Oh, that would make the Presbyterian shout! Did Sunday, didn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Them people were Presbyterian. Certainly would, to think. Oh, no wonder people get emotionally! Why, if you get emotionally from batting a ball or throwing one in a basket, how much more will it make you emotionally to know that you've passed from death to Life, that you're a new Creation in Christ! You know it by the way your spirit leads you away from malice, and guile, and enmity, and all the things of the world. And your heart sets centered on Christ. That's your motives. That's all that you think of in your mind, on your heart, all day and night. When you go to bed at night, and put your hands behind you, like this, and just lay there and praise Him till you go to sleep. Wake up, of a morning, still praising Him. Amen. Oh, my!Hebrews Chapter Two #3 - 57-0828 - William Branham
That's all that you think of in your mind
There's nine spiritual gifts in that church
Well, let me tell you, brother, it don't consist just of that. That's the reason we're lumping, bumping down the road the way we are. There's not one spoke in there, but there's nine spiritual gifts in that church, not just one. Them's all right. The tire's all right; the rim's all right; the spoke's all right; but like the colored man eating the watermelon, "There's more of it." And that's what I mean today. There's more of it. There's nine spiritual spokes in this wheel. And it's turned by the wheel in the middle of the wheel, all connected with the hub. Oh, I feel religious. I sure do.Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham
There's a God of Heaven that answers prayer
We should not worship the Lord just after we get through preaching the Word, as we usually do, just worship Him. That’s wonderful. But we should worship Him every hour of our life. When we’re at work, we should worship Him. Every time the opportunity presents itself, worship the Lord by testifying of Him. If you see, some of you ladies, see a woman in the wrong, worship the Lord by taking her and saying, “Sister, there’s a better life than this.” You men at your work, when you hear a man using the Name of the Lord in vain, get a chance to one side and slip over, and take him by the hand, and say, “You, there’s a better life than this. You shouldn’t use those words.” And tell him in a meek, gentle way. All those things is a worship. And when we see someone sick, and the doctor says there’s no more can be done, we ought to worship the Lord by telling them, “There’s a God of Heaven that answers prayer.”Hebrews Chapter Two #1 - 57-0825M - William Branham
The church is dying for love, brother
57 I believe the Pentecostal church has got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I believe the rest of you do too, that claim it. I believe your speaking in tongues is right. I believe that your prophecy's right. I'd go with you on…?… being a Baptist. I believe it. Sure I do. But here's one thing, brother. It's not keeping the right kind of time. That's what I'm trying to say. So it takes the baptism of the Holy Ghost to come into that human heart there to make the thing run right. The love of God, God is love. And unless each one of these gifts is put right in the center of love, it'll become selfish and indifferent, and pull itself off, and isolate itself, and cross over, and fuss and stew. But when it's anchored right into the middle of love, it'll fellowship everywhere. And that's right. That's exactly what we need. The church is dying for love, brother.Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham
Then I'll put My Spirit in you
Now, many times we try to make that thing just say… Well, as soon as you get the new spirit, you quit your stealing, you quit your lying, things like that. You say, "Oh, hallelujah, I got it." And you find out the first time anyone crosses your path a little bit, oh mercy, what a difference. Sure. You blow up like a frog eating buckshot. But let me tell you, brother. That's the reason you never got God's Spirit. That's true. "Oh," you say, "he stepped on my toe; I'll just not put up with that." All right. That shows what you got in you. That's true. "I'll put a new spirit in you, and then I'll put My Spirit in you." Now, the heart is in the center of the emotions of the human being. Your heart is the middle of you. That's exactly right. So God puts a new heart in the middle of the old man, then He puts a new spirit in the middle of the new spirit, or heart, and puts His Spirit in the middle of the new spirit.Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
It seems that people's lost their common decency and modesty. They're not like they used to be. It used to be when the prophet said THUS SAITH THE LORD, the people trembled. Yeah, they certainly did. The people moved, for they was afraid. But now they lost all their scare of it. They don't fear God. Solomon said, "The--the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," just the beginning of it. But the prophet can speak THUS SAITH THE LORD; the people say, "Nonsense." See, there's not a hope for them. It's... They say, "Why, we're smart. We're intellectual; we don't have to take that kind of stuff. We know what we're talking about." It's also an old proverb, that fools will walk with hobnailed shoes, where Angels fear to trod. Certainly.God's Power To Transform - 65-0911 - William Branham
That's the way it is in too many homes
