
Nothing can defeat the purpose of God

And I know today, being my birthday, that I'm getting to be an old man. I looked at myself in the glass, and I see that that little boy that built this tabernacle is not that little boy any more. He's becoming an aged man, stooping shoulders, the beard turning gray, the hair going out. But nothing can defeat the purpose of God; nothing can. Therefore, I rest assured upon the promise, "Because I live, ye shall live also." I join with Job of old, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last day He will stand on the earth." It's a purpose that God has. I must serve this purpose. My whole life must be brought into His purpose and to His program. Each of us is that way.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham


Stay right with it

The Bible said the Gospel came to us not in word only, but through the power, manifestations of the Holy Ghost. In other words, it's the Holy Ghost taking the Word of God and making It manifest. See? And otherwise the only way that the signs of Mark 16 can follow the believer is that the Holy Spirit Himself takes the Word of God and demonstrates it to the people. That's it. Now, faith makes that Word live. See, the Word is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And then Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, ask what you will and it'll be done for you." See? That's staying with Christ in the Word. Don't go right or left; stay right with it. See? And then it's actually not your word then; it's His Word, and His Word has the power and authority behind It.

Confirmation Of The Commission - 62-0122 - William Branham


He is the eternal Achievement

First, He's the Way; second, He's the Truth; third, He's the Light; fourth, He's the only eternal Fou--Foundation; and fifth, He's the only eternal Happiness and Joy; sixth, He is the only lasting Achievement. He is. You tell me somewhere, or some place, that you could go, or something you could do, or something you could achieve, that would be everlasting outside of Jesus Christ. Tell me if you could build a house that would be everlasting. Tell me you could build a popularity, be eternal. Tell me you could get enough riches that'd be eternal riches. You cannot do it, nothing outside of Jesus Christ. He is the eternal Achievement. And if you have achieved ever so much in your life, you have never achieved the eternal thing yet until you have found Christ Jesus and have got Him into your heart. He is the eternal Achievement.

To Whom Would We Go? - 60-0606 - William Branham


Don't never be upset

God don't want you to be frowning. God wants you to be happy. The human heart was made to be happy. Worry will cause cancer. Temper will cause cancer. Don't never be upset. Just walk in His love. Amen. Knowing that you're walking in Him, and nothing can harm you. There's nothing can harm you. There's neither powers, things present, things future, nothing can separate us from Him. We're in Him. And we never come in by our own will. He, by choice, elected us and brought us in to Him. Amen. So it's His business to take care of what He's took Hisself. "No man can pluck them from My Father's hands, 'cause He's the greatest of all of them." Amen. It's the Father Who takes care of it. Who's got any more power than God? So what kind of a power have you got over you to take of you? The whole powers that created the universes. Amen.

The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham


The best thing you can do is answer always

I wish I could stand where he did. Wished I could stand in that place where he was standing. You know what I'd do? Oh, I wouldn't be interested in so much church affairs; I'd fall on my face and say, "Dear Lord Jesus, the Master of Life, give to me Your pardoning grace," if I had the opportunity to stand before Him. I believe that's about the feeling of everybody here tonight. We'd do the same thing. I... But today it's just like it was then. We're so taken up with so many things in the church we got to do, so much the church requires us, and so much places to go, till really, we fail many times to receive the opportunity. And maybe, some night we got to go practice for song service. We got to do something else. Something, maybe, religious nature, but when the Holy Spirit is speaking at your heart, the best thing you can do is answer always, no matter what it is, what time of night, or what kind of an errand you're on, 'cause He might not speak no more for a long time, and maybe never.

