
Brother, you're just hungry

50. Now, they went and got some of this manna. You know, David must have tasted a little of that. Did you ever taste any of this spiritual manna? I seen people get so much of it till they lick their lips. I have. Just a real gastronomical jubilee (Amen.), spiritually speaking, oh my, it fills you out. You know when you get real weak and eat a great big square meal, how good you feel?
You know, a fellow will go to a doctor and say, "Doctor, I'm sick, I'm weak." Say, "What's the matter?"
"Don't know." He asks him a little physical things.
"Well, yes, that's all right."
"Well, when did you eat last?"
"I ate a half a cracker day before yesterday."
"Brother, you're just hungry."
That's what's the matter with the Church today, it's anemia. Because they're not getting enough spiritual food. If they got the Bible, brother, it would put the Blood of Christ into the veins of the believer. New life, Life comes from the Blood. Amen. The anemia condition of the Church, pitiful, pale cheeked, my, my. We need a transfusion to start us off. Amen.

Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham

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