
The church is dying for love, brother

57 I believe the Pentecostal church has got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I believe the rest of you do too, that claim it. I believe your speaking in tongues is right. I believe that your prophecy's right. I'd go with you on…?… being a Baptist. I believe it. Sure I do. But here's one thing, brother. It's not keeping the right kind of time. That's what I'm trying to say. So it takes the baptism of the Holy Ghost to come into that human heart there to make the thing run right. The love of God, God is love. And unless each one of these gifts is put right in the center of love, it'll become selfish and indifferent, and pull itself off, and isolate itself, and cross over, and fuss and stew. But when it's anchored right into the middle of love, it'll fellowship everywhere. And that's right. That's exactly what we need. The church is dying for love, brother.
Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham

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