
The Holy Spirit got a hold of him

One time up in Kentucky, up in the mountain country where I come from, I was preaching. And I… Early in the afternoon I was preaching on hell fire and brimstone for the unbeliever. There was an old logger setting back there, and I said, “All you drunkards (and he was one),” I said, “you better repent. Get right with God.”

There’d been a fellow come in the night before that was cutting corn, and he had a—a big nail sticking in his overalls. He said, “We’ll go up there (I’d been preaching for about a year),” said, “we’ll throw that little preacher out the window.”

So he come at the door. Someone come told me, said, “That’s the roughest bunch there is around here.” Standing there, great big, burly-looking fellow, his arms crossed, beard hanging on his face, about thirty years old: oh, he was a mean-looking man. And he kept looking at me. I just kept preaching right on, “Repent or perish.”

He stayed a little too long. The Holy Spirit got a hold of him. He fell in the floor; he couldn’t get to the altar quick enough. He come with his hands up over his head crying, “God, be merciful to me.”

The next night his little child set back there. His little girl handed me a little bunch of flowers when I come in the door. She said, “Brother Bill, we’ve got a new daddy at home. I want to show you that I love you for coming up here, and letting Jesus make a new daddy for us.”
Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0609E - William Branham

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