The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham


Then you're going to see something happen

Now, I want you to notice: the lamb was a silent lamb. The Bible said, "He opened not His mouth. Like a sheep before the shearers, He was dumb." He didn't open His mouth. He wasn't a Fellow that wants his rights. No, sir, He was willing to forfeit His rights. He was a silent Man.
But today, oh, my, how we want our differences. Oh, my. "I tell you, you just let somebody say something to me; I'll go over and get him, boy; I'll take him apart. I'll tell that old hypocrite when I see her. You just wait till I see her. Bless God, hallelujah. Uh-huh." The Dove just takes His flight and goes on away. That's right. The Holy Spirit's not with you any more, as long as you feel that way. Just mark that down in your book. It'll never do it. The Holy Spirit just won't stay around where that kind of a spirit is. It's got to be a lamb spirit, a gentle spirit, or It just won't stay with it; that's all there is to it. If it ain't a gentle, meek, led by the Holy Spirit... And if anything comes up, It just don't even notice it, just goes on. See? And the very minute that it turns aside, you know, that's the very, the...

When you turn aside... You know, the first sin started of a person turning aside just for a minute. Did you know that? The Bible said so. Eve turned aside just a moment to hear what Satan had to say, and he painted a picture so pretty to her till she actually thought it was the Truth. And she listened to him.
And the only thing the devil wants you to do, is just turn aside just for a few minutes. He can paint the picture, say, "Now, look here. You know, brother, you know, sister, if they were the right kind of people, they wouldn't do this. If they just did this right here, you know." He can make it so real to you until it becomes a real truth. That's right. But remember, it's the devil.
I don't care how lowdown they are, how far they've stooped in sin; it's your business to put an arm around them and lift them up by the love of God. Where was you when the Dove of God lifted you out of the miry clay? It's your business, my friend. This world is dying for a little bit of love. The...

I want you to notice this animal too, this little animal; it was a silent lamb because it didn't... When He was reviled, He reviled not again. He didn't rail and carry on, and fuss and stew, and go on, He didn't do it. When somebody... When He was reviled, He reviled not again. He opened not His mouth.
But you let somebody do something to you or me, oh, my, we blow up like a toad frog eating buckshot, puff out like a--like an old goose. "I'll tell you right now; he stepped on my toes like that again, I'll never go back to that old church again. No, sir. Bless God. Hallelujah. The Nazarenes will receive me, the Pilgrim Holiness, they'll take me. Hallelujah. I don't have to do it no more." All right, the Dove takes Its flight.
"You know what? If that old hypocrite goes to that church, I'll never go again. Bless God, I'll never do it." When that thing strikes you, that old snarling wolf, the Dove takes Her flight. That's right. Then the Holy Ghost is gone.
Then you wonder what's the matter with you. You wonder what's the matter with the church. You wonder what's the matter with you. Why ain't you got victory like you used to have? You changed your nature. You become a goat instead of a lamb. You become something else besides a lamb.
You've got to get that real meek Spirit, "Let the Holy Ghost lead me wherever. God, I love every sinner, no matter where they are." That kind of a place get in the human heart, then you're going to see something happen.

The Church And Its Condition - 56-0805 - William Branham


We have doctrine

But in every church, we have doctrine. Many times, in organizations, denominations, they have a creed. And they stay on that creed, "This is our creed." No matter what the minister thinks, he's got to preach the creed because he's in the denomination. And in here, we don't have no creed but Christ, that's the creed; and no law but love; no book but the Bible. And Christ is the Head; and the Bible is our Textbook; the world is my parish. So I like--I like to just preach the way that I feel led to preach, and just the way that I see it.

The Mark Of The Beast - 54-0513 - William Branham


You have to have those things made right first

Now, when we're going to be prayed for for our sickness, I wonder if we have done everything that God requires us to do. Have we followed every iota of the Scripture? Have we give Him our hearts and lives to service? What's the reason you want to be healed? That's the reason you can't get faith enough (See?), because you haven't maybe made this thing to God sincerely from your heart. Like Hezekiah did, give God the reason, he wanted to set his--his kingdom in order. And God sent His prophet back and told him, and he'd be healed. See? But you have to have those things made right first. So then as soon as you get to these places and know that it's been revealed to you by the Word of God, by the revelation, by the Word that God requires you to do, then you have faith, genuine faith.