Listen. I wonder if that isn't the case today? If we're not too busy with our profession, and other things; and we fail to entertain Him. Oh, my. When I see Him come in, and He left His work to come to His…?… there where He was invited, and that's the way He gets entertained. Is it that way at your house? Is it that way at your church? Is it that way in your life? You pray, "Lord Jesus, come." And when He comes, you don't pay any attention to Him. Is that the way you're treating my Lord? If it is, shame on you. How did He get…?… How did He do it? I wished I could've been that flunky. I would've liked to have been there. If I knowed He was coming, I'd have been watching for Him. I wouldn't have cared about Dr. Jones, all those big old Pharisees. I'd been looking for my Lord. Hallelujah. I'd have been looking for Him, watching for Him, so I could give Him courtesy and made Him welcome. We live in a day, we're looking for everything but the Lord. That's the reason we miss Him. And there He was: unwashed feet, setting back in the crowd in that condition. Isn't that pitiful? But that's the way it is. That's the way it is today. That's the way it is in too many homes.The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0828A - William Branham
We forget what we are
Now, sons and daughters… Who has the most power before God? What is an angel? An "angel's" "a servant." Is that right? They're His servants. What are you? His son and daughter. Who has the most power in heaven then? A sinner that's been saved by grace, or an Archangel that's standing by His right side? The sinner that's been saved by grace has more authority in heaven than the Archangel that's stood by His side without sin. Because He's a son. A son has more authority than the servant, of course. Oh, we forget what we are. We forget many times what made us what we are. After we become what we are, then we forgot how we got here.The Kinsman Redeemer - 60-1002 - William Branham
He loves you
Search the Scripture. The Word of God is a Lamp unto our feet. That we should--that we should be guided then, it's the Light that follows the pathway that leads us from victory unto victory. Now, before you can have a victory, there has to be a battle. And if there's no battles, there's no victories. So we ought to be thankful for the battles and the tryings. It's God giving us the opportunity to have victories. Oh, my, don't that make it a little bit better now? See, the battle come along, somebody saying something bad about you, sickness come on to you, maybe God give you those light afflictions that He might heal you and show His favor to you, let you see what He means by it. He loves you.Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham
Jesus, will you take second place?
Listen, I want to ask you something now. Did you ever pray for Jesus to come to your house? If you did say—if you have, say, "Amen." Sure you have. How did you treat Him when He come? Do you give Him a little place up in the attic? Maybe your sewing party's there that day. When Jesus comes to your heart, do you feel like crying; you feel like weeping out; you feel like praising Him? But what do you do with Him? You put Him up in the attic. You put it… You go up in the attic, over in a little room, or down in the cellar, and you get down there, say, "Thank You, Jesus," or something. You're ashamed of Him before your company. (Shame before your company, shame before your company.) If you are, you ought to repent today. Amen. Give Jesus first place: first place, first in life. First your best; not—not your second, your first. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; other things will be added." But do you let Him set back when you're—when you're talking to your boss, and Jesus comes down, and He wants you to testify to Him and tell your boss that the love of God's in your heart? Are you ashamed of Him? Do you give Him a little corner? I might ask this to Jesus: "Jesus, will you take second place?"The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0828A - William Branham
"Would You take third place?"
"Will you take fifth place?"
"Yeah, I'll come anyhow."
You think your neighbor would come if He taken fifth place? No. That's what makes me love Him, makes me to know He's [Blank.spot.on.tape—Ed.] He's the God of heaven. He'll take any place (Hallelujah.) that man will give Him. (that man will give Him, any place man will give Him in your heart.)
It is laying just ahead for His church
And now, when the brethren received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, they said, "This is the summit; this is all of it." But, brethren, that's wrong. See? There is no summit to God's power. We move on and on and on; it's the unlimited resources of God has never been tapped yet, blessings and powers that we know nothing about. It's never been even revealed to Archangels, is laying just ahead for His church that will believe. "For eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered the hearts of men, what God has for them in store that love Him." So let's move up and claim our rights. As God opens the gates and swings out the welcome mat, let's move on up into deeper depths and never colonize ourselves, to organize ourselves, and to get into a place where this is—"We believe this and that's all." Let's believe this plus how much more we can hear from God. I think that ought to be the motive of every man and woman that loves the Lord Jesus, to receive all that you can from the hand of His bountiful mercies. That's my heart.A Hidden Life - 55-1006 - William Branham
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