drink from the fountains of the water of Life freely." Whosoever will? Yes. Black, white, brown, yellow, whatever you may be, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of God, Church of Christ, Catholic, Pentecostal, whoever you are; young, old, middle aged, there is a fountain open. And the waters of Life is flowing freely, and the Holy Spirit's saying, "Come, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I'll give you rest. Blessed are you when you hunger and thirst, for I will fill you." You shall be filled. And "As the hart thirsts for the water brook, my soul thirsts after thee, O God."Thirsting For Life - 57-0630 - William Branham
That's the vindication of His resurrection
Did you ever stop to think this morning, as far as returning, that is, to become visible? He's already here with us now. He... We someday... Now, today just imagine that His Presence being here today. The Lord Jesus is in another world, or another dimension, right here today in form of Spirit. His Spirit is blending in with our spirit. Our eyes can't see Him, because that they're physical yet, unless there would something happen that we could see vision. But He is here just as visible, just as real as He was the day that He spoke to Mary at the grave, or He met Cleopas on his road to Emmaus. His Presence is here. It can be feeled with that, felt with that inner charge that's on the inside of the human body, called the new birth. The soul has been magnetized unto Him. And once in a while, when you let your mind be concentrated on Him, believing on Him, after while something, a reality, you can feel something sweep over your being. That's the vindication of His resurrection. It's not a "guess so." It's not "I hope so." But to every person that's borned again, it's a "know so." It's... You know it. It's right there. And when you become contact with Him... I've seen saints say, "Oh, can you... The Presence of the Lord is near." You say, "Why, there's something..." Why, certainly. He's right there, right up... He's rose from the dead, and He's standing right by you. Now, someday when we go to be with Him, these spirits in here that can feel that Spirit, presses into that. Then on the resurrection when He makes Hisself visible, we'll be made visible and have a body like His own glorious body. For when we come from the spirit world, He will bring us with Him. All that are dead in Christ will God bring with Him in the resurrection. Oh, what an enlightenment, what a blessed thing.My Redeemer Liveth - 55-0410S - William Branham
We're out here to fight the enemy
Temptations come; there'll never be a temptation unless He give you grace to bear it. And He's promised to meet you on every battlefront, right there, and He'll bless. So then, that's where your hope's... You will get to the place, you say, "Well, Brother Bill, they... I have so many temptations." Tell me one Christian that doesn't have temptation. We never come to a picnic; we've come to a battleground. We're out here to fight the enemy. Why sure, we don't put on our armor just to be looked at. If you become a Christian, just to be looked at, then you're--you're... Why, I'm afraid you got in the wrong place.Redemption By Judgement - 54-1114 - William Branham
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