I Have Heard But Now I See - 65-1127E - William Branham


You'd better get your lamp trimmed

If the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and those others, are come seeking for the Holy Ghost, you'd better get your lamp trimmed. Trimmed, trimmed, yes, it needs trimming. Pentecost, better be trimming some lamps. Amen. Get a lot of this world cut away from you. You done got corroded over. The wicks got in bad shape. You know that wick is a great thing. I used to watch. What a real wick of God is a--a believer, is a wick. Look, he's got a fire on one end, up here, and the other end's dipped into oil, drawing oil and making fire. What a--what a church, what a power. What a place to be. Hallelujah. Shining that same Gospel light that shines in the east, is shining in the west. It shall be light in the evening time. Rise, trim your lamp, Pentecost. Trim off the world; trim off the fashions of the world; trim off the things of the world. Get ready; the hour is at hand.

The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham


He does not have any amputations

God, before the foundation of the world, looked down through the stream of time and saw everything that would be. And therefore, He could call and elect those who He knew that He would put into His building. That's right. And if you've been called tonight by the Holy Ghost and given a chance to come into the Kingdom of God, happy ought you to be. Amen. If you're in the Kingdom of God, and you're a part of the body of Christ, thanks be to God. You live the life. You do the things that's right. And remember, this might sink just a little bit rough when it goes down, but let it digest awhile. If you're in the body of Christ, He does not have any amputations. No, His body's perfect, it don't need any amputations. Amen.

The Infallible Word Of God - 56-0406 - William Branham

Brother, you're just hungry

50. Now, they went and got some of this manna. You know, David must have tasted a little of that. Did you ever taste any of this spiritual manna? I seen people get so much of it till they lick their lips. I have. Just a real gastronomical jubilee (Amen.), spiritually speaking, oh my, it fills you out. You know when you get real weak and eat a great big square meal, how good you feel?
You know, a fellow will go to a doctor and say, "Doctor, I'm sick, I'm weak." Say, "What's the matter?"
"Don't know." He asks him a little physical things.
"Well, yes, that's all right."
"Well, when did you eat last?"
"I ate a half a cracker day before yesterday."
"Brother, you're just hungry."
That's what's the matter with the Church today, it's anemia. Because they're not getting enough spiritual food. If they got the Bible, brother, it would put the Blood of Christ into the veins of the believer. New life, Life comes from the Blood. Amen. The anemia condition of the Church, pitiful, pale cheeked, my, my. We need a transfusion to start us off. Amen.

Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham

Respect them all the same

And today, that's the thing today when we see people, and people are so subject in this day to jumping at little flowery thing, till it makes you kind of wonder sometimes. Don't never think above--one man above another. No, sir, no matter who he is, if he's just a little old fellow out here giving tracts out on the street, and if he's a--a Billy Graham. No matter who he is, if he's God's servant, respect them all the same, everyone. Don't have one above another and favorites. We don't have that. Don't do that. And don't respect one person above another. Be... Let--let everybody be on the level. And brother and sister, in Jesus' precious Name, please think of your humble brother as the lowest of those brothers. You see? Just as... I--I don't say that to be humble. I say that from my heart because I mean it. It's Jesus Christ that I'm trying to represent to you (See?), Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Being Led Of The Holy Spirit - 56-0219 - William Branham

That's the Gospel in action

He never ordained us to build any church. He never ordained us to make a hospital, to make a school, or have a seminary. He never one time commissioned us to do that. All them things are good, but yet He did commission us to preach the Gospel to all the world. And we've built schools, and seminaries, and taught theology, and one third of the world is all that's heard about Jesus yet. But after all, passing tracts is not preaching the Gospel. "The Gospel came not in word only," said Paul, "but through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost." See, you're... Not just teach the Word, but preach, make manifest the Word. The Word has to be made alive. It's a dead letter until it's made manifest. And then it's quickened, and it's brought to pass, what God said about it. That's the Gospel in action, the New Testament Christianity.

