
There'll be a time when you really want Him

So, one day, his little girl got sick. You know, God has got a way of making you believe, sometime, if you don't want to. Yes, sir, He can… He—He does… He works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. So this little girl, she got sick. So, perhaps the first thing he did, as it would be, any other time, he called the doctor. And the doctor said, "Well, perhaps I can pull through her… pull her through," (Pardon me.) "pull her through in a day or two." So, he begin to give her all her remedies, but she got worse and worse all the time. After while, the great midnight hour come. The doctor calls Jairus outside the door, and says, "Jairus, Reverend, sir, I'm sorry to inform you, but your child has but just a few moments to live. She's dying." Oh, I can imagine the feeling of that poor, little fellow. What do you think jumped in his mind, the first place? Jesus, then. That's right. You know, you just don't want Him bad enough. There'll be a time when you really want Him. I hope you find Him before you die, but if not, when you're on your deathbed, you'll sure know that this old-fashion religion is the thing that carried you through them hours of darkness. You might think it's fanaticism now, and the people a little crazy at their head, but wait till the Death Angel knocks on the door. [Brother Branham knocked on the pulpit—Ed.] I tell you, all that bashfulness, and backwardness, and coldness will be shook away from you then, or, you'll want it to go, anyhow. Amen.
Jairus - 54-0803 - William Branham

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