
But I’m no good

91 I’m looking at a man now, setting in the back of the room here. I remember telling him that, on an old barn stall one day, by a manger.

And he said, “But I’m no good.”

92 I said, “I know you’re not.” And I said, “I’m not, either.” But I said, “You’re looking at what you are. And quit looking at what you are, and look what He is.”

He said, “If I could just get rid of these cigarettes, Brother Branham, I—I—I would be a Christian.”

93 I said, “Don’t get rid of them. You’re trying to get good and then come to Him. He never come to save good man; He come to save bad man that knowed they were bad.”

He said, “Well…”

I said, “Listen, you don’t want to go to hell, do you?”

He said, “No.”

94 I said, “Well, you don’t have to. He died that you might not have to go.”

He said, “What do I have to do?”

I said, “Nothing. It’s just that simple.”

He said, “But if I can ever…”

95 I said, “There you go, back to that cigarette again. Quit thinking about that cigarette. Just remember, think about Him, what He did, what He is; not what you are. You’re no good; and you never was, and never will be. But, what He is, He’s the One!” And I said, “Now, the only one thing you have to do; if He took your place down there, you just willingly accept what He did. Only thing you have to do is just accept it.”

“Why,” he said, “that’s simple. I’ll do that.”

96 I said, “Here is the creek.” See? I brought him up here and baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ.

64-0726E - "Broken Cisterns"
Rev. William Marrion Branham


Love, just that good, Christian, godly Love

17 Try to do something good and just keep being good; hold no malice, no grudges, don’t let any bitterness. No matter how bad the person is and how bad they talk about you, don’t you never think evil in your heart against them; ’cause right there the devil will set right in, work up something right there. Just keep it all covered up with godly love, confession, and making right, and do good to those who do evil to you. “If you only do good to those who do good to you, why,” Jesus said, “don’t the publicans the same?” See? The sinners, anybody can be good to those that’s good to them. But be good to those who are not good to you, do something for those that would not do nothing for you. Speak a good word for the man that would speak evil against you, and that way you keep all the bitterness out of your heart; and you’re always in love with everybody then, as long as you stay in love.

18 Now you say, “Well, they did…” We’re not the judge, God is the Judge. And you won’t want that poor fellow to be cast away, would you? Certainly not, no matter who they are. You wouldn’t want that, so try to be kind to them. “And love hides a multitude of sin.” Uh-huh. Yes, sir. Love, just that good, Christian, godly Love.

60-1207 - "The Pergamean Church Age"
William Marrion Branham


Cause you've got to have love one for another

Now, everybody wants to be loved. I tell you the truth. I do. I want God to love me, and I want the people to love me. That’s exactly the truth. And if God loves me, then the people will love me. And if I love His people, then He will love me for doing it. God would rather I’d love you, than love Him. Did you know that? I’d rather you love my boy back there, no matter what you say about me. I want you to love my children. And any father would think that. So Father God thinks the same thing for He said, “Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have did it unto Me.” So if you want to love God, just start loving all of His children. And God will reward you. If you’ll just love His children that shows the love of God is in you.

12 Jesus said, “This is the way that all the people to know that you’re—you’re children of God and passed from death unto Life, when you have love one for another.” Then you’ll know it. Not because you can have a big church, that’s all right. Not because that you have a lot of fine ministers come by, that—that’s good, too. But it’s because that you have love one for another.

Now, when this revival’s over and you all go to your respective churches…We’re not here to proselyte, and tell you, “All leave one church and go to another.” You keep your church. Try to bring some sinners into that church.

Then when you go back to your respective church, go back with such a heart full of love. And that—that woman that you just couldn’t stand or that man, love him or her anyhow. They’ll know you got something out of the meeting then. That’s right. If you don’t do that, then you—you—you haven’t gained anything yet. ’Cause you’ve got to have love one for another. Then the people…The—the outside world will know that you’ve passed from death unto Life when you have love one for another.
55-0301 - "Elijah"
William Marrion Branham

That's the way to make the world salty

Jesus said, “You’re the salt of the earth. But if the salt’s lost it’s savour (That’s its strength.), it is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trod under the foot of man.” About here last year, I was holding your convention for the Foursquare people in California, and I passed the Salt Lake Deserts and that’s what I seen then, the salt left its savour, nothing but just to make walks out of.