Why I'm Praying For The Sick - 54-0314 - William Branham


We see she's budding

I see that old six-point star of David, the oldest flag in the world, hanging yonder. Why can't the nation see it? And to think that our own beloved nation is going to hook up with the Arabs, look like. They'll be cursed just as sure. They've spurned the--the mercy of God. Now they must stand judgment. See that old flag hanging yonder? See the desert coming forth like a rose blossoming? See those Jews coming back from way down in Iran, been there for twenty-five hundred years. The Bible said, "They'd be carried back to Jerusalem on eagle's wings." You see those great United Airlines bringing them back on the wings of an eagle, as it was. Them getting off the ships and looking and saying, "Where is the Messiah?"... You said, "When the fig tree puts forth her buds, know summer's nigh." We see she's budding.

Then Jesus Came - 57-0407E - William Branham

He knew He was the Word

Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.

His Unfailing Words Of Promise - 64-0120 - William Branham


We're going to rise again some of these days

See, the solar system controls botany life, the sun, s-u-n. And just us soon as that warm sun moves from around behind the earth, and gets back around here, there's a germ of life somewhere in there that no scientist can find, but that little flower lives again. It's served its purpose. It lives again, because it's life. Well, if God made a way for the solar system to raise up again a life that served Him, what about the S-o-n when He comes with Eternal Life? And we have Eternal Life. We're going to rise again some of these days. Let's just serve our purpose well. Whatever we are, let's serve it. Whatever place God's put you, let's serve it. For the S-o-n is going to rise one of these days with healing in His wings. I want to come forth then, in the brightness and the glory of His resurrection. I want to walk arm-in-arm with each one of you, up before His Presence.

Life - 62-0719B - William Branham


He is a good God

God is a good God. We hear so much about Him being a good God, and I believe He is a good God. That's right. He is a good God. But if He's a good God, He's got to be a just God. He can't give us a commandment to do something another, and we disobey it and expect to escape the judgment. He's also a God of wrath, a God of judgment. That's what makes Him a good God, because He keeps His Word. He watches over It. So we can't expect to do wrong these things that we do and get by with it. No. We just... He's not too... He's not so... He's good; that is true. I don't want you to misunderstand me. But God is a good God. That is exactly right. But remember, the only way He can be good is to be just. And if He's just, He has to keep His own commandments. And if He keeps His commandments, it's wrong for Christians to intolerate with the world.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


Our soul's on His altar

Now, you people talking about getting the Holy Ghost and how you have to wait so long, here you are. Until God receives that sacrifice, until it's laid on His judgments there, until His judgment has actually killed your senses... You might say, "Well, I'm going to turn a new page." That ain't it. "Well, I know I used to smoke; I'm going to quit smoking." That still isn't it. Until God receives that sacrifice on His brass altar, His altar of judgment... What is His judgment? Death. That's the penalty. The soul that sinneth that remains in that, shall die. I don't care what you done. Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and done that?' He'd say, 'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.'" See? When that sacrifice is received by the fire, and it goes up like that, and the smoke goes up, you rise with your sacrifice into the heavenlies, and you're sealed away from the things of the world then. Our soul's on His altar.

You Must Be Born Again - 61-1231M - William Branham


He knows the way; we don't

68. And there's always been an ark in God's economy. There was a ark in the days of Noah for the saving of his people. There was an ark in the days of the law, the ark of testimony in the days of the law. They followed the ark, and there is a third dispensation now, like Noah's time, Lot's time, and now this time. There's a ark now, and that ark is not a denomination; neither is it a good works that you do; it's by one Spirit. Romans 8:1: We're all baptized into one body in the domain of that Kingdom, one spiritual baptism. No matter how good, how bad, whatever, you're in that Kingdom by--by Holy Ghost baptism. See? That's the only way you'll overcome. It's all that is under the shed Blood is overcomers, 'cause you cannot overcome yourself; it's He that overcome for you. You're resting.
"How do I know then, Brother Branham, that I'm in there?" Watch what kind of a life you're living. Just look around. See if it's just lived out of you automatically. Or do you have to strain and pull (See?), then you're doing it. But don't try to do it.

