
The devil hasn't got one legal right at all nowhere

They didn’t go very far until they got into some trouble. Every time when you start to make a march for God, look out you’re headed for trouble. The devil’s going to lay right along the path there to get every foot in he can get in. He will trip you, upset you, do everything mean. He’s a devil. Oh, I just love to pour the Scripture on him, don’t you? Yes, sir. Say, “It’s written in the Word of the Lord.” That’s right. God said so. The devil hates me, and I know he hates you too. And he—he's my enemy. But as long as God's my friend I don't have no fear of him. I just drive him right on back, take the Word of God and move him right on back out of his… out of the place that he thinks he's a holding. He hasn't got no strongholds. He's absolutely legally defeated in every place. The devil hasn't got one legal right at all nowhere. He's just a devil, and a password that's all. He hasn't got no legal right to any man that'll accept the promise of Jesus Christ. He's whipped. Yes, sir. He's whipped in sickness; he's whipped in disappointments; he's whipped in everything. He's whipped in death. He can't scare me; he can't scare you. That's all he is a big old shadow. So he just might as well get on down the street. I just seen his red light go over the hill awhile ago, didn’t you? He’s gone. Yes, sir. All right. Praise the Lord. I begin to feel pretty good now. You know you kinda get a little stiff and tried. I guess I’m getting old. But when I go to feeling His Presence coming, now I forget about being old...
Speak To The Rock - 53-1115A - William Branham

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