13 But salt is a savour if it contacts. You—you have a piece of meat here, and a barrel of salt here, you’ve got to get them together to, the salt to the meat or the meat to the salt, to preserve the meat. And that’s the way it is. We’ve got to get the believer with the unbeliever. That’s right. You’ve got to get them into the Church, into the salty bunch of people. And you know, salt—salt also makes a thirst, doesn’t it? And if you eat salt, you get thirsty. And God wants His Church so salty, till the whole world will thirst to be like them (That’s right. See?), just thirsty, just thirsty. Just think, say, “Oh, if I could only live the way that woman lived. If she ain’t the most sweetest, peaceful person, never out of humor, never is fussy. She’s always kind, trying to do something to help somebody else. Why, she’s a credit to any man’s church.”

Yes, sir, that man used…He’s a neighbor; he’s a gentleman; he’s just so full of the love of God. You can see him at all hours of night on his knees somewhere praying. He’s always ready to go do something; he’s always talking about the Lord Jesus and His mercy. That’s the way to make the world salty. Act like that.
55-0301 - "Elijah"
William Marrion Branham


Come up here where I am

I believe I’ve told the little story here, about the man setting a hen and had an eagle egg under it. And when that eagle hatched out, he was the funniest-looking bird that them chickens ever seen. But, he walked around. He was the—he was the ugly one among them, because he just couldn’t understand how that hen will cluck and scratch on that manure pile and eat. He couldn’t get the idea. She would say, “Come on over and feast, honey!” But he—he was a eagle; he just didn’t eat like that. It wasn’t his food.

82 So she would catch grasshoppers and what-more, you know, and call the little chickens. And all them little chickens would go along, cluck along, and eat. But the little eagle just couldn’t do it. It didn’t—didn’t look right to him.

So one day his mammy come hunting him.

83 And he would hear that hen cluck. He would try his best to cluck, but he couldn’t do it. He tried to cheep like a chicken, but he couldn’t do it. See, he was a eagle. He, to start with, he was a eagle. He was just hatched under a hen.

That’s like some church members. Every…That’s about the way it is; about one out of a setting, is right.

84 But one day his mammy flew over, and she screamed. He recognized it. That sounded right. Why? He was a eagle, to begin with.

That’s the way it is with the Gospel, or the Word, or the Power of Jesus Christ. When a man has been predestinated to Eternal Life, he hears that true ring, scream of God, nothing can keep him from It.

The church might say, “Days of miracles is past,” cluck, cluck, cluck. “Stand here and eat this, and stand here and eat that.”

85 That barnyard stuff won’t do for him, anymore. He is gone! “All things are possible!” He gets off the ground.

That’s why, the matter with so many Christians today, they can’t get their feet off the ground.

The old mammy said, “Son, jump! You’re an eagle. Come up here where I am.”

He said, “Mom, I never jumped, in my life.”

86 She said, “Well, you jump! You’re a eagle, to begin with. You’re not a chicken.” So he made his first jump and flopped his wings; didn’t do too good, but he got off the ground.

That’s the way we do. We accept God by faith, by the written Word. There is something in there; it’s that Eternal Life. You were predestinated to it.

87 His grandpa and grandma were eagles. He was a eagle, all the way back. Eagle don’t mix with other things. He is not a hybrid at all, he is a eagle.

88 Then, after you recognized the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You have then been formed into the living image of the living God. You heard from your theophany. “If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting.”
65-0221E - "Who Is This Melchisedec?" William Marrion Branham


So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else

104 THUS SAITH THE LORD, it’ll take perfect love to put you in that place, for that’s all there was there. No matter what money, how much religious demonstrations, how many good deeds you done or whatever you done, that won’t count nothing on that day. It’ll take perfect love. So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else until you are just so filled with the love of God till you can love those who hate you.

105 I’m just, as I said this morning, I was made, my whole make-up is grace. A lot of people say, “Now, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Yeah, you do something for me and I’ll do something for you.” That’s not grace. Grace is, if your back is itching, I’ll scratch it anyhow, whether you scratch mine or not; you can slap me on the face, and say “my back needs itchi-…, or, needs scratching,” I’ll scratch it. See? That’s it, do something. I don’t believe in works. I believe that works is love. Works is—works is the manifestation that grace has taken place. I don’t live true to my wife because I believe she’d divorce me if I didn’t, I live true to her because I love her.