70. Just how, just--just--just like putting a little baby's arm in a sleeve-hole (You see?), he's just up, down, over, and everything else. See? He can't do it. "Put on your coat, honey." He can't do it. His little arm's up, down, and around. It takes your steady hand. And oh, how glad I am that I can just yield my hand to Father, say, "Lord Jesus, I can't get in there. You help me; put the coat on me. I quit trying." Just let Him do it.

71. See, if the little baby keeps trying, "Oh, I can do it; I can do it." And he's just everywhere; He can't do it. Neither can you; neither can I. But if we just hold still and let Him do it, just yield to Him, "Here, Lord, here I am. Just--just let--let me be nothing. And I--I--I yield; You put my hand in the right place." That's the victory; that's overcoming.
The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your ideas, your things, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we don't.

How Can I Overcome - 63-0825M - William Branham


Perfect love casts out all fear

There's only two faculties that govern a human, and one of them is--is faith, which brings results; and the other is fear, which has no value in it at all. Faith is of God. Fear is of the devil. Fear makes you weary; fear makes you wonder. And if I was going to die in the morning, what good would it do me to get all stewed up about it? What if I was going to be electrocuted in the morning, and my life had to end tomorrow morning, what good would that do me to worry about it? "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.

The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


Is that the end of that flower?

Well, when death strikes the little flower, you notice it bows its little head, just as reverent. The petals drop off, and the leaves drop off, and a little black seed falls out. Then they have a funeral procession. The rains come and cry down in the fall of the year, bury the little fellow. And then the first thing you know the freeze comes. Maybe the little seed's laying about that deep under the ground where the fall's rains buried it. And then after while, the see--the real cold spell comes and it freezes. Then the little old seed freezes. The pulp burst, runs out of it. The seed bursts open and the pulp runs out. And then the winter continues on through the blizzards, and the blizzard after blizzard. Then after while along about February, the last of February, first of March, the stalk's gone, the bulb's gone, the seed's gone, the pulp's gone, the petal's gone, the flower's gone. Everything there is is gone. Is that the end of that flower? No, sir. Just let that sun begin to warm that earth again and that flower will live again. Why? There's a germ of life in that flower that no man can find or no winter can freeze out. God has made it in His Own way, and that little germ of life is preserved in that ground, and that flower will live again. Well, if God made a way for a flower to live again, what about a man who's made in His image? There's a way somewhere for that to live again.

Show Us The Father And It'll Satisfy Us - 53-0610


God will make a way through it

They were on their road marching then, come out, there was a Pillar of Fire before them, and they marched on to the Red Sea. And when they got there, right in the line of duty laid an obstacle. And first thing you know, fear struck them, and they didn't know what to do. That's the way people does today. When fear strikes them when they're right in the path of duty... Listen, brother, let me say this: If you're walking in the light, having fellowship with God, with His people, and the Holy Spirit is upon you, and you meet an obstacle right in the path of duty, don't stop, just keep pressing on. God will make a way through it. That's one of the greatest experiences of my life, is to see God. When I can't get over it, get under it, get around it, or anyway, God opens up a way and I go through it. Somehow or another His grace is sufficient to carry us through it.

Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water - 60-0723 - William Branham

That's the life to live

But one of these glorious days Jesus shall come from in the Presence of God, and everything that we was in our best, we'll return again and be with Him forever. Hallelujah. What is these bodies made out of? A little cosmic light, a few atoms, and of petroleum, and so forth, put together, that God brought out of dust of the earth, and painted a picture. And we're only living in the negative now. And some glorious day death will develop the picture, and we'll return again in a new glorified body, to never be old, never be sick, never have a heartache. It behooves you, brother, to enter in at the court veil, shut the world off around you, and consecrate yourself to Christ, and live a consecrated life. Don't you believe that? Certainly, it is. Oh, that's the life to live. How many in here say, "Brother Branham, by the grace of God I'd like to live that kind of life."? Raise you hand, "I'd like to live that kind of life." God bless you. I believe we need that, don't you?

