
It'll take care of itself

The Word is a Seed, but the Seed won't grow unless it's placed in the right kind of ground. No matter how much seed you got, if you're afraid to sow it …(afraid to sow—afraid)… the seed will do you no good. But listen to this: every Word of God is a Seed. Jesus said so. And every promise of God will come to pass if you will receive it and don't doubt it, can place it in your heart, and believe it come from God, and water it with faith, it'll spring forth of its kind. Don't never forget this statement. I make this from my heart. The right mental attitude towards any promise of God will bring it to pass. You believe that? …?… Amen. If you'll take the right attitude, that it's God's Word, and God is behind His Word, and the Word is God, it'll bring to pass what it says. If you plant wheat, you get wheat. If you plant corn, you get corn. If you want to be saved, accept His plan of salvation. If you want to be healed, accept His plan of healing. Here they are. He, Christ, was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed. That's all you have to know. The next thing you have to do, is to believe it, and it'll take care of itself. Hallelujah. …?… It will.
Fellowship - 55-0813 - William Branham

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