106 I don’t preach the Gospel because I think I’d go to hell if I didn’t, I preach the Gospel because I love Him. Certainly.
60-0522E - "Adoption #4" William Marrion Branham


You look on, towards Calvary

You don’t live for yourself. You live for others, that you might redeem that man. You become sons. And the trouble of it is, the church has forgot they were sons. You’re a son. You’re taking Christ’s place. You’re a son, so don’t live for yourself. Live for others.
87 “Well, Brother Branham, I can live for this brother, because he sure is a nice man.” That’s not it.
88 Live for that man who hates you. Live for that person who would kill you if they could. That’s what they done to Him. They killed Him, and He died, that He might save them. That’s Eternal Life. When, you, that’s in your bosom, you’re facing Heaven then. But you sacrifice your own things, give them up, like the sheep gives its wool. You look on, towards Calvary.
89 I hope this helps you to get in a place. That’s what the tabernacle, that’s what all people, has got to do, is find out what you are, and what’s the purpose.
60-0925 - "That Day On Calvary" William Marrion Branham


Let your children, let your family, let your loved ones, see It in you

361 It’s crying out, you see. The Blood of Jesus Christ cries out, but there is forgiveness in It if you’ll just accept It. Wish we could stay a little while on that, see, “Blood speaketh better thing.” 362 Believe, for safety. Then apply, see. Believe for…Here is what you want to believe for. See, you want your own safety. You believe for your safety, and then apply the Token for the whole family. See? You say, “How can I do that?” Claim It! If It worked on you, then you and the Word becomes one. Amen! Amen! See? See, It works for both of you. You and the Word are one, then apply It to your children, apply It to your loved ones. 363 Like Rahab did, she applied the token to her father, she applied it to her mother, she applied it to her brothers and sisters, and got them all in. 364 You apply It, say, “Lord, I’m going after my son. I’m going after my daughter. I claim her!” “Satan, you turn her loose! I’m coming after her. I apply my Token, the Holy Spirit.” “O Holy Spirit, that lives within me, catch my daughter there. I’m going to her now, with Your anointing upon me.” He’ll do it. Amen. 365 That’s what they did in Egypt. That’s what they did in Jericho. 366 You want to read another one, Acts 16:31. Paul told the centurion, “Believe on the Message of the hour. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou and thy house shall be saved.” That right? Believe for your house, bring them all under. “Now you’ve seen the God of Heaven perform a miracle. It’s before judgment. Do you believe it?” “Yes! What can I do?” 367 He said, “Rise and be baptized.” Paul took him out and baptized him, said, “Now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved.” 368 Believe what? Believe the Lord Jesus Christ, for your house, apply the Token to your house. 369 Then what do you do when you apply It to your house? Move all the trash out. Get all the short skirts, and the shorts, and the cards, and the cigarettes, and televisions, and whatever more, and kick them out the door, when you go apply the Token; won’t stand still for it. Yes, sir. Take it all out. All the dances, and parties, and rock-and-roll, and old vulgar newspapers, and the stuff that’s of the world, kick it out the door, say, “We’re cleaning out this place around here.” 370 Like Jacob did, he said, told his wife and all of them, said, “Wash your clothes and everything. Put away them gods.” Amen. Jo-… 371 You know what Joshua said before crossing over? He said, “Wash your clothes; come not at your wives, and so forth, and get ready, for within three days we’ll cross Jordan.” Amen. He was getting ready, was applying the token. Amen. That’s it. 372 Get ready. Apply It. Believe It. Clean up. Let your children, let your family, let your loved ones, see It in you. That’s right. It’ll take effect. Yes, sir!
63-0901M - "Token" Rev. William Marrion Branham

That's the greatest thing could ever happen

128 “A little while, and the world won’t see Me no more, yet you’ll see Me. I’ll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. I will not leave you comfortless. I’ll pray the Father; He’ll send you another Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the world cannot receive; yet, you can receive Him.” 129 Now notice. The “greater” works, was to have the Power in the Church, not only to heal the sick by prayer, cast out devils by prayer, but to impart Eternal Life to believers. The Holy Ghost was coming, and given into the hands of the Church, to impart Life. Oh! That’s what Calvary meant. It took stooped, degraded men and women, and lifted them into a place, to be sons and daughters of God, to heal the sick and to impart Eternal Life; by giving the Holy Ghost to obedient believers, men who were once unbelievers, be made believers, and impart spiritual, Eternal Life. 130 How much greater is it: To say, “This sick woman laying here, I can pray a prayer of faith and she’ll be healed,” that’s a great thing, that’s what He was doing then; “but,” said, “greater than this shall you do; I’m going to give you Power, not only to raise him up for a while, but to give him Eternal Life, which will be Eternal, forever.” 131 Poor, blind, wretched people, how do you miss that? Don’t you see what the “greater” thing is? That’s the greatest thing could ever happen, was to impart Eternal Life to people. What is Eternal Life? The Life that He lived, the Life that was in Him, impart That to others. Can a man do that? A son of God can.
60-0925 - "That Day On Calvary" Rev. William Marrion Branham