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


That's how long you're sealed

And when the Christian is packed with the Gospel, filled with the goodness of God, all the good things of God laying in him, with an open heart, ready to work, willing to be positionally placed, do anything that the Holy Spirit tells him to do, passed from death unto Life, sanctified from all the things of the world, walking in the Light as the Light comes to him, moving on; he's ready. Then God shuts the door of the world behind him, and kicks it together like that, and seals him with the Holy Ghost of promise. Hallelujah. How long? Until the destination. Don't get him out here on the railroad track, and break it open, and see if everything's all right again. It's all right; just leave it alone. The Inspector has done inspected it. How long are you sealed? Until the day of your redemption. That's how long you're sealed.

Adoption #4 - 60-0522E - William Branham


But we don't have to live there

82. Now you're getting ready for the journey (See?); you're ready for to go into the promised land, the testing time. There is the danger ground, the wilderness, the testing times.
Israel, in her testing time, she got to quarreling and fussing with one another, and loathing over the bread. And they wanted to go back to Egypt. And then they begin to complaining about their leader. Oh, they was afraid that he was leading them astray; after he'd showed himself to be a leader, and God had proved that he was the leader. "Well, maybe we've acted a little bit fanatically. And--and maybe we've got off, all on the wrong foot," or something like that. See? They was chatting against God and against Moses: God and His leader.

85. Now, when we get to a place, saying, "I don't know whether the Word means this, or not. And I don't know about the Holy Spirit; I'm a little bit skeptic of That. I know others that don't." Well, go on to Egypt. See?
But if you're really determined to stay on the road, stay right with this Leader, the Holy Spirit, stay right with the Word. And if you stay with the Spirit, It'll keep you in the Word. That's right. It'll take you right down along the line, the path of the Word. And don't be afraid of It. It won't hurt nothing; It'll just help you if you are hurt. It'll heal all the hurts; the Holy Spirit will.

87. Now, we find out that, along this road, after they got like this, they come to a place of Horeb. And H-o-r-e-b, Horeb, then we find out... Let's break that name down. That's where the--the name "Horeb" means, a "dry place" or a "desert."
And when we get out of fellowship with one another in the church, and out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit, it brings us to a dry place, a desert, nothing alive, everything got stickers on it. See, a--a desert, a little piece of cactus with that sticker on it. Did you know what that is? That's a precious little tender leaf that hasn't had no water; it's just wound itself up so tight till it's a sticker. And when you see somebody like that, maybe it's a precious soul that could been watered right, would've been a tender little leaf or something. But instead of that, it's wound itself up till it's a sticker, just punching at everything, you know, finding fault. Only thing it needs is just water. That's all. It just--it just needs a--a revival, or a breaking up, a refreshing from the Lord. It'll--it'll unfold its little self, if you'll just put it to the water.

89. But that's where them who live in that place has to suffer with the conditions of that place. And those who desire to live in that kind of an atmosphere of where everything's just punching and fussing, and quarreling and stewing like that, well, you'll just live under that atmosphere; that's all. But we don't have to live there; it's not necessary for us to stay there.

Ever Present Water - 61-0723M - William Branham


Sometimes our desires is not our need

36. But this morning, what I want to say is this, that this coming Christmas day finds the world in no better condition than it was nineteen or twenty hundred years ago when Christ come. It's not any different. Just about the same condition as it was then, so is it now. They... If I would draw a conclusion from what, or a text from what I'm going to say, would be: "The Falling Apart Of The World."
When Christ came on Christmas nineteen hundred years ago, the world was falling apart; everything had come to pollution. The religious world had been polluted. The Roman world, morally, was on its lowest ebb. Oh, the immorality of the world... The Jews had forsaken their God and taken their sacred solemn feasts and had made it a ritualistic tradition. God had departed from them. And they knew that there was something had to happen; the whole world did; because to keep it together... It was falling apart. And the something to keep it together, every nation in their own way was looking for something or someone to come to hold it together.

38. If that isn't the picture today, I don't know the world. It's looking for something to hold it together. It's just like it was two thousand years ago. The world two thousand years ago was looking for a Messiah to hold the thing together. But two thousand years ago, God gave the world a Messiah. Because if we're expecting something and looking for something, God will send it to us. And now, the world after two thousand years, has got back into the same condition it was two thousand years ago. She's dropping apart, nations... There's no--there's no foundation nowhere. Communism, Catholicism, Protestantism, politics, moral, everything has fallen apart.
And they're praying for a Messiah. But here's what I want to say: If He would come, would we receive Him, or would we do like they did? Would we refuse Him? Do we know what we really need? Sometimes we want--we pray for our desires, and sometimes our desires is not our need. We must realize that we do not understand what we need; we think we do. But God promised to supply our needs, and that He'll do.

40. Now, what if my little Joseph, seven years old, would want to go a-hunting with me, and would cry and scream to take my automatic shotgun loaded up with shells, "I can kill a rabbit, daddy"? Well, I--I could not let him do that, yet he--he thinks he needs it, but I know more about it than he does.
And what if your little baby of a year and a half old would see you shaving with a straight razor, and scream and cry for that razor? Yet he seen you shaving, he wants to do the same thing. Why, you know what's best for him. Yet you--you wouldn't let him have it, because if you're a sensible thinking father you wouldn't do such a thing as that; but you would keep it from him. And then many times that we want something that's contrary to God's knowing of what we have need of, so He wouldn't give it to us.

Falling Apart Of The World - 62-1216 - William Branham


Then God will take care of the rest of it

I feel sorry for fathers and mothers today, being a parent myself, and knowing one reason; I'm trying to get my children away from our city; we don't have any Christian schools there. And I want to get them somewhere where they'll be brought up in school, in a real fundamental school where they'll learn to love the Lord. The teaching that I can give them around home, yet they get out with that worldly crowd; the devil is a shrewd fellow, and he pushes that into them. If you keep them under the Spirit until they get old enough to receive the Holy Ghost and know what it's all about, then God will take care of the rest of it. But first they got them little adolescent days. Now, every person thinks of their children. While they're under your--your wings you can watch them. But once out from under the wings, then the devil's got every little old Oscar he can out there to associate with your children that's infidelic, and mean, and devilish, and everything else. God help us.

The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


That's the success of my meetings

51. David was a woodsman, a shepherd. He talked in the terms of shepherd, and woods, and so forth. One--in another Psalm he wrote, "As the hart panteth for the water brook, my soul thirst after Thee, O God."
Now, I'm a hunter, and I've hunt the world over, about. Now, did you ever see a deer wounded? "As the hart thirst for the water brook, so my soul thirst after Thee, O God."
Now, in Africa, Brother duPlessis, his country, they have wild dogs there, they catch the--the deer. And if you get a deer wounded, if he can get to water, you've lost your deer. As long as he can get to water... He will find water and he will go back this way, walk down, walk up the branch, and fa--fool the dogs, come back around, come over the hill, come back behind them again, walk into the branch, drink some more, until enough of that cold water clots the blood, and he can live. But if he can't find that water, he will die.

52. So is it. I've watched many times, the wolf after the--the deer. And if he can catch a little deer out to itself, that's the one they work on. There's a lesson. If he can catch a deer away from the herd, then he--that that's what the devil wants to do. So to you, young ladies, he wants you to go out with a boy that's not a Christian. To you, young men, he wants you to go out with some little painted Jezebel that's--that's not a Christian. That's where he wants to break you up. That's where he wants to--he wants to sock his teeth into you.
And this little deer will get out to itself, away from the herd. That's the one the wolf works on. And to you, old man or woman, when you separate yourself from believers... People say, "I can stay at home, be just as good a Christian as I can at church." You can't.
The Bible said, "Not forsake our assemble ourselves together, and that much more as we see the time coming."
If you're a Christian, you long to go where other Christians are, and fellowship with other Christians. So you cannot stay away from church and live the same life. You--you can't do it, because it's like, "I--I--I--I'm hungry, but I'll never go to a table. I just... I'll never eat. I just--I ain't going to do it." See? You've got to go and feed on the Word of God, and fellowship one with another.
We need one amother--another more now than we ever did need each other, is now. When you get yourself singled out from the rest of them making yourself just a little different, you don't want to associate with them because they believe this, and don't want to associate with that, you're getting on dangerous ground, right then, keeping away from church. Find the one of your choice, and remain there, and be a Christian brother to all of them. That's the way to be a real Christian. Then we've got fellowship, protection; people love you and pray for you.
That's the success of my meetings, is because real godly people pray for me. That's it. That's the reason success in my meetings. When I come in and introduce these things about the visions and things, there's a many old mother and dad, sister and brother, setting out there that believe that with all their heart. The Holy Spirit drops right down on them then. If they didn't do that, I have no way of doing it. No matter how great it would be for myself, it has to be for you the same. We have to do a unit, two of us together, to make the contact with God: you, as a believer, and myself, as a believer.

Thirsting For Life - 60-0304 - William Branham


Just drink, and drink, and drink, and drink

18. You people here in this country's apple raisers as I understand. You have a lot of agriculture, raising fruit. You know when you--that little apple tree's just about one half of an inch high, that every bushel of apples that'll ever come off of that tree is in it right then. You know every hundred pounds of leaves that'll ever fall off of that tree is in it right then. Every blossom is in it right then. Every branch is in it right then. If it isn't, tell me where it comes from. Where is it at? Where does it come from?
What do you do? You take the seed and you plant it. The little tree comes up, and it's planted. You have to keep watering it. It has to drink more than its portion. It has to drink, and drink, drink so much till it pushes out. And it'll push out limbs; it'll push out leaves; it'll push out apples. It's in it, but it has to keep drinking.
And every Word of God is a Seed. And if that Seed can be planted by the inexhaustible Fountain of Life, which is Christ, the believer has to drink beyond his imagination, drink and push out. Push out everything you have need of, 'cause it's in you when you receive Christ. And we are planted together in Christ. And He is the inexhaustible Fountain of Life.

19. And don't never be afraid to ask big things. God wants you to ask big things. He don't want you to be little petty and juvenile. He wants you to ask big things that your joys may be full.
Could you imagine a little fish about that big, way out yonder in the Atlantic Ocean, say, "I better drink just a little bit of this water, I might run out." Nonsense.
Could you imagine a little mouse about that big down there in the great garners of Egypt, saying, "I just better eat two grains a day, 'cause I might run out before summertime again." Well, that's nonsense. If they had ten hundred thousand rats that size, they'd never eat it up. And they had billions times billions of tons of them fish, they'd never drink the water up. And how many times could we multiply; you could never exhaust God in His powers and His mercies to His children. He's the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. Just drink, and drink, and drink, and drink.

Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham


We're nothing

Listen. Be conscious of your littleness. Who are you? Stick your finger in a bucket of water and pull it out, and find the hole you put your finger in. Then say, "That was me." You're nothing. You'll not be missed after, a little while after you're gone. They'll have a funeral possession out here, and that's all. But your influence will live on, and on, and on. That's why today in the midst of infidels, they've never been able to explain and get away from the influence of one Man, Jesus Christ, Who was God made flesh. When He stuck His life down here on earth, it made a suction of a place that draws all men unto Him in the great whirlpool of His life that was once on earth. You can't get near it without being drawed into it. But you and I, we're nothing. We're nothing.

Influence - 63-0112 - William Branham


We are now His attribute

There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. So if we have Eternal Life, we were with God right then, a part of God. We were His attribute. We are now His attribute. And because "In the beginning was the Word." And a word is a thought expressed. So we were His thoughts, then expressed into word and become what we are. That's the reason our names, maybe not what we have now, but our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. See? And if it wasn't there then, it'll never be there. See? And Jesus come to redeem all those, that's whose names were on that Book.

The Harvest Time - 64-1212 